Seeing is Believing: // Repeat \\ (07-05-15)

  • Thread starter Skython
Nice update mate!;) I'm gonna have to say my fav shot would have to be the 1st moon shot.👍 I also quite like the failed panorama too.

Yeah. I had a nicer version of that moon shot, but it was ruined by the ridiculous red boundary markers. I could start a rant about how I've had multiple shots ruined by boundary markers and those red or yellow circle markers in drift events. But I think we'd all prefer it if I didn't. :lol: Thanks for the visit as always, Nux. :cheers:

Always a pleasure to come here for a fun time :lol:
I agree with George, the "failed" panorama is quite good 👍

Fun is the best thing ever. So if I'm not going to make things fun, then why should anyone bother? :P Thanks for the visit once again, Jeremy. :cheers:


Also, I have an update 50% ready. It's a two part update in one. Mainly because the first half isn't as much of a gallery section as it is me being an idiot section. :lol: I just need to shoot the second half of the update, but that could take anywhere between 12 hours and 12 days. Less likely the latter because I'm in GT6 obsession mode. :P
Ehrm... Well, you may be wondering why I have no Christmas update... Infact, the truth is you're probably not, but anyway. The ratings on the most recent set have been terrible, the boss, what's his name? Terry Wat (T.Wat) said that if I don't pick up my game, I'm going to get fired! I mean WHAT!? He just said I was fine on the last set, and he suddenly changes his mind. But this set, the story? Well, it's kind of embarrassing.. No, I'm not saying it..

*muttering from the back room*

Grrr, fine...

The Incident

Well, I was on my way to the photoshoot, I had this marvellous photoshoot planned. There was this beautiful scene sorted out at Chamonix... There was a ski resort, some beautiful snowy trees, and a nice mix of Porsches, Zonda's, random supercars made in Dubai which will neither live up to their claims or ever be produced, llamas, you name it. I could take photo's of them all, with a little bit of snow creating the perfect photoshoot. So I was on my way there, and since I didn't want to seem like a showoff arriving in a bit flash car, I decided to take the car I didn't even want to own in the first place to get there, arriving in this thing is embarrassing enough as it is... But it was just the right thing to do, I had a gut feeling about it. So I was on my way.


And as was even following the road rules... As I always do..


AHEM!!! *Cough* Cough* Yep, was just followin' those rules...


So I was on my way up the roads in the area. But suddenly, there was a very attractive woman just walking down the side of the road... Being a man, I got slightly distracted, and uh...


Yeeah, this doesn't usually happen, the crashing part. I almost had an anger fit because of it, so what I decided to do was flee... Run away, hopefully no one would notice. I had to walk the rest of the way, the attractive woman just disappeared, so it was all for nothing. But I don't give up too easy, so I carried on. I arrived two days later to find that the guys had given up waiting and everything was gone, so it was all for nothing. So I headed back to the Fit so I could head home...

However, there was a slight issue...


Unfortunately, the abandoned Fit caught attention from the Rozzers, so I couldn't point out that it was my abandoned Fit. I casually walked past while shielding my face, and called a taxi home...
What a shame, and I didn't even get to meet that attractive lady... She looked cute... Just my luck, isn't it? I blame the Honda Fit for being so horrifically undesirable that the woman just provided me with an excuse to crash it. Maybe if you're heading up to Chamonix soon you'll see it parked up there, covered in snow.

So when I got home I was feeling quite depressed, no photoshoot, no girl that I randomly saw on the side of the road, no yachts that I could sell for lots of money, or lots of money that I see no reason why someone shouldn't just give to me for no reason... So, I played GT6 and all was well. So I took photo's there instead, but no Christmassy tinsel, because I have a feeling it will all go wrong due to what happened to my photoshoot.
Aaaanyway. Fortunately GT6 provided me a better photoshoot, and here it is...

