- 2,883
PakoAhh....a Pseudo-Satanist.
A pseudo-Satanist would be one who takes its' teachings out of context or abuses them.
Just like pseudo-Science.
PakoAhh....a Pseudo-Satanist.
Grand PrixEvery race car driver in the world is selfish to some extent.
SwiftOh, I have something. If Children are sacred because they don't "know" any better and adults aren't. Does that remind you of any biblical occorance near the beginning of the bible?
BurnoutThe Bible says to stay away from ignorant arguments.
I'm out of this one.
SwiftPS, did you miss this?
Then christians must really be the most hypocrytical people EVER. You must be in eternal turmoil with yourself.BurnoutThe Bible says to stay away from ignorant arguments.
James2097Then christians must really be the most hypocrytical people EVER. You must be in eternal turmoil with yourself.
It doesn't matter what Satanism does, its as valid to my point as to what the flying spagghetti monster does. If you're ignorant, you're ignorant. It doesn't matter if you think others are more so.SwiftRight. We go from a book. Satanism has no sacred text at all. And we're the ones in turmoil? Interesting.
James2097It doesn't matter what Satanism does, its as valid to my point as to what the flying spagghetti monster does. If you're ignorant, you're ignorant. It doesn't matter if you think others are more so.
Christianity is in turmoil because the entire text of the bible (other than moral stories) is completely ignorant to the truth, as covered in the creationism vs evolution thread. Especially given that you're supposed to reject ignorant arguments. Lets just ignore any self critique why don't we?
SwiftHow do you know it's in turmoil? Also, what was talked about in the creation thread was the "scientific" validity of the happenings in the bible. Since science will NEVER recognize that Jesus rose from the dead, I'm honestly not to worried about the rest of what they say about the bible.
PSSo what's your point? Satanism is just as justafiable as Chrisianity. Nothing is sugar coated. It doesn't force you to do anything. You're not threatened with Hell and the devil. It doesn't hold you back. It's not opressive; it encourages people to be creative. It doesn't make things up. It doesn't force its' views onto others. It doesn't go door-to-door in an attempt to gain members. It doesn't down-talk to other people. It doesn't put up with senseless ranting or pointless nonsense. It doesn't require to you abide by all of its' rules (note the difference between being a "Satanist" and a satanic person). Satanism is blatantly more practical, isn't hyopcritical, and it favours those who are realists or those who seek the truth. It doesn't offer anything it can't, unlike Christianity.
SwiftYou're really boring me with this oppresive thing. So I guess our governments should fold because capitalisim has been an oppresive force in the world. So it must be evil. Or maybe a certain people abused it. Nope, we need to dismantle our govt's totally because we've caused oppression.
Satanism has no rules. Or at least none that aren't up for incredibly open debate. It basically just satifies all the fleshly urges of people so they have no need to change. you can just be you and be a satanist. What does this religion offer you anyway? I haven't seen any benifits outside of maybe "do what you want."
PSI already told you, it doesn't lie or make sh/t up. That's what's appealing about it. People can accept it because it makes sense and doesn't offer an incentive for insecure folks. No sugar coating. You die, rot, and get eaten by worms and turned inot worm sh/t. That's all there is to it. Not assention into Heaven, to descention into Hell.
SwiftSo basically, it doesn't have any benifits as a religion. The Bible doesn't sugar coat a thing either.
But it sounds to me that all there is to satanism is come in and keep doing what your doing. That's not a religon, it's the current world view.
The benefits is that it lets you be who you are. It doesn't abandon morals either.SwiftYou're really boring me with this oppresive thing. So I guess our governments should fold because capitalisim has been an oppresive force in the world. So it must be evil. Or maybe a certain people abused it. Nope, we need to dismantle our govt's totally because we've caused oppression.
Satanism has no rules. Or at least none that aren't up for incredibly open debate. It basically just satifies all the fleshly urges of people so they have no need to change. you can just be you and be a satanist. What does this religion offer you anyway? I haven't seen any benifits outside of maybe "do what you want."
James2097The benefits is that it lets you be who you are. It doesn't abandon morals either.
I agree with you. I'm outta this one too. But I will say one thing. Satanism = ignorence. Not to bash your religion, but most satanists are just bored and crying for attention. It's just like Anarchists. They think that being "out of the norm" Will make them cool.BurnoutThe Bible says to stay away from ignorant arguments.
I'm out of this one.
SilverzoneI agree with you. I'm outta this one too. But I will say one thing. Satanism = ignorence. Not to bash your religion, but most satanists are just bored and crying for attention. It's just like Anarchists. They think that being "out of the norm" Will make them cool.
It doesn't say anything about NOT acting morally. Considering most people live by morals (pretty much the same ones as in the bible) its fair to say one wouldn't live a bad or "evil" life at all. Its just celebrating individuality which is good.SwiftWhat are the morals of satanism?
I do know that Satanism worships a god that tortures damned souls for all eternity. I just don't see any good/redeeming qualities in the religion. I didn't mean to come off as insulting, but thats just what I believe.PSSilverzone, do you even know what you're talking about? You're like 12/13, do you even grasp what's happening here?
Oh wait I'm thinking Zach and Eric. Sorry 'bout that. But still, you've made an ignorant assumption by telling someone else what they are. You don't know that and you have no right to say it. And btw, how much do you even know about it? It's nothing like anarchy, anarchy is just plain stupid (ahem, Jeff?).
SilverzoneI do know that Satanism worships a god that tortures damned souls for all eternity. I just don't see any good/redeeming qualities in the religion. I didn't mean to come off as insulting, but thats just what I believe.
SilverzoneWait, now thats confusing. If satanism doesn't worship an entity, wouldn't that make satanism basically atheisism?
Yeah, exactly!! But the difference is that there are a few moral guidelines to follow, but mostly ones that athiests abide by anyway!SilverzoneWait, now thats confusing. If satanism doesn't worship an entity, wouldn't that make satanism basically atheisism?