School, what is it for you ??

  • Thread starter DJ-CiviC


Well... Most of the people has different opinions about school. Generally kids wont like it, some will...

But what is your opinion about it ??

Mine is quite simple... I'll say, its great to learn, but at which degree ? As my PERSONAL OPINION goes, I think that school is ALOT of informations to learn in a short time.. Its like filling food by the small end of the funnel. Its too much informations to fill in your brain in a short time. I wasnt able to learn at school... I'm not slow, but wasnt able to learn... I even found out that I was learning much more greatly by myself than at school. Why ? I DUNNO !!! Like I said, I think its too much informations, too much pressure... By telling this, I dont want to encourage any of you to quit school, it would be the badest idea ever, believe me... I did it, and look at me now, sitting right there typing this message without a job lol... I do have enjoyed been sitting on my ass all day, but when the time came, I finally realized that I've done the badest thing in my entire life...

So what is "school" to you ??? Pose your opinion :)
It's a great idea for everyone under the age of 16, but anyone over that age, school should be completely optional. I personally hated highschool, and I'm glad I escaped before I went insane. But if attending school weren't required by law, I would have stopped going to school my junior year in highschool. I feel that if an individual had reasons for not going to school, it would be allowable. It's not something the government should have control over.

My 2.
It's a great idea for everyone under the age of 16, but anyone over that age, school should be completely optional. I personally hated highschool, and I'm glad I escaped before I went insane. But if attending school weren't required by law, I would have stopped going to school my junior year in highschool. I feel that if an individual had reasons for not going to school, it would be allowable. It's not something the government should have control over.

My 2.

Dude, here in Canada (or at least in Quebec), over 16 years old you can give up school... I gave up school when I got 16... Look what I am now lol...

Well, I pretty much think it depends on what you wanna do in your life... I been up thinking about what I could possibly do and nothing came up... Maybe a cook because I like good food and like to eat, but I saw that it requires a highschool diploma... Since I got my car I thought about getting into mecanic and possibly into tuning, but...

But I dunno, I say, it depends on what you wanna do in your life...

EDIT: I agree with you, its not something that the government should have control over.
I would have stopped going to school my junior year in highschool.

I DID stop going to school my jr year. i never learned anything there for the most part. school is basicly a place like a slaughter house without the death. they just funnel you through the shoot and hope for the best. no one cares.

now, i didnt just drop out of school and do nothing. i went to 4 full months of ged class' and passed the test with high grades the first time i took it. having just turned 17 at the time and being done with school was pretty damn cool.
I actually kind of liked school. I liked going there and talking to all my friends for 6+ hours a day. I didn't get great marks, Gym and Guitar were the only classes I excelled in. But I would have to say I enjoyed school. It was basically just constantly making jokes all day long. I guess when you play sports it's a bit more enjoyable too, but maybe that's just me.
thats all i did to. i went there, made jokes, talked to people, listened to music and got into fights when i could. i had a very bad temper back then for some reason and when i went to school it got multiplied a lot.
schools pretty much teach just one way but people learn three different ways. by seeing something first hand, by hearing something and by doing something. for the most part schools teach by just telling the kids things and showing some slides. this is fine for most of the students as this is how something like 70% percent of us learn. for the rest of us though we are left in the cold so the speak and we must find ways to learn ourselves.
School for me is quite important so that I can get into college if (or when) I choose to do so. It's also a great way to socialise and develop my useful skils (like welding for example). I have only 2 classes this semester out of a 4-block day, so it's pretty easy right now. English 12 Honors (just to get rid of the dumbasses, and I have a few friends in it) and Metal 12. I dropped Physics 12 because the teacher was useless.
Next semester is almost as easy - Law 12, Auto 12, Digital Media 12, Computer Programming 12. I have no clue what I want to do for a career, so I'm trying to get a taste of everything.
Once school is done (Grad 2'6!!!) my social life is kinda gonna go down a bit, as there are alot of people I talk to and hang out with at school but not outside of.
Speaking of grad this year, it's going to be awesome!!!
Grad ceremony/ dinner and dance 'till 11PM, then all-night dry grad party! Possible door prizes of: A used car, a trip to Hawaii, and a years post-secondary tuition! This isn't decided for sure yet, but I know the Grad Council (that I'm part of) is leaning towards this.
Yeah, the Grad Ceremony/Party are totally amazing. The party was probably the best time I've ever had. I don't even think my average in Grade 12 was enough to get into University right now, I'm pretty sure I'll have to upgrade a few classes. But I really do hope to go to University.
a dry party and a used car? that just oozes cool to me.