Golliath Vs Golliath (and that weird boat-like thing with wheels and the funky design)

Golliath Vs Golliath

Let There Be Light

German Technology

The Stig's cousin that you don't know about yet

^ He's Pretty Fly (for a White Guy). Fortunately his fly was up for this shot. We avoided a very scary image by making sure it was. Last time someone caught him with his fly down, the person was found covered with radiation burns... Apparently he had been abducted, and The X-Files wasn't a show about aliens. But was indeed about The Stig himself.

Day Vs Night


American Simplicity

Chance to Shine

Keepin' it Cool

Almost Unedited


And that's all for now...

Oh, I almost forgot. It may not be Christmas anymore, but in the Northern Hemisphere it's winter, so there is a slightly larger possibility of there being snow than usual. :P So I decided to celebrate the snow that I never see even when my own country has winter, by editing stuff... Well a stuff. Just one, but I did something nonetheless.

The actual reason I did this is because Carl was very angry with me and was talking to my boss. This is where my boss learned that I was celebrating Christmas by doing absolutely nothing, so words were shouted, limbs and other various body parts were threatened, and then I decided to just do what he wanted. And also, it's not very warm and it's raining buckets over here right now, so that made me feel like it is Winter... Even though it's Summer.

Belated Messy Kweznuz Merry Christmas, and happy holidays!

Sorry for the yellow bits... Turns out that dogs quite like my Audi, and they want to make it their territory. They weren't able to do it after I spiked them... And I'm not talking about alcohol. :P And Flickr made every single small detail more noticeable, so some bits look dodgier than before. :lol:

I meant literally.

Oh, also. If you point out that the ground is just badly painted white stuff, some grain and a little texture thing, then I will be very angry and might break one of your flower pots.
And if you note that half of the things don't have snow on them, then I might get so angry that I rip apart the flower which was living in the flower pot.


Changes to thread: OP post now delivers image preview links as a guide to each update in the thread with an update title named in preview image.

But anyway, thank you very much for visiting my new GT6 gallery. I would largely appreciate a comment about anything relating to the gallery. A like will do, but a comment is just better. :P Thanks for coming. :cheers:
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Well, I haven't been in here for a while...

Starting with the RS200 set:

A very good set with lots of variety and angles.

First shot is nice, an interesting angle that I haven't seen used before. Only thing that bugs me is the jaggy lines that you get from sharpening the picture, though, if I recall correctly, the RS200 has a few jaggy lines normally. The colour balance sets off a really nice mood, 'the calm before the storm', as they say.

Sadly the other RS200 shots have the same case, though on a few it's not as bad.

I really like the second shot, the warm colouring really sets it off, reminding me of a summer's day. A good angle too.

The third shot is really exciting; low down, action shot. The high speed and colouring, once again set it off. And, dare I say it, the lens flare actually works really well!

The forth shot is definitely fit for the realistic picture thread. It genuinely looks like something a journalist would be able to muster in real life. Well done. 👍

To be brutally honest, I'm not really feeling the fifth shot. There's not much movement or anything, it's just not really interesting. It's not bad, but it's just not my cup of tea.

Now, the sixth shot is something I really like. A very nice angle and motion. Very noice. :D

Now, the preview:

Great toning and colouring once again. The composition is interesting, and very brave to have a huge pole largely in the shot. You somehow manage to not get me distracted and look elsewhere, which is very good. I feel that it could be even better if you had zoomed in a bit more to focus a bit more on the El Camino. But that's just me nit picking. :P

Very cool idea for the past and present thing as well. 👍

Now, on to the next set:

First shot: I really, really like this shot. So badass! From this angle, it actually reminds me of the first actual corner on the TGTT. Both in England, so no surprises there. :lol: Nice colouring and angle once again. Could be even better if it was zoomed in a bit more, but it still looks fine the way it is.

