I think this challenge is so hard and car fast that small things like input lag from wheel and from TV will start to matter.
I think you need to be at Level 30 before they are unlocked.Where are the Vettel challenges?![]()
what the ****? So if you get all golds you DON'T get the X1? No offense, but can you take a pic of your golds? This seems really stupid
Yes it is hard i was shocked at how hard it was, and i have yet to hear from anyone who has done this challenge with a controller! To be honest i will need proof that they have because you can't even control it well with the DS3. I'm going to try and get silver today though, the money and XP to be earned off of this are a lot.
Watch this space... The X1 is my major goal, level 23 only at the moment but when I get to level 30 I will not stop, I will not sleep, I will not go to work.... And I have to use a controller!
Watch this space... The X1 is my major goal, level 23 only at the moment but when I get to level 30 I will not stop, I will not sleep, I will not go to work.... And I have to use a controller!
Here are some videos of someone doing gold times:
Someone doing laps around Monaco:
Circuit De La Sarthe:
Top Gear Test Track:
Top Speed:
Another person showing off X1 colours in HD:
Nurburgring GP in HD:
Suzuka in HD:
Impressions from videos are that it looks doable for most wheel users who have got golds up to the stage of Level 30 and were fast in the F2007 car in GT5P.
Edit: Also the guy who did the gold times above seems to have used traction control so I am sure the top guys like holl01 and mad94d will beat it with seconds to spare.
I found out who did the times and he is registered on here: Pappa_GTRP . He seems very skillful in his GT4 videos and I picked up some new technique. In the X1 video he seems to keep his foot flat on the throttle all the way through the S curves and use the brake to help him get round. I noticed in the GT4 videos as well he uses this driving style and I might try this myself when I get to this stage. You are much better than I am if you are reading this.
Excellent i might have to just try that through the s on suzuka, i don't understand why he would use TC, that thing don't need it!.
All the licenses and special events I've golded. Seems like it won't be the case with this beast...
These are the first videos I have seen where someone actually gets gold. So it can be done. But I doubt more than a dozen of GT5 players will join this rank.
Kudos to the driver in these videos.👍
Also, did anyone notice in the Nurburgring GP video the driver was flat out on the "Schumacher S!"
I can't wait until online leader boards go up and have some true X1 battles.
I reckon at least 100 gamers will get Gold, if not a lot more in the next six months. There are a lot of top drivers out there, I think this due to how competitive it was in the GT5P rankings for the Top 100 slots in the fast cars like the F2007.
I can understand your comments about the F12007 but have you actually driven the X1 in the game? I was a good consistent lapper with the F1 in GTP but the X1 is a totally different machine so it cannot be compared to how well you drove the F1. The X1 is twice if not 3 times faster around corners and its easy to make a mistake. Which requires twice the concentration to get good laps in. It may look easy to drive but at first it isn't because you have to get used to how fast it can go around a corner etc it turns that sharply and precise that the slightest twitch in the wheel you could go the opposite direction in a flash. I have manage to get silver on monza today but no lluck with the rest so far.... VETTEL WHY ARE YOU SO FAST!!!! :'(
I hit Level 30 half an hour ago after a retarded grind of Indy 500.
You can buy it in the Dealerships at Level 30 for 20 million credits. I have heard people saying Level 40 before, but that is incorrect. At least according to the tooltip when you hit Level 30.
I tried Monza with a controller, and seriously, don't even bother. I gave up after two laps. It's possible, but it's just frustrating, annoying and boring.
I tried it with my G25 instead and got bronze within 20 minutes and I even had a second to spare. It was the first one I finished, as well. I got disqualified on all other laps.![]()
500 km/h. Things are going to get ugly if that's the future of F1.
In the dealership it says lvl 40
And yes, it is a pain in the.... with a controller.. Makes me want a wheel so bad.
Does anyone know, if my good old Logitech Driving Force for the PS2 is any good to GT5? If it is, I might bother getting it home to myself..
I hit Level 30 half an hour ago after a retarded grind of Indy 500.
You can buy it in the Dealerships at Level 30 for 20 million credits. I have heard people saying Level 40 before, but that is incorrect. At least according to the tooltip when you hit Level 30.
I tried Monza with a controller, and seriously, don't even bother. I gave up after two laps. It's possible, but it's just frustrating, annoying and boring.
I tried it with my G25 instead and got bronze within 20 minutes and I even had a second to spare. It was the first one I finished, as well. I got disqualified on all other laps.![]()
I use mine all the time works perfect
I haven't driven the X1 yet but I can see the way of driving it is very similar to the F1 but 1.5X the speed. When you say you were a good consistent lapper with the F1 in GT5P, how fast were your times say for example in Suzuka with the F2007? I'm not that fast with it but I can see the braking points are very similar from the gold videos and also the turn in points, just that you have to carry a lot more speed.