Sebastien Vettel challenge: all gold

I'll just wait to get to level 40 cause the closest i have gotten was 2:12 on Monza and that's with a DS3.
Considering how fast this car goes, you probably don't have time to observe grip levels.

And someone mentioned this thing was Turbo charged? That would explain why you have to keep the RPMs up. The thing will take off, but only in the power band. Same reason the Formula Gran Turismo will get slaughtered by the A.I.s if you try to drive off a 3rd gear turn in 4th gear.

Yeesh, all this talk about the X1 is making me so anxious to get one. :drool:

EDIT: @above poster - American Championship, Speedway - Indianapolis, 5 laps. Repeat ad libum. If you have a Formula Gran Turismo, you might consider instead doing the Dream Car Championship, Speedway - Indianpolis, 10 laps instead. Especially if you're not concerned about the money. Gives about 2.2x the experience of the American Championship race but less money. No car restriction means you can use any other car you have that's simply faster than your American car. I can do the 10 lapper in about 7 minutes, whereas the same number of laps using the 5 lapper takes me 8 or 9, factoring in load times.

I did not test it but I also did not notice any changes in grip level when driving with higher gear in the corners, only thing I noticed was that you have to drive with high revs all the time (in corners also), otherwise you will lose lots of time.
But as far as the grip level goes and the assisted downforce, I don't think it changes, but that's just my opinion :dopey:

Thanks mate

Hmmm, I wonder what is meant to be powering the fan then :confused: A separate gas turbine engine would make sense but that seems to have been dismissed.

When you say you lose time with low engine revs do you mean you lose engine power? It's probably has a very peaky power curve due to a high pressure turbo.
Aawww, that is going to be boring. How much xp does it take from 26 to 30?

Too much, I can tell you that.

Refer to my post above. I edited in a response after I posted. You're choices are Lv23:[American Championship, Speedway - Indianapolis, 5 laps, ~4 minutes], which gives 4,440xp per race, or Lv24:[Dream Car Champsionship, Speedway - Indianapolis, 10 laps, ~7:30s], which gives 9,819xp per race. Dream Car Championship gives more xp/lap, but less money (American: 98,000/race; Dream Car: 74,500/race).

Once you reach Level 28, I hear the Indianapolis 500 gives great XP as well. Only level 27 atm, but I'm only about 30,000xp off of 28.
Thanks mate

Hmmm, I wonder what is meant to be powering the fan then :confused: A separate gas turbine engine would make sense but that seems to have been dismissed.

When you say you lose time with low engine revs do you mean you lose engine power? It's probably has a very peaky power curve due to a high pressure turbo.

Yes exactly, For example if you drive the first corner in Suzuka with 3rd gear the engine just "dies". well not exactly but you know what I mean when you try it :dopey:
Yes exactly, For example if you drive the first corner in Suzuka with 3rd gear the engine just "dies". well not exactly but you know what I mean when you try it :dopey:

Thanks, I'll get back to you on that in approximately 1.5 years based on my current XP progress :lol: ... :indiff:
I've driven everything I can on gold.
endurance races give you more than enough xp to get to the next level

ps. can anyone confirm if the X1 can be used in A-spec after you get it? or in online races for that matter
endurance races give you more than enough xp to get to the next level

ps. can anyone confirm if the X1 can be used in A-spec after you get it? or in online races for that matter

You will have to do endurance races multiple times to level.

Yes. You can use it in A-Spec, B-Spec and Online.
You're talking about the Sebastien Loeb (rally) challenge, this thread is about the Sebastion Vettel (Red Bull X1) challenge.

Well it is unrealistically fast judging by the videos so it should be something that people pull their hair out trying to get IMO.

Either way you don't need to gold it to get the car but it sounds like just bronze is hard as well. I can't wait to get to L30 to try it :drool: I have low hopes for my success though. :ouch:

It is NOT unREAListically fast!!! It merely utilises many slices of Old F1 technology that were banned long in the past, as people were DYING!!! Now, with todays safety brilliance i think this ort of speed can be achieved safely but i do not know... The engine power is really easy for its size as that sort of thing was banned in the Eighties, and the gas turbine was banned from F1 as it made the cars "UnFAIRLY fast" compared to the rest of the field that didnt adopt this tech, and doesn't that sound just a tiny bit like the X1? When you consider the F1 banned-fan-after-ONE-race cars were about 11 seconds per lap faster than anything round Suzuka. Like the X1. It COULD be real, it just isnt aAllowed.

For all you trying, I use TC1 and ABS1, don't be afraid of "flooring" it early.

I have used the same settings. You can easily win Bronze with them.


The X1 destroys everything.
Congrats 👍

Are you able to test if the fan assisted downforce changes with engine speed? i.e. take a corner at the same road speed in the correct gear and then top gear to reduce engine revs. I'm curious to know if the fan is linked directly to the engine speed or it it spins at a constant speed.


I can't quite tell from when I run the challenge. Nor do the technical specs posted around the web really say. Its based off the Chaparral 2J and the Brabham BT46. The Chaparral used a special two stroke ( lawnmower ) engine producing to power its fan. The Brabham used a special series of clutches to power its fan off the main engine. Since the Redbull is something more like a F1 car than a Can-Am car and no one ever mentions it having two engines, I would assume the car would use a clutch setup like the Brabham did. The Brabham produced more suction at higher engine speeds. Not at higher vehicle speeds. So if they modeled a system like that for the X1, yes taking corners in the proper gear at higher revs should result in more downforce and therefor the ability to take corners at higher speeds than if you were in the incorrect gear. That is only if they modeled that effect.

