I was looking into getting dumbbells, i didn't realise how cheap they were! Anyway i could't decide what size to get, i was thinking a 30kg set although i thought that sounded light, looking at videos it looks pretty heavy though, any advice? Im pretty hacked off as well as i spoke to my dad about it who had repeatedly said to me 'you need to bulk up your too skinny' has now turned round and gone 'no its a stupid idea you don't need dumbbells'
Don't buy fixed weight dumbbells, they're completely useless, buy one with attachable weights.
I do not know your height / frame / basic strength but I'd recommend starting with about 75% of your body weight. (if you are not overweight)
Doesn't sound like much but you need more strength to press dumbbells than a barbell because you need to stabilize those two independent weights. You don't need to do that with a fixed barbell. Most people - me included- can lift 20% less that way but its a much better - if less spectacular- exercise than barbell bench pressing.
Don't forget to buy a few 0.5, 1.25 and 2.25 kg weights so you can gradually increase weight as you get stronger.
You do not want to increase weight by 5 or even 10kg, it doesn't work that way.
You'll also need a bench, bench pressing doesn't work very well on the floor because it limits your ROM and you can't do negative presses on a flat floor.
Start with as much weight as you can press 8 times 3 stints, you can use a little less weight on your last stint, or just do 2 reps less. When you press dumbbells make sure your thumb knuckles point at your nipples, not at your feet or shoulders.
Bench pressing on a flat bench works your front deltoids (front shoulder muscle) and your pectoralis major (chest) and your triceps. If you do it on a negative bench you'll get more stress on your chest and less on your shoulders.
Make sure there is at least 4 days of rest between your chest exercises, and if you get sore muscles from the exercise (most beginners suffer from it) wait until they don't hurt anymore - do NOT work out with sore muscles!
And eat eat EAT! You won't bulk up if you don't give your body the extra energy it needs to build some muscle tissue. If you don't change your current eating habits absolutely nothing will happen, or in a worst case scenario you'll get even skinner because of all the extra calories you burn each time you exercise.
HIGHLY recommend doing more than just chest exercise because this can lead to injuries, totally unbalanced physique and severe postural deformity etc.
When I started weight lifting I didn't work out my back but did a lot of chest exercises, dumbbell bench pressing well over 280lbs - and what happened? My upper back muscles were weak so my chest and neck muscles pulled my shoulders up and forward. It took me a year to correct that problem with rigorous back exercises - don't make the same mistake.
Do dead lifts, one armed rows, biceps curls and shrugs.