You sure can, almost like a talking head. May I say you sure love to quote yourself? Why don't you explain to the people of Gonzaga how pitifully stupid Mr. Menezes was and they should be thanking the marksman now that there is one less idiot in the world?
Oh, and while your at it, since crusades are only run for, um, religious reasons, why is the coalition so easily characterized as a crusade; or haven't you heard about the religious bias at the Air Force Academy?
I still don't understand what your point is rk, you've been obsessing about this one mans death for days now.
Let me put it into perspective for you, the G8 summit has almost been swept into oblivion by the recent terrorist actions, are you even aware that the UK agreed to double their contribution to help poverty in Africa. The aid package is now $50bn and even Sir Bob has recognised that the new measures will save 10million lives.
but...the headlines are full of this one man killed in shooting story...why is this one man's life so important compared to the thousands of others that die every day.
Everyday HIV/AIDS kills 6,000 people and another 8,200 people are infected with this deadly virus.
Every year six million children die from malnutrition before their fifth birthday.
Every 30 seconds an African child dies of malaria-more than one million child deaths a year.
Every 3.6 seconds another person dies of starvation and the large majority are children under the age of 5.
Five million people, mostly children, die each year from water-borne diseases.
Every minute, a woman somewhere dies in pregnancy or childbirth. This adds up to 1,400 women dying each day-an estimated 529,000 each year-from pregnancy-related causes.
I don't know where you live rk, but it must be nice to live where there is no crime, and no need for a police force. I don't live in such a paradise. I am thankful for what the police do on a daily basis, and it's a pretty cheap shot from the mayor of Gonzaga, they could try and stop some of their own genuine corruption. In the UK we don't have government backed death squads that murder children!
- According to the National Movement of Street Children (MNMMR) and the Brazilian Institute for Social and Economic Analyses (IBASE), 1,937 children and adolescents were killed during the period of 1984 to 1989.
- According to the Attorney General (Procurador General da Republica ), 5,644 children between the ages of five and seventeen were victims of violent deaths in the period between 1988 and 1991.
-According to Rio de Janeiro state government's own statistics, in 1992, 424 children under the age of 18 were victims of homicide in Rio de Janeiro. In the first six months of 1993, 298 children were killed in that state
A report released by the Rio de Janeiro's State Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry revealed that 90 percent of the adolescents killed in the State had no previous police record. Nevertheless, death squads operate in many Brazilian states. Police officers are frequently accused of murdering destitute minors, and businessmen are alleged to contract professional killers to 'clean the streets'. According to the MNMMR, Marco de Lima, a city official in Novo Hamburgo from the Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement (PMDB) went so far as to declare that "We have to kill when they are still young, so they do not bother us after they grow up".
Explain then, "perfesser," why there have been no terrorist attacks in France, Germany, Canada or Japan;
What none at all...are you sure...or do you just mean "this week"
Islamic extremists upset with French Government policy toward the conflict in Algeria are suspected of being responsible for terrorist bombings in France during 1995 that left eight dead and 160 wounded.
A series of terrorist incidents in France in 1995 appeared to be the work of Algerian extremists. In July a cofounder of the Algerian opposition group Islamic Salvation Front (FIS), Abdelbaki Sahraoui, was murdered in Paris. Suspicion focused on another Algerian opposition group, the Armed Islamic Group (GIA), which had earlier put Sahraoui on a "death list" for his supposed conciliatory posture toward the Algerian Government.
I assume that you think all these other countries are on crusades as well, to warrant attacks by terrorists.
Terrorist Attacks 1961-2003
I'm sure you'll respond to this with a circular argument, a subtle reference to the police being fascists and how terrible it is that a man died....oh and probably some ridiculous comment about crusades.
Come to UK, have a look at our temples, our mosques our shrines and our synagogues.
You don't seem to realise the scale of the ethnic and religious diversity of our little island.
Why don't we just pull these temples down and force everyone to attend a Christian church...that is what a crusade is like, don't use a word that you don't understand.
In our history we had crusades, they were bloody and terrible, it was a shameful time we swept accross Europe leaving a trail of murder behind us.
By using the word now to describe our attempts to defend ourselves from terrorism you are making a mockery of the people that suffered and died from the torture and burnings that came with those times.
You also make a mockery of people like this, who risked their lives to save so many others.
The first person to be awarded a VC (the UK's highest honour) in 20 years. To suggest that he is an a evil crusader is just plain stupid!
You are so wrong, it has actually annoyed me.
Brazil actually has a pretty good human rights record that is constantly improving, I would also like to note that Brazil has a very high adult literacy rate for a country many deem to be "third world" and there are vast swathes of Brazil that dont look much morethird world then the Elephant and Castle in London.
Hidden Abuses Against Detained Youths in Rio de Janeiro
From the Human Rights Watch Organisation
Egregious abuses in the criminal justice systemincluding extrajudicial killings and torture by police and prison authoritiesremain
London Police can't even be compared to that.