Second shot: Now, this shot is gorgeous. Easily in my top ten of all-time favourites of shots taken in GT6 so far. I wouldn't change a single thing, other than the lens flare, but it doesn't even ruin the shot. Epic. :drool:

Third shot: This shot is actually quite nice. The thing that you told about that we must never tell anyone else about because the thing is very special works well, it means multiple things are in focus, without making it really obvious. Nice lighting too. 👍

Forth shot: This shot is very pretty, it has a very mystic feeling. The bright haze of the sun looks very cool too. 👍

Fifth shot: At first I didn't like the panno, but, after looking at it for a little longer, I can see what you were trying to do. I really like the simplicity, it shouts "less is more", which is good. 👍

Sixth shot: This is a bit of an odd shot. I guess it's a given if it's the LRV floating in mid-air. :lol: I think this would of worked without the sharpening, as it makes the details a bit too sharp for my tastes (if that makes sense :dopey:). It makes the stars and other details a bit unrealistic (even though the initial photo concept it unrealistic. :P). You get what I'm saying?

Seventh shot: I quite like this shot. Even though it's similar to the RS200 shot in which I disliked, IMO it works better with this shot. It's just a nice, simplistic shot. 👍

Eighth shot: This shot is very cool, me likey. A wacky angle, fitting for the car (going by how we were driving it today @Slashfan ;)). Just screams "I just don't care!" :lol: The blue tint works really well as well.

Ninth shot: This shot is lovely. Everything just works so well, the colours, the DoF, everything. Battling for most favourite shot in the set with the 507 shot. :drool:

Props if you're still reading. Nearly there...

Now, onto the latest set:

First shot: I really like this shot. Even though most of the car is obscured by a giant cloud of snow, it looks very cool (PUN PUN PUN), kinda dream like. If only it was a Hakosuka, then it'd be like my dreams. :P

Second shot: An interesting angle. I like the motion, it certainly works for the angle and type of shot you were going for. Unfortunately you received a case of colour banding, but luckily it's not too noticeable therefore taking away anything from the shot. :)

Third shot: I like this shot. It looks very much like a holiday trip snap; "ooooh, that's a nice view." park up, get to a good vantage point and snap. Liking colours too.

Forth shot: :lol: As always you have an epic humour. Can't really say anything about the shot other than you photo shopped the policemen in well. 👍

They were photo shopped right? *shudders*

Fifth shot: Decent shot. I think it would have worked better with a higher DoF, or even trying your magic with it. ;) Not your best IMO, but definitely not bad by any stretch.

Sixth shot: A cool shot, and a cool concept. I just can't help but feel it would look much better without the lens flare, for me it just distracts me too much.

Seventh shot: I'm not a fan of this shot either, to be honest. The composition and focus makes it hard for me to 'understand' the picture correctly, as there are too many bright colours fuzzy and unfocused. I do understand that you did have to work around the fact there isn't actually an interior picture taking option, so props for that. 👍

Eighth shot: Now, I really, really like this shot. If only there was some sort of vintage racing suit and helmet, it would look even better. Angle and general idea is really excellent. Moment is great too, under the brakes for the tight left hander. Can't fault anything. :drool:

Ninth shot: This is a really nice shot too, colours and everything are really pleasing. The only thing I'd change would be to have the SLS in focus and the Viper and the rest of the back ground unfocused, or working your magic and having the background blurred with still having both cars focused. Sadly there isn't much you can do for having your idea in the original picture, which is a shame. Hopefully they include multiple focus points at one point. :D

Tenth shot: Ah man, you keep on making amazing shots! I absolutely love this one to absolutely pieces. Everything is just perfect. Everything.

Eleventh shot: Like the other interior picture, I don't like this one either. It's for a different reason though. This time is because I just find it a little bit dull to tell you the absolute truth. It doesn't really say anything, it's just not very interesting.

Twelfth shot: I really like the angle on this. As in, really really like the angle. Would look great as a portrait banner. :D

Thirteenth shot: This shot made me think for a little bit. Another nice shot. 👍 Not my favourite from you, but still a very good effort nevertheless.