i dont really want to go to college. i hate homework. i just want to live my life. i never got that whole algebra thing down either so i dont want to have to re-visit it...
pSI civic
i dont really want to go to college. i hate homework. i just want to live my life. i never got that whole algebra thing down either so i dont want to have to re-visit it...

some other things we got in common lol...
the problem i have the college is that they have manditory class'. imo if your paying out the ass to go there you should be able to chose all of your class'. i know thats jsut for the first two years but i couldnt handle it again. temper temper...
School for me is very important. Much of the knowledge I have gained from classes is useless, but not all of it. But the most valuable knowledge is what I have learned from being in a social environment. I have become much more confident and I am no longer, to put it frankly, the little hermit I was in year 7 who could handle himself well in a social environment and who didn’t know how to control his temper.

Besides which, by completing school I now have many more options in life, I&38217;m not sure how my marks will stack up – but good or bad (and I think they’re pretty good :sly: ) I have a better knowledge and more opportunities.

That being said, my final two years of high school were the most stressful years I have ever been through (and hearing from people who have been through the same system and now have jobs, they say the final two years of high school were still the most stressful years of their lives) and I am definatly glad they are now over. You have no idea how aggressive I was getting towards the end of each term due to the stress. :lol:

So what is "school" to you ??? Pose your opinion :)

I can tell you that Cégep is the biggest scam ever created by a government. I still cannot see a way that anyone benefits from it. It's a complete waste of hundreds of millions of taxpayer's dollars a year. Completely useless.
School for me was a joke. Literally I enjoyed secondary school cause I mostly messed about 24/7. Nearly didnt make it to the end and showed up all the teacher who thought I was gonna end up being a bum after I got a C grade in all of my gcses. They thought I was gonna get a bunch of E's n Stuff. Guess I was lucky cause I was naturally clever. College is fun aswell especially as half of the time im doing practical.

I want to know what Uni's like cause imthinking of doing it if its fone. Its a shame in the UK they dont have soroities.
a place you go where you get talked down to, "learn" about stuff that doesnt interest you and fill time until they think you are ready to have a choice
pSI civic
i dont really want to go to college. i hate homework. i just want to live my life. i never got that whole algebra thing down either so i dont want to have to re-visit it...

Algebra won't make sense until you can actually do something with it, that's when trigonometry comes in.

I think is beyond important for young people. It's scary to see smart young people that can't even write a proper grammatical sentence or don't know simple facts of geography. Like what is the country at our northern border?(rhetorical)

Anyway, education is essential. Now, public schools are dropping the ball big time by trying to teach everyone the same where when it's clearly documented that NOT everyone learns the same way. But that doesn't diminish the need for education of our youth.
I can tell you that Cégep is the biggest scam ever created by a government. I still cannot see a way that anyone benefits from it. It's a complete waste of hundreds of millions of taxpayer's dollars a year. Completely useless.

you're a french Canadian, are you ?? lol
Cégep will be a total loss of time... Let's put a 6th year in high scool and eliminate cégep and everyone will be happy.

I'm in sec 5 and I find it pretty easy, Even if it's supposed to be hard with mathematics 536 and physics, it's still a joke. I don't really do my homeworks if I understand and I have good grades (97% in maths :dopey: ). I learned a lot of the things I know by myself, but I got the basics at school, but once I know the basics I can learn the rest by myself with some trial and error.
I think a lot of the young'ins don't realize how important school actually is. They just hate it because 1)it's forced on them, 2)they're not interested by anything that's taught to them and 3)if they don't do well, it's very frustrating. And some of them even think it's cool and rebellious to drop out of high school, only to realize later that they ruined their life by doing so. I was never really enthralled in school either until the later years. School was always easy for me, but I still loathed it just as much as anyone else. When I got to high school, I was finally able to take more advanced science and math classes, which is what actually interested me (not history or Shakespeare). Taking these classes, I realized that learning could actually be *gasp* fun if I were actually learning about something I liked. Now in college, I've been able to learn a lot more about these things, which is cool all by itself, but it will also get me a degree that will serve me very well in the rest of my life. Now, acedemia is not for everyone, but to everyone in high school who hates it with a passion, I say this: If there is truly no subject in school that interests you (and you won't know unless you try), at least finish high school and get your diploma. There are plenty of vocational programs, apprentice programs, etc. out there which can help you make a life for yourself, but they all require a diploma (or GED in some cases). Dropping out of school is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Nobody will respect you, and you will be doomed to a really crappy life. School only dominates the first 18 years of your life; you can do whatever you want for the next 50.
Well... I guess since I've dropped I'm alot more interested in french class and english class... Maybe history but the rest I dont ****ing care... I cant understand maths and always use a calculator... If I could just have french/english/history, I would like to go to school... :)
Cegeps have Social Science program. They'll never make you open a math book in your 2 years there. Dropping out is not a good idea. These days, you just gotta suck it up and get that piece of paper. Find out exactly what mark you need and any effort more than that isn't necessary. University/College, then it matters what you get, as that could land you a good job or a bad one. Everything before that it's just if you got by and by how much. If you need a R-score (or whatever else) of xx, then get that, and dont bother doing anything else. I've done that, but got screwed over by getting a 69% in 536C (Calculus in grade 11, offered by 2 (that I know of) high schools in Montreal) and now im spending a second extra year in Quebec. I'm now behind 2 whole school years with the rest of the world.

