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He is trying to say, I think, that MAN wrote the Bible.
PSWhy should I tell someone something if they never asked to hear it?
By the way, the Church of Satan has only been around since the late '60's. I don't see what evil works it might have orchestrated.
Very nice. Nice and profound. But alas, untrue.
PakoWhat do you mean, what are you trying to say?
SwiftI did ask to hear it.
This is untrue how?
PSJeff's a friend of mine that moved into the boonies. Somewhere near a mini-put/driving range. Bastard. I have no idea where he is now, really.
PSUntrue because it is a vast assumption and just an old saying.
Flame-returnsHe is trying to say, I think, that MAN wrote the Bible.
SwiftThere is much truth in it. If you don't have any stance for anything, it's much easier to sway you to another position. how is that not true?
Your PM was appreciated but not enlightening as that was information that could easily be deduced by looking at your posts across the opinions forum.
You noticed how I have not insulted or degraded your belief system or tried to site where people in history used it to do evil works?
PakoOh. Man wrote the Bible, man also made up the word Satan and it's meanings. I'm even less sure now what point of that post was.
How is that enlightening any misconceptions? These are all things I already know.
I said that Satanism is centered on "SELF" and that it is a "selfish" religion. You say this is a misconception, show me how? If you have taken "selfishness" as a negative description, that is your take on it. Satanism preaches that "selfishness" should be honored and catered to.
PSI meant the literal interpretation of the word before Christianity/Judahism was invented. Or any religion for that matter.
PSI dare you to site where people used it to do evil works.
SwiftI dare you to prove it hasn't.
SwiftI dare you to prove it hasn't.
PakoCan you fill in the blank? What does the word Satan mean to you? What did the word mean before any religion got a hold of it?
Flame-returnsI dare you to alienate yourself from the crusades.
SageI'm selfish, and my philosophy is Objectivism. No devils or Marilyn Manson here!
Seriously, satanism is not a philosophy based on selfishness (at least not rational selfishness), because I've yet to see an Objectivist who sees eye-to-eye with a satanist.
Um, so, why are you such a proponent for it?PSWhat does Marilyn Manson have to do with this?
And I'm not a Satanist.
By "selfish", I mean rational self-interest, not "gimme gimme at everyone's expense". So, um, yeah, that's what I mean.PakoBTW - I have never seen you be selfish.
PSI am Satanic, that is, a lot of my beliefs are the same as those of the Church Of Satan, however I am not a follower and do not hold myself to any of those.
I am a proponent for it, but that wasn't the purpose of this thread. It was to clarify misconceptions and settle disputes over it that started in the Creation Vs. Evolution thread.
Flame-returnsSome not all of his beliefs are in keeping with the Church Of Satan, read his last post again.
Ahh.... a soccer mom.Pako's carToyota~4Runner
PakoAnd what misconceptions have been clarified? And being "Satanic" aren't you supposed to only give your opinion when it is asked of you?