Fourteenth shot: Interesting composition; and props for keeping it fairly basic editing wise. If it were me I'd bump the saturation of the red paint work just a tad, just to make them stand out a little more, but I'm just thinking out loud here. :lol:

Fifteenth shot: Really like this shot as well. Composition, colour, DoF is all spot on. Very noice. 👍

Sixteenth shot: Epic edit, you're making me very jelly of your snow adding skills. :drool: The snow on the car and the condensation/frosting of the windows looks genuinely real. :drool: A nice touch with the snow tracks as well. 👍 Colour balance and composition feels really good too. Very well done on a very complicated picture to edit/take. 👍

And, as always, all of your funny comments keep me on the floor rolling. :lol:

Phew, that was long. Very long.

If you say tl;dr, I will either break you or rip apart you. Or I'll just do it for ripping apart my flower that was in my now broken flower pot. :mad:
Nice gallery! Your pictures are good, but what I enjoyed most of all was your running commentaries and the bit of narrative behind the sets. Do keep it up - it's entertaining :)

Thank you very much, Revolution. :cheers: I believe I have found a place to express the madness that is my head by doing these commentaries. :lol:

Very nice sets and comments, but the shot for "The Stig's cousin that you don't know about yet" leaves me speechlees :drool:

Some things actually went wrong in that shot (GT6's cropped edges while taking photo). But I couldn't be bothered waiting for the 2X to reload, and those wrongs sort of helped it a bit anyway. :P Thanks a lot for visiting, Mazda. :cheers:

What Revo said, the commentaries make your shots even better! 👍

Tanks, tanks everywhere! Sorry, I made a typo saying tanks, and it just extended from there. But thank you very much for commenting, mate. :cheers:

My favourite has to be the German Technology shot.

Thank you very much, mate. :cheers: It's good to see one of the photographers I would refer to in order to improve in my early days making a visit. No really, It was your gallery and a few others that I visited in my early GT5 days, so that must play part to my development. :cheers:

RS200 set

True true about the jaggies. I know why it happened too. The most common issue with sharpening I've had previously hasn't been jaggies, but distortion on the edges. But these shots weren't getting it, so I went mental, completely ignored the fact that it had made the jaggies really bad. Thank you for actually pointing out the negative too. :cheers: Not enough people do that.

The set with a few random things

Well. The Scirocco shot you said was similar to the RS200 shot. I was actually annoyed with how it came out, because no matter what I did, the bonnet's colours just looked wrong to me.

And :lol: about the El Camino comment. Had lots of fun in my 750 HP El Camino (with comfort hards). In case someone else is reading and has no idea... I took an El Camino, lowered it so it looked cool with its new wheels. Then went mental on power and gave it comfort hards, adjusted the transmission and I had the most ridiculous thing on the planet. :lol: I love it!

I'm happy that I added that last Scirocco shot. I was at one point considering not adding it. :scared: Lucky I did.

*The Incident set*

And, as always, all of your funny comments keep me on the floor rolling. :lol:

Phew, that was long. Very long.

If you say tl;dr, I will either break you or rip apart you. Or I'll just do it for ripping apart my flower that was in my now broken flower pot. :mad:

tl;dr (but it's not too long; didn't read, it's typing letters; damn reading. Okay that was a really bad alternative acronym...)

No, the police weren't shopped in. PD just added a special Easter Egg at Chamonix. If you crash, a yeti chases some policeman onto the track, cuts them from chest downwards and then places them on the top of your car. And honestly, that third shot? That was barely intended to be a good shot. I thought it was just relevant to my asylum ready ramblings. :P

You've actually given me more ideas to expand on my initial idea with your comment on the Golliath Vs Golliath shot. :cheers: I never thought about it before. I only considered motion.

But.. But! ... LENS FLARE!!! :lol: I might have added a bit too much if I'm honest. Sometimes I have a habit of going into lens flare and just saying, "that will do" and then slapping it in, without really thinking about it. :lol:

The seventh shot is actually an interesting shot. You didn't like it, but you fell into what I was trying to do. My intentions were to draw your eye away from the focus point. Hence why the focus point is in such an uninteresting place.

I think The Stig is relevant for that shot. :lol: No not really, I don't want him involved again. There were massive amounts of radiation on the car's driver seat when he was done.

If anything, the Day Vs Night's only niggle for me is the bottom of the lamp post to the left which looks dodgy. I reckon the image is fine the way it is.

