Satanism, and you.

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The date of December 25 is actually a pagan holiday. However, since they were so busy with that, Christians were able to have there own celebration. It's beyond obvious that Jesus was born in the springtime. However, Christmas is the celebration of christ's birth into our carnal world.
Actually, the pagan holiday is December 21/22 (depending), the Winter Solstice or shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The 25th was picked because it was close enough to the pagan holiday to co-opt it with minimal fuss.

But big props to you, Swift - most Christians deny that as the reason for why Christ's birth was set at December 25th.
The date of December 25 is actually a pagan holiday. However, since they were so busy with that, Christians were able to have there own celebration. It's beyond obvious that Jesus was born in the springtime. However, Christmas is the celebration of christ's birth into our carnal world.

So what are you saying?

Christianity is a relatively middle-aged religion, not old by any standard. How can you just pick some form of Christianity to follow, when there were all these other preceeding religions that Christianity stole its' concepts from? You just admitted Christmas was a Pagan holiday, and that Christ was born in the spring time, but so many place Christmas on the same level as a Christian ideal/concept, yet as you've shown, know that it is not their holiday.

What's the deal?
Actually, the pagan holiday is December 21/22 (depending), the Winter Solstice or shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The 25th was picked because it was close enough to the pagan holiday to co-opt it with minimal fuss.

But big props to you, Swift - most Christians deny that as the reason for why Christ's birth was set at December 25th.

I heard it was picked because it marked the moment when the days started getting longer.
this is a good discussion. dad preaches 2 I'm a christian.

That's another one of my peaves. Lack of choice. Whatever your parents are, you are. You automatically are forced to believe in what they believe, born without choice. In Judaism, if your father is Jewish, so are you. You're literally brainwashed, and raised without an option. Many claim they give their kids the option to believe otherwise, but what better do they know when they're 3 years old and start reading the Torah?
Christianity is a relatively middle-aged religion, not old by any standard. How can you just pick some form of Christianity to follow, when there were all these other preceeding religions that Christianity stole its' concepts from? You just admitted Christmas was a Pagan holiday, and that Christ was born in the spring time, but so many place Christmas on the same level as a Christian ideal/concept, yet as you've shown, know that it is not their holiday.

What's the deal?

Christianity came DIRECTLY from the hebrews. So, that's where it comes from...
That's another one of my peaves. Lack of choice. Whatever your parents are, you are. You automatically are forced to believe in what they believe, born without choice.
Also totally not true. My parents are Christian. I grew up in a "Christian home", you could say. I wouldn't put myself under any religious category. Do I believe there is something out there? A higher power? Yes. But that's all I believe right now.
Saleen Man
Also totally not true. My parents are Christian. I grew up in a "Christian home", you could say. I wouldn't put myself under any religious category. Do I believe there is something out there? A higher power? Yes. But that's all I believe right now.

And how old are you right now?
I heard it was picked because it marked the moment when the days started getting longer.
Ummmmm, that's the Winter Solstice.
Actually, the pagan holiday is December 21/22 (depending), the Winter Solstice or shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
Christianity came DIRECTLY from the hebrews. So, that's where it comes from...

Catholocism may be, but not Christianity as it is today.

There are also other influences apart from Paganism and Judaism, the Romans (what have the Romans ever done for us?) and the Nordes being two major ones.
'August' and 'Thursday' are examples of this.
Catholocism may be, but not Christianity as it is today.

There are also other influences apart from Paganism and Judaism, the Romans (what have the Romans ever done for us?) and the Nordes being two major ones.
'August' and 'Thursday' are examples of this.
Again, you don't understand. And I know that the Romans setup most of our calendar and what not. Including January. Constantine's "marriage" of Church and Rome was like the dark ages of Christianity. Infact, that's where a lot of the things that Roman Catholics do now came from.

As an Apostolic Pentecostal follower of Christ. I read then entire bible. Not just the new testament. The Old Testament is the Law and Christ is the fulfillment of the law. So I don't know where you can say Christianity doesn't come directly from Judaism. One of my very best friends is Jewish and aside from the fact that they use Hebrew in their services, we read from the same book of Psalms, believe in One God and share a lot of the same prayers.

But big props to you, Swift - most Christians deny that as the reason for why Christ's birth was set at December 25th.

Thanks Duke. :)
Christianity is a relatively middle-aged religion, not old by any standard. How can you just pick some form of Christianity to follow, when there were all these other preceeding religions that Christianity stole its' concepts from? You just admitted Christmas was a Pagan holiday, and that Christ was born in the spring time, but so many place Christmas on the same level as a Christian ideal/concept, yet as you've shown, know that it is not their holiday.

What's the deal?