It is NOT unREAListically fast!!! It merely utilises many slices of Old F1 technology that were banned long in the past, as people were DYING!!! Now, with todays safety brilliance i think this ort of speed can be achieved safely but i do not know... The engine power is really easy for its size as that sort of thing was banned in the Eighties, and the gas turbine was banned from F1 as it made the cars "UnFAIRLY fast" compared to the rest of the field that didnt adopt this tech, and doesn't that sound just a tiny bit like the X1? When you consider the F1 banned-fan-after-ONE-race cars were about 11 seconds per lap faster than anything round Suzuka. Like the X1. It COULD be real, it just isnt aAllowed.


Vehicles like this likely won't ever be allowed. Not in F1 racing anyway. They're focused on slowing racing down and making passing possible. Also I don't quite know if our tire technology is up to scratch to handle the cornering speeds and g loads that X1 would be capable of producing. You are otherwise correct though, the X1 is an example of what racing would be like if regulations did not forbid certain technologies.
1075kw is roughly what - 1450hp? At the same time it only weighs 545kg...

It is NOT unREAListically fast!!! It merely utilises many slices of Old F1 technology that were banned long in the past, as people were DYING!!! Now, with todays safety brilliance i think this ort of speed can be achieved safely but i do not know... The engine power is really easy for its size as that sort of thing was banned in the Eighties, and the gas turbine was banned from F1 as it made the cars "UnFAIRLY fast" compared to the rest of the field that didnt adopt this tech, and doesn't that sound just a tiny bit like the X1? When you consider the F1 banned-fan-after-ONE-race cars were about 11 seconds per lap faster than anything round Suzuka. Like the X1. It COULD be real, it just isnt aAllowed.


The most unrealistic thing about it are the tires, not engine power or whatever. There's just no way any tires would provide that kind of grip as of now or whenever. Some old F1 tech won't help you with that. So I'd say that it's indeed unrealistically fast, atleast in corners.
1075kw is roughly what - 1450hp? At the same time it only weighs 545kg...

Knowing that my MINOLTA has 1040 hp, quick conversion math says that the X1 has roughly 1500HP (I'm coming out to 1,512.8hp if you want to be super detailed about it). Regardless, 2.5x the HP of a Ferrari and ways exactly the same? Yes please.

The most unrealistic thing about it are the tires, not engine power or whatever. There's just no way any tires would provide that kind of grip as of now or whenever. Some old F1 tech won't help you with that. So I'd say that it's indeed unrealistically fast, atleast in corners.

I'll point out that you only ever run the X1 in the challenges for two laps. I'm sure someone could come up with a super sticky tire that could handle that for two laps. Also, unless I haven't been looking at the pictures right, the tires on them appear to be more Street size than F1 size. So there's the room for extra rubber there too. Besides, who's to say that you don't get ridiculous kinds of grip with the kind of vacuum effect it's putting to its undercarriage?

And I don't see this as the future of F1, I see this as the next step towards F-ZERO. Next step - controlled* flight!

*As opposed to uncontrolled... :sly:
1 kW = 1,341022 American/British HP or 1,359622 German HP ("PS")

Notice: The performance of my Minolta on the screenshot is reduced due to the high mileage. I have driven about 10.000 km with this car alone. After an oil change the kW should go up to about 780.
Hit level 30 last night and tried the X1 with a controller, probably be impossible for me to do. The car really is like a cross between Wipeout and Tron (that one for the older gamers!). Doubt I'll ever bronze this let alone gold it, but you can buy it at level 40 I suppose, but the unrealistic (to me) way it handles and drives don't think I would anyway.
Besides, who's to say that you don't get ridiculous kinds of grip with the kind of vacuum effect it's putting to its undercarriage?

You do get ridiculous kinds of grip from the vacuum effect. That is the entire point of the vacuum effect and also why the 2J and the BT46 were banned. The issue is not the grip that is being generated by the X1. The issue is that that level of grip is not usable by any kind of tire that currently exists. Tires just can't take the kind of grip that the X1 is generating in the game.
Now that's interesting. They have different names as well. Though the power is the same on two of them and higher on the third. Perhaps he just did an oil change for one of them?

I got 2 of em so far, they are different. In the second one you can customize gearbox, and the max speed is lower. So the second one is prolly better for slower tracks.
I got 2 of em so far, they are different. In the second one you can customize gearbox, and the max speed is lower. So the second one is prolly better for slower tracks.

so i'm guessing you got the second one by getting silvers on all of the vettel challenges?
I'm at lvl 27 and I'm ill with the remote. I'm a manual guy, hoping staying a gear above what's flashing should fix traction issues. Eternal fame.... I can go for that.
I'm at lvl 27 and I'm ill with the remote. I'm a manual guy, hoping staying a gear above what's flashing should fix traction issues. Eternal fame.... I can go for that.

same here, i hear people saying that the wheel gives people a huge advantage but i can still beat them online with equal cars using the controller, so im hoping that ill be able to get through the vettel challenge without too much trouble