It is a bit dull. But then again, have you ever looked into the Viper's interior in GT6? :lol: I was having difficulty finding anything of interest that I could shoot. That's why it's named the way it is.

That portrait SLS shot came out exactly how I'd planned. If anything, I would have liked it to have a few of those pink Cherry Blossom leaves running through the image, still but out of focus. But GT6 doesn't have that Japan place that GT5 had, so I couldn't be bothered. :lol: Maybe I'll edit those in some other time.

If that shot made you think, then you probably put more thought into it than I did. :lol:

I actually tried that (adding in some red)... I didn't like it.

That wheel shot sort of just fell into place. It happened with ease which is the way it should always be.

The Winter shot has a lot of dodgy bits and bobs on it if you look at it any closer than the preview. ;) But yeah, it was very complicated (compared to what I normally do).

Thank you so much for taking so much time to work up such a big reply. You've done the true thing a critic must do which is pay more attention to the work and ideas behind them than the creator did themselves.

For example:

Critic: Mr Flobogastine, in act IVTSFGD, Scene VICHDAL. When Muggles confronts Jeffrey, is Jeffrey in the dark, and Muggles in the light a visual metaphor for Jeffrey being the bad guy, and Muggles being the good?

Mr Flobogastine: Uuuuh... Yeah? :irked:

But it's very helpful. So I believe I have to buy a you a drink. Not a beer, because you're too young for that. But a drink of sorts. :cheers: Thanks.
I concur, the Goliath vs Goliath and Choices shots are great to me, well composed. 👍 And it's always nice to read your stories and such. Good for a chuckle. ;)
Awesome shot! :drool:

I believe you mean shots. :sly: Everything I do is simply amazing. :P No, not really. Not even I'm that self obsessed. :lol: Thanks for the visit, Johan. :cheers:

The Goliath vs Goliath shots look great! Good composition and angles.👍
Also nice attempt at a snow edit and an interesting story throughout the set once again.;)

Yeah, the snow edit really was an attempt rather than a masterful creation. :lol: Now I have a year until next Christmas to get better at snow and stuff. Thanks once again, Nux. :cheers:

I concur, the Goliath vs Goliath and Choices shots are great to me, well composed. 👍 And it's always nice to read your stories and such. Good for a chuckle. ;)

So it would be safe to assume that the most interesting thing about the Viper/SLS are the wheels? :lol: Makes sense, they wouldn't work very well without them. Thanks for the visit, mate. :cheers:

So pleasureful to read the stories and watch the nice pics, don't know what's more worth the visit of both. ;)👍

I'm not sure either. I was thinking of ditching one or the other to find out, but I decided that some old man with a pitchfork and torch would probably come after me either way, so I just decided I'll stick to both. Thanks again for the visit, Nicolas. :cheers:
Absolutely love how clean your shots look and that story on your Fit's set's pretty entertaining to read too. :lol:

Thanks for the visit, Taiga. :cheers:


Another thanks to everyone who has left a comment in. :cheers: No really, I'm very thankful. The responses made Mr T.Wat so happy that he decided to promote my work station. Now I am on a new(ish) computer in the basement of the building! Before I was in the garden outside, exposed to the elements, so I could only work in summer because it was too cold and wet for my PC in the Winter. And the last few days I could do nothing because it was raining heavily (in summer). But now I watch Mr Cheng out there in the rain, laughing at his misfortune. He's the newest employee, and all his work is terrible. I can honestly swear that Terry only keeps him onboard to see him suffer out there.

Anyway, onto more important stuff...

If you look into every single update I release, you will notice something. Everything has either power, performance or exclusivity. I never take a moment to notice the cheap thrills, which is worrying because I'm all about being cheap. So in order to maintain my reputation for being stingy, I went all out on budget for this set. The actual truth is it's about time I showed attention to some cars I tend to forget about, mainly because in GT5 I could feel the reason I love them when I drove them. Whether the physics engine didn't make them fun to drive, or they were ugly looking standards, or I just never saw the standards in the UCD... Anyway.