Nobody has ever gave me a good enough answer to explain the point of Cegeps in Quebec's education system. Even my teachers can't give me a straight answer.
the reason i droped out was that i wasnt learning anything where i was going. they would just hand you something to do and a book. i couldnt do it like that.

so, i droped out and took my education into my own hands and was happy with how much better i was doing.
Just after reading some posts, I been into alot of thinking and MAYBE I'm gonna go back to school... I do think it would be the best thing for me since I dont have a job... I'll see... I got the rest of the year to think about it...
I think it is important, but at the same time i hate what i have done so far in my life. it sucks because it is my senior year and i just realized i wasted 3 years doing crap i don't even care about. I go to a private school that only has optional classes for stuff like acting or how to use MS Word. i am not intrested in those things, now i take a off site class at a public school called colission repair (self explanatory) and i love it, had i gone to a public school i could have actually done things i wanted to do instead of wasting time.

I have failed miserably in school because i am one of the people that does not learn through reading/listening.
i may have ADD but i never actually found out if i did, I took a test 2 years ago but lost the papers so i don't know, i could listen to someone talk about something like advanced algebra and not pick up a single thing from it, in school if i am not intrested i just naturally go into a trance in which i do nothing but look around myself and look at the details in things like pencils, someone's shoe laces, the huge fly that keeps landing on the same person's backpack, and etc.

sad thing is.....i got my highest GPA this quarter and it was only a 2.5 but i got a A in colission repair.
i really enjoy that class and i think i am going to go to a trade school next year <8- D
Just after reading some posts, I been into alot of thinking and MAYBE I'm gonna go back to school... I do think it would be the best thing for me since I dont have a job... I'll see... I got the rest of the year to think about it...
I agree &#8211; since you don&#8217;t have a job this is something you could do that would seriously enhance your future propects. But if you were to go back to school, it would only be worth the time and effort if you were willing to put a serious effort into learning the content, and doing the best you can.

Good luck with your choice.

I think it is important, but at the same time i hate what i have done so far in my life. it sucks because it is my senior year and i just realized i wasted 3 years doing crap i don't even care about. I go to a private school that only has optional classes for stuff like acting or how to use MS Word. i am not intrested in those things, now i take a off site class at a public school called colission repair (self explanatory) and i love it, had i gone to a public school i could have actually done things i wanted to do instead of wasting time.

I have failed miserably in school because i am one of the people that does not learn through reading/listening.
i may have ADD but i never actually found out if i did, I took a test 2 years ago but lost the papers so i don't know, i could listen to someone talk about something like advanced algebra and not pick up a single thing from it, in school if i am not intrested i just naturally go into a trance in which i do nothing but look around myself and look at the details in things like pencils, someone's shoe laces, the huge fly that keeps landing on the same person's backpack, and etc.

sad thing is.....i got my highest GPA this quarter and it was only a 2.5 but i got a A in colission repair.
i really enjoy that class and i think i am going to go to a trade school next year <8- D

I'm practically the same... I cant learn something if I'm not interested... But I guess I need to force myself to learn it, at least to have some school years behind me because for now I got nothing...
I agree – since you don’t have a job this is something you could do that would seriously enhance your future propects. But if you were to go back to school, it would only be worth the time and effort if you were willing to put a serious effort into learning the content, and doing the best you can.

Good luck with your choice.


Well thanks for suggesting me man, I really appreciate. I'll see if I trully want to get back in the books, but like you say, it would worth the time and efforts...

I guess during the past 2 weeks I've been realizing that I've messed up a part of my life and in some ways I dunno how to get back in the good way... I thank God to finally make me realize it before its too late, and I thank you guys for answering this thread, I think every replies made me think alot more about it...

The decision is in my hands now... :)