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Viper ZeroYou're welcome. Read up on that Kyoto Protocol yet?
I just got off of work and I plan to do so, I'll tell you what I've learned when I've read up on it.
Viper ZeroYou're welcome. Read up on that Kyoto Protocol yet?
Viper ZeroNo one has declared Muslims to be "evil scum". Do not try to combine normal, peace loving Muslims with the Islamic Fascists who are responsible for these attacks.
ledhedWhat else are they ?
OK, well I'll just go ahead and kill anything that even remotely looks like it might interfere with my perception of safety.inkyturboOk, now I know how kikie feels, and I am glad that your first argument against me(about not attribiuting the whole url to my quotes) wasn't your whole argument. Now again I say, rule of law is not bad, and I definitely agree with it, but it is not a factor in this situation, and it is not a required part of democracy. The standard we can judge and act upon is one of safety, to keep future attacks from happening. This takes precedence. And before you tell me that we haven't been sucessful in that regard, we have not finished our job. I don't know about you, but I am willing to sacrifice a few rights to keep from being blown up.
To show proof for my previous claim of coalition plunder. Apparently, according to viperzero,any ornately wrought sarcofagi that even remotely resembles a man who could be Saddam in Baghdad, the cradle of civilization, is open game to the prybars and pocket knives of riflers.ledhedAnd the context is ? What ?
No theory, I just surf links:ledhedBTW what happened to the oil and museam pieces that are supposedly plundered ? Do you have another theory ?
Looks like a couple soldiers out hunting Savanna boar, just before they get their asses handed to them in Mogadishu.ledhedI like this photo better .
It has a much better artistic flair .
I really would LOVE to read your reasoning behind that claim. Perhaps the terrorists are the BBC's greatest contributors through advertising? Paid with plundered booty? It couldn't possibly be because there is no direct or indirect proof, and the BBC is trying to offer "fair reporting", huh.Viper ZeroThe BBC is trying to pander to the terrorists and those who support them.
Only if you have definate scientific proof from 4 different websites and the results of a DNA test, this is the opinions forum facts please !!!ledhedbut if it walks like a duck...quacks like a duck and looks like a duck...it must be a duck right ?
Welcome back to the discussionFamineNo.
If any anarchist organised a synchronised bombing campaign, they wouldn't BE anarchists.
I learned about the USS Liberty situation in high school current events as part of a discussion of Isreals wars with the Arabs . I have since watched shows about it on cable TV stations like the history channel and read books on the subject . So what is the conspiracy ?rkWelcome back to the discussion
And may I commend you for your thourough and convincing response to the repartee we were having a few days ago. Did you enjoy learning about conspiracies by Googling the USS Liberty?
For those less studied, the Liberty was a survellience (spy) ship operating in international waters off the Sinai Penninsula during the 6 Day War, a period when Israel was attempting to extend its territory into an area controlled by Egypt. The Israelis repeatedly bombed, machine-gunned and torpedoed the unarmed frigate and all but sank her, despite markings, flag and hand signals claiming her non combative status, there are even reports of recorded conversations of Israeli pilots who describe seeing the Stars and Bars (that's the American flag) fluttering at her stern. The official excuse is that the pilots and gun boat commanders believed her to be a cargo vessel with Egyptian registry. The historical record will show that the Israelis were about to embark on a major offensive into the area known as The Golan Heights. Knowing that it's resources were stretched and troop strength would have to be reduced at other border locations, that the Liberty would surely detect this, that she would transmit to Washington and the Russians would intercept, decode and relay the news to the Egyptians; The Israeli High Command gave the order to silence her in a watery grave. It is truly a miracle that she survived the assault.
The details of the subsequent investigation were obscurred to maintain valuable international relations, remember that this happened during the height of the cold war.
"On the fourth day of the 1967 Arab Israeli War, the intelligence ship 'USS Liberty' was steaming slowly in international waters, 14 miles off the Sinai Peninsula. Israeli armored forces were racing deep into Sinai in hot pursuit of the retreating Egyptian army.
'Liberty,' a World War II freighter, had been converted into an intelligence vessel by the top-secret US National Security Agency, and packed with the latest signals and electronic interception equipment. The ship bristled with antennas and electronic 'ears' including TRSSCOMM, a system that delivered real-time intercepts to Washington by bouncing a stream of microwaves off the moon.
'Liberty' had been rushed to Sinai to monitor communications of the belligerents in the Third Arab Israeli War: Israel and her foes, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.
At 0800 hrs, 8 June, 1967, eight Israeli recon flights flew over 'Liberty,' which was flying a large American flag. At 1400 hrs, waves of low-flying Israeli Mystere and Mirage-III fighter-bombers repeatedly attacked the American vessel with rockets, napalm, and cannon. The air attacks lasted 20 minutes, concentrating on the ship's electronic antennas and dishes. The 'Liberty' was left afire, listing sharply. Eight of her crew lay dead, a hundred seriously wounded, including the captain, Commander William McGonagle.