Forgotten Treasures

First I tried my favourite budget. The $0 budget.


Uuuuh, that's not gone well... I need to cleanse my mind of such idiocy...

After that failure I decided that maybe I should just be cheap on cars rather than equipment, and here is what eventuated from that endeavor.

Red Vs Blue

Testing the Limits

The 90's

Autumn Leaves

Runnin' from the Sun

And then I forgot that we were being stingy and when remembering that there was a theme to the set, I got the wrong theme in my head and thought it was Japanese cars in general, so I ended up taking an expensive old Japanese piece of Skyline fan boy history. Just without ruining it and making the wheels stick out like Barack Obama's ears...

*hears helicopters*

Oh no, he must have heard me, and now he's sending his military to destroy me... Uh...
President Obama! I am dreadfully sorry, I was just joking, surely you can take a joke, right?
*gun shot right past my head*
Uh... Okay, I'll never say anything of the like again? ...
*gun shot between my legs*
Oh no, I've just wet... AAAH!!
That's getting closer... ... Uuh, 'Murica!! Beer!! Monster Trucks!! .. 'MURICA!!!

*helicopters leave*

Phew... Just a note, if you want to make a joke about someone, make sure they're in a position where there's nothing they can do back to you... I need a new pair of pants.

Night Ridin'

Tunnel Light

Decoration Detour

Hakosuka Power

Okay, I don't have any more pants, and I just chucked the soiled ones in the wash... And by this point when I was taking the photos for the set, I forgot about both of my ideas, and then thought it was cars that are hatchbacks or Japanese, so I got a Volvo...

Light Curves

Layin' in the Shade


Anyone got a spare pair of pants? .. Soo cold..


NEXT TIME!!! On "That Generic Reality TV Show!"

Gerald kicks Maude out of the house when he finds the real love of his life in the kitchen sink! Maude finds amusement away from home when she finds some kids trying to find out why that guy in town always turns to his left! And Harold the llama grows angry of Tommy the Duck never doing any housework!!

Oh, and next time I also return to my normal, big power, ignorant of practicality, and blind to the colour green. Because of Greenpeace mainly.


Fire Light

A special note: This set took forever to upload. So long that I was rocking back and forth shouting "WHY MUST YOU TAKE SOO LOOOOONG!!!"
Excellent update, you have inspired me to make a set with some cheap everyday car. I especially like Runnin' from the Sun and Hakosuka Power. Keep it up!
Excellent update, you have inspired me to make a set with some cheap everyday car. I especially like Runnin' from the Sun and Hakosuka Power. Keep it up!

Well the day I inspire someone is the day that is.. Uh, Friday, actually... Yeah, I guess that works. Even though it was still Thursday by your time zone. :lol: Those two shots are two of my favourites from the set this time around too. Thanks for the visit once again, mate. :cheers:
Forgotten Tresures? Reminds me of something... :P

Anyways, great works, Alex! 👍
Can't wait for the C9! :drool:

:lol: I must be getting into a bad habit with my set titles, because @SVX pointed out that he had a GT5 set that was called "The Incident" as well. I'll need to go to extra lengths just to make sure I don't end up with a set title that's been used before (something tells me that the next set title of mine is going to be irrelevant to everything ever thought by anyone... EVER!! :P). Thanks for the comment, Justin. :cheers:
Great find! I'm glad I've opened your gallery. Nice read and great shots.

Your Hakosuka power shot is one of the bests I've seen in that particular track. Makes me want to be there.

Nice composition overall and great stories. 👍
The first Volvo picture is excellent, the soil rendering is so great, ok now I want to make some pics of this car :)

Things I love in your photomode work, the cars I'm never using, the little stories that are a sweet adding, the various locations. After the failed panorama, where is the successful one ? :)

And your avatar, oh each time I see it I'm smiling ;)
Great find! I'm glad I've opened your gallery. Nice read and great shots.

Your Hakosuka power shot is one of the bests I've seen in that particular track. Makes me want to be there.

