Just like no one would CHOOSE christ and be burnt at the stake, eaten by lions or whatever. That argument has zero validation
Swift, religious persuasion is an entirely different issue, it was an incredibly flawed analogy to make. There are many other cultural/societal forces at work which always inform one's 'choice' of religion. As a choice that isn't
entirely up to the individual (assuming the existence of these societal norms/expectations within one's own group (the christians made sure these expectations were enforced quite severely in those times)) it could be said that the christians who were burnt at the stake didn't really excercise the free will and individual thought we take for granted today. One was either born and baptised a christian or you weren't. Sure, they technically had the ability to cast aside their christianity, but in those time one RARELY did this, such was the power of religion - it was connected directly into a person's concept of 'self', it was their identity. Its pretty much possible to say they had little free will as once their parents baptised them as a christian, and they grew up a christian, they were doomed to the lions and the torture. It proves my point, one would never get burned to death if they had the ability to avoid it. In roman times, one's religion was just as solidly built into one's sense of 'self' as their sexuality. People don't get killed if they have the power to avoid it.
You actually helped clarify my point that being gay is not a choice made by a free-thinking societally-aware individual, but a person's core sexuality is a constant from the day you are born. I really think that you need a better understanding of the issues at 'stake' (burnt or otherwise) before you go insulting my intelligence.
If a homosexual person repents and asks forgiveness. It is very availible and very attainible. However, just like EVERY other sin, if you go back to it your forgivness goes with it.
And the reason why homosexuals ALWAYS got the hot poker up the jaxey treatment is because it is impossible for a gay person to truly repent, because gay-ness isn't a choice. They have no choice over whether they are gay or not. If they did, they'd surely repent when given a choice such as: "Be gay and get a hoy poker up my arse util my blood boils, and then go to hell forever" or "Repent and live a happy life and go to heaven and play a harp or a lyre".
Given that most people generally value their life, to believe that people have a choice in their sexuality is simply offensive to many and fails to grasp even a simple understanding of the human condition, regardless of sexual or religious denomination. You fail to understand that ALL people are the SAME in their universal quest for a peaceful and long life. One simply does NOT make a choice (completely independently from a very powerful outside influence, such as the church) that will negatively affect one's outcome in life. Unless you think your life can be crap so long as you have a good time AFTER you're dead. Which is really a stupid way to be. Its only the little wormies that'll be having party time once you're dead.