At 1424 hrs, three Israeli torpedo boats attacked, raking the burning 'Liberty' with 20mm and 40mm shells. At 1431hrs an Israeli torpedo hit the 'Liberty' midship, precisely where the signals intelligence systems were located. Twenty-five more Americans died.
Israeli gunboats circled the wounded 'Liberty,' firing at crewmen trying to fight the fires. At 1515, the crew were ordered to abandon ship. The Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House.
An hour after the attack, Israeli warships and planes returned. Commander McGonagle gave the order. 'prepare to repel borders.' But the Israelis, probably fearful of intervention by the US Sixth Fleet, departed. 'Liberty' was left shattered but still defiant, her flag flying.
The Israeli attacks killed 34 US seamen and wounded 171 out of a crew of 297, the worst loss of American naval personnel from hostile action since World War II.
Less than an hour after the attack, Israel told Washington its forces had committed a 'tragic error.' Later, Israel claimed it had mistaken 'Liberty' for an ancient Egyptian horse transport. US Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, and Joint Chiefs of Staff head, Admiral Thomas Moorer, insisted the Israeli attack was deliberate and designed to sink 'Liberty.' So did three CIA reports; one asserted Israel's Defense Minister, Gen. Moshe Dayan, had personally ordered the attack."
"Never before in the history of the United States Navy has a Navy Board of Inquiry ignored the testimony of American military eyewitnesses and taken, on faith, the word of their attackers.
-- Captain Richard F. Kiepfer, Medical Corps, US Navy (retired), USS Liberty Survivor"
Perhaps, in light of the Assosciated Press report that Netenyahu was forewarned of the London bombings, it was the Egyptians who did it.
Anachists don't despouse organization, they attempt to destroy government, my assertion above was rhetorical. Your refutation does in no way implicate "terrorists", nor is this an attempt to exonerate "terrorists".
FamineOh man, that was SOME drivel.
I've yet to see any confirmed reports that Netenyahu was pre-warned. I HAVE seen reports that he was being driven through London and, shortly after the Algate bomb, was diverted by police already on the streets.
So, that means an anarchist, by definition, would not be someone who had been subjected to coercive mental conditioning of a fundamental nature, huh? No, a "terrorist" has an agenda, even if he had been born and raised in the country he tragedized.FamineAnd, according to your Dictionary.com, a definition of anarchism (of which an anarchist is a proponent) is "Rejection of ALL forms of coercive control and authority". Still, you know how to take a piss on a gag.
Touring Mars... conspiracy-based 'news' websites claim anything from 'Blair ordered London bombings' to the fact that these bombings were just another 'step' in paving a road to a war against Iran....
The conspiracy, short and sweet, is that the Israelis knowingly attempted to kill the entire crew of the Liberty, and the subsequent investigations ignored sworn eyewitness testemony and accepted heresay evidence instead, upon which the decision of accedental attack was based. The proof of it's effectiveness, is revealed in your description of "situation."ledhedI learned about the USS Liberty situation in high school current events as part of a discussion of Isreals wars with the Arabs . I have since watched shows about it on cable TV stations like the history channel and read books on the subject . So what is the conspiracy ?
What if anything does it have to do with bombers on the subway ? In fact what does it have to do with squirrels on mars ?
rkOr is the Assosciated Press too much of a sensationalist rag?
rkSo now the AP is a conspiracy based news website... .
... and then i mentioned those other websites, which to my knowledge have nothing to do with the AP....I havent' seen any reliable AP source about the Netenyahu tip off either...
ledhedIn fact what does it have to do with squirrels on mars ?
Viper ZeroYes.
The AP story that you cited was retracted by the AP 35 minutes after reporting the false story from an "anonymous source". The Israeli embassy was NOT informed of the terrorist attacks ahead of time.
The AP has been known to be Anti-Semitic and has ran stories to prove it. If you're going to run your mouth, rk, at least get your facts straight.
LGF called it first.
Maybe the society in which they were born and raised should just deport all those barbarians. Perhaps that is too harsh, bonny old England could loose all it's housemaids and gardeners.Touring Mars... these guys are barbarians, and are not fit ot live in a civilised society... they gave no-one any warning...
rkMaybe the society in which they were born and raised should just deport all those barbarians. Perhaps that is too harsh, bonny old England could loose all it's housemaids and gardeners.
rk"JERUSALEM - Israel was not warned about possible terror attacks in London before a series of blasts ripped through the city, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said Thursday."
You call printing the Israeli side of the story a "retraction"? I call it fair reporting, but then again, I am not a reactionary hawk. Somebody goes out on a limb and makes an exposing statement, that the AP deemed worth publishing, but you will accept the damage control from Shalom and blame the media source.
rkMaybe the society in which they were born and raised should just deport all those barbarians. Perhaps that is too harsh, bonny old England could loose all it's housemaids and gardeners.