Remember all the persecution and oppression that you say the Christians did? Well, they were persecuted and oppressed as well. To the point that they had to sneak around most times just to have service. Of course the celebration of Christmas is on a pagan holiday. As Duke stated, the "heathens" were to busy with their idol worship to worry about the Christians for that short amount of time and the date simply stuck. Christianity didn't "steal" things from other religions, it was forced to go underground most often and this is why many of the dates for holiday seem very strange. I know Easter eggs are an incredibly pagan thing. So? Little children get to run around a field looking for eggs, how is that bad? We don't get into idols like the Easter bunny or Santa because that's just silly. I refuse to let me children be deceived that way.

How can I just "pick" a form of Christianity? First I think it ludicrous that there are different sects of Christianity when there is only one God. But I chose the "type" of faith that I have by proving it to myself in the bible. I've met many others that don't believe the way that I do and most times I've at least gotten them to question their current beliefs.

Christmas IS NOT a pagan holiday. It just happens to fall on the same time as a pagan holiday.
Again, you don't understand. And I know that the Romans setup most of our calendar and what not. Including January. Constantine's "marriage" of Church and Rome was like the dark ages of Christianity. Infact, that's where a lot of the things that Roman Catholics do now came from.

As an Apostolic Pentecostal follower of Christ. I read then entire bible. Not just the new testament. The Old Testament is the Law and Christ is the fulfillment of the law. So I don't know where you can say Christianity doesn't come directly from Judaism. One of my very best friends is Jewish and aside from the fact that they use Hebrew in their services, we read from the same book of Psalms, believe in One God and share a lot of the same prayers.

So what made you pick your particular religion over others? Was it "more" right? Consistency is key here, and Christianity (and other religions, I'm sure) seems to be lacking that.
Again, you don't understand. And I know that the Romans setup most of our calendar and what not. Including January. Constantine's "marriage" of Church and Rome was like the dark ages of Christianity. Infact, that's where a lot of the things that Roman Catholics do now came from.

Ahhh! - that's where the 'interfering-with-choir-boys' ritual must come from!
So what made you pick your particular religion over others? Was it "more" right? Consistency is key here, and Christianity (and other religions, I'm sure) seems to be lacking that.

No, the acts of Christians(or people calling themselves christians) have been inconsistant. Christianity has been cosistant since it's inception. It's a faith, how people apply that faith is where the inconsistancy comes in.

Much like Capitalism. The concept is sound, but the people applying the concept can jack things up.
Much like Capitalism. The concept is sound, but the people applying the concept can jack things up.

Or even, dare i say it, Communisum. The concept sounds like utopia - but like most good ideas, in practice these things become corupt.
Or even, dare i say it, Communisum. The concept sounds like utopia - but like most good ideas, in practice these things become corupt.

I guess I can go along with that. Though I think communism has some serious flaws at the fundamental level.

Ahhh! - that's where the 'interfering-with-choir-boys' ritual must come from!

Actually, that comes from the notion that priests should never marry or have sex with a woman to stay "clean". So where do the GOD GIVEN desires for a woman go? Into small boys. My father was telling me that in the 50's and 60's when they were having a hard time finding people to be preists, they started going after the gay guys because they didn't like women anyway. Isn't it great how that turned out? :yuck:
I guess I can go along with that. Though I think communism has some serious flaws at the fundamental level.

Actually, that comes from the notion that priests should never marry or have sex with a woman to stay "clean". So where do the GOD GIVEN desires for a woman go? Into small boys. My father was telling me that in the 50's and 60's when they were having a hard time finding people to be preists, they started going after the gay guys because they didn't like women anyway. Isn't it great how that turned out? :yuck:

I read a story about that, whether true or not, they claimed they were " men that were gay, but they converted and went into the ministry".
Yah, I'm not too sure of the validity of that story, either. Most gays wouldn't think of touching little boys, plus, most child sex offenders admit to be heterosexual.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that Gay people are petifiles. What I did mean to say that it is generally stupid to restrain yourself from anykind of sexual experience for your entire life. That'll jack your brain up beyond belief. Waiting for marriage is one thing, but NEVER, that's a completely different story.
And Satanism lets you get that outa your system. :)

That's not my system my friend. That's the system of catholic priests. My pastor is married with 5 chidlren and 6 grandchildren. They're all in the church and serving God.
I have always wondered if like, people who wait until they are married for sex... that once they do it, they go nutz. Sex can really change people. I wonder if they like, change personalities completly, especially if you don't even "mess around" or "look" or "masturbate" (why did I "quote" that?).

One of my EX's wanted to wait till marriage, needless to say we stopped dating. I'm horrible.
That's not my system my friend. That's the system of catholic priests. My pastor is married with 5 chidlren and 6 grandchildren. They're all in the church and serving God.

Holy crap! Multiplying like rabbits...
Actually no, but I'm guessing you're joking so whatever.
Well just imagine if the 5 of them had 5 kids, and so on. It'd be an exponential family explosion.

But I don't see why we're talking about this, so I'll stop.