Nice composition overall and great stories. 👍

Thanks for the kind words, Ricardo. :cheers:

The first Volvo picture is excellent, the soil rendering is so great, ok now I want to make some pics of this car :)

Things I love in your photomode work, the cars I'm never using, the little stories that are a sweet adding, the various locations. After the failed panorama, where is the successful one ? :)

And your avatar, oh each time I see it I'm smiling ;)

If that Midget makes you smile, then be prepared for a section in this new set. And funny you should ask about where the successful panorama is. ;) Thanks once again for the kind words, Hervé. :cheers:


Well anyway, sorry for the set coming up a bit late, things got nasty in the office when Gerald's pants caught on fire again. Apparently he was inspecting Melissa's desk drawers when suddenly the desk lamp's lightbulb caught on fire (as well as Gerald's pants). T.Wat was quite angry and forced Gerald to go on leave. He had disappointed Terry by disturbing the work place, destroying office resources (pants, light bulbs, and pornographic magazines for old people), and disturbing employee privacy (I think a restraining order was involved also).

Unfortunately, the small fire burnt away half of the update I had set up, so I had to go all the way back to France. That's right, FRANCE!!! A place where tourists feel that it's funny to rip the red and blue bit off every French flag they see, and everyone eats cheese and hates the English... Or maybe none of that is actually true. Well it might be, I don't know, I've never actually been to France. I mean, I still believe that Mexico is full of big friendly Mexicans wearing colourful ponchos and sombreros, shaking maracas while eating tacos (which of course, it is! I mean why wouldn't it be?). Wait, yes! I have been to France, to shoot this update (that was also why it was delayed, I had the photo's ready, but after playing too much GTA I got distracted and shot them with an assault rifle... Somehow. Terry also decided to ban all forms of weaponry in the workplace).

Anyway, no further delays. Let's get this show on the road.

I Bet there isn't any other Gallery Update named this at the Moment

Yeah, that ain't going to break any copyright laws now is it?

Treat with Caution

Into the Night

Coming up with a Name for each shot is getting quite difficult now


Out on the Wings

Winning Passion

Pollution of Light and Sound


I forgot to upload this shot. It's made it's way here as an edit rather than an on-time inclusion.

Down in the Dark

To the next subject.

In my time playing Gran Turismo, I've never really done the whole tuning thing, I always felt that tuning cars was sort of going against what the manufacturer had wanted. And the result is usually a car that is less enjoyable than it was before, but quicker.

But with GT6 having a Daihatsu Midget, some very ambitious suspension options, and gold chrome paint, I felt that it was completely necessary for me to try making GT's version of a jelly car, something which pretty much rolls whenever you turn the wheel. I was quite successful, it rolled if you turned more than 25% if you're moving at speed, and the body roll looked hilarious, but that isn't the end of it. I had an idea, but what if this thing could be incredibly easy to roll, look hilarious from every angle, and also win a race? To find out, I went to Autumn Ring to participate in the Sunday Cup to find out...

Wardrobe Malfunction

A Subtle Entry

Showing the Noobs how it's Done

Well, as you can see, I managed to not roll it (though I did almost roll at a few points). However, the result wasn't as I had hoped. This brilliant machine of laughter did not prove that comedy can win in the serious world, and only placed 2nd. About half a second behind the leader, which to add insult to injury, was none other than a strangely beaten Toyota Prius... So I apologise to the world of comedy, I will avenge this failure by playing GTA and going through tunnels... In a plane... Most likely hitting other cars which are inside the tunnel at the time (no really, you should try taking to the tunnels in planes, it's a lot of fun!).

Oh, and also, I got a visit from God...

God has Arrived in the Form of an Audi


I suppose that will do us for today, cheerio and toodle pip!
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Holy 🤬, that is a superb Sauber set, love it. especially "Treat with Caution", "Winning Passion" and "Down in the Dark". ;)👍
I've at last find the time to read all this page 2...
A good summary of my read would be something like this : :D:confused::dunce::lol::P:D:cheers::lol::confused::crazy::dunce::drool:💡:lol:👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

I did have a good laugh while reading the comments of the Fit set, they put the pics in another dimension :) Anyway the toning and framing of the last two pics is excellent and the first one has a strong atmosphere.

Pics with the two Goliath are nicely composed and as a lot of other people I like a lot the (real or not) Stig one 👍

The snow edit is really superb, maybe there are still some flaws but honestly it's very very well made, especially the edit work on the car 👍 👍 Bravo !

Like Hervé I like a lot the first Volvo pic, nice angle light and good choice of aperture for a light bokeh.

The Silver Arrow set is superb, the preview was already superb and the set is full of various pics. A very original set with some nice gems of composition and choice of angle 👍

And like Hervé again, I like a lot your avatar and, obviously, the midget set is just perfect ! Fun, original and also very welle done 👍

I think after this massive shot of your thread I will have a hard comedown :lol:

I need another fix soon :cheers:

Sorry, too tempting. :P

Excellent pictures man, absolutely love the Hakosuka pictures (and not just because it's a Hako :P). Mercedes pictures are amazing too. :D

And you leave me rolling on the floor like always. :D
Holy 🤬, that is a superb Sauber set, love it. especially "Treat with Caution", "Winning Passion" and "Down in the Dark". ;)👍

The first two shots you mentioned are both shots that I took on my first photoshoot there with that car. As I said, I was there twice to do that set, it was actually a legitimate thing, not just random rambling. Even look at the driver, he's got a different helmet/suit. ;) And it's a different time also. Thanks for the visit once again, Nicolas. :cheers:

Love the stories behind your photos, really puts a meaning into your shots. 👍

Thanks once again, mate. :cheers:

I've at last find the time to read all this page 2...
A good summary of my read would be something like this : :D:confused::dunce::lol::P:D:cheers::lol::confused::crazy::dunce::drool:💡:lol:👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

I did have a good laugh while reading the comments of the Fit set, they put the pics in another dimension :) Anyway the toning and framing of the last two pics is excellent and the first one has a strong atmosphere.

Pics with the two Goliath are nicely composed and as a lot of other people I like a lot the (real or not) Stig one 👍

The snow edit is really superb, maybe there are still some flaws but honestly it's very very well made, especially the edit work on the car 👍 👍 Bravo !

Like Hervé I like a lot the first Volvo pic, nice angle light and good choice of aperture for a light bokeh.

The Silver Arrow set is superb, the preview was already superb and the set is full of various pics. A very original set with some nice gems of composition and choice of angle 👍

And like Hervé again, I like a lot your avatar and, obviously, the midget set is just perfect ! Fun, original and also very welle done 👍

I think after this massive shot of your thread I will have a hard comedown :lol:

I need another fix soon :cheers:

It's good that you enjoyed the read of this page. :lol:

What, that Stig is the real thing! :P He's just an alien. We just don't know whether he's a Colonist or a Rebel. :P Or maybe I've been watching too much X-Files... Again.

The flaws in the snow edit drive me mental, but I had no idea how to use photoshop properly to correct them. :lol:

Reading your comment about the first Volvo pic makes me laugh. Mainly because I realize that I do all my photowork and never mention any of the proper terms, I just refer to it in simplistic terms such as light blurry stuff. :lol:

Composition and choice of angle are both things I've been paying far more attention to lately. I used to just take shots with the mindset of "meh, close enough." Now I will fiddle with it a bit to get the best shot possible.

Ah, the Midget. It's a lot of fun, good to hear you enjoyed the shots. :D

Thanks a lot for the big comment, Jérémy. :cheers:


Sorry, too tempting. :P

Excellent pictures man, absolutely love the Hakosuka pictures (and not just because it's a Hako :P). Mercedes pictures are amazing too. :D

And you leave me rolling on the floor like always. :D

Well, at least I didn't hear your very high pitch squeeing of the word "Hakosuka" through the mic this time. :lol: The Skyline shots just came out good considering I didn't really have a reason for wanting to take photo's of it. Thanks for the visit, as always, Josh. :cheers: