Shift 2, best setting for the controler

I've been playing Shift 2 since his out now and I am struggling with handling. After ALOT of research over different forum (including GTPlanet), I was not able to find exactly what i'm looking for. Is there someone out there who can tell me the very best setting (in advanced setting menu), how to make Shift 2 more like GT5?

I can't even enjoy Shift 2 because of the poor handling :grumpy:.I don't have a wheel so I just need the setting for the controller.

Don't get me wrong here, Shift 2 have really good graphics, physics and one of the best sound I ever heard in a racing game (that the reasons I did not bring back Shift 2, it's a keeper)

Anyway, just want to say that english is not my first langage, sorry for that :scared:!
Well, never mind everybody. I'm just gonna bring back my game to trade it. I decided to put all my "gaming energy" to GT5. I'm just getting more and more frustrated with Shift2... Such a shame, the game game is visually impecable, the engine sound is perfect (way better than GT5), damage is great... If only the handling was good, it could be a perfect game, but... Shift 2 is what it is...

God dam!!! WHY??? Why is the handling feel like your driving a fishing boat??? WHHYYYY!!!!!
God dam!!! WHY??? Why is the handling feel like your driving a fishing boat??? WHHYYYY!!!!!

Before you bring it back... try this:

in the controller settings set "steering sensitivity" to less than 6 and the "steering deadzone" to something like 3.

In the tuning screen for each car, dial the "steering lock" down to 10-15, depending on the car. And make sure the tire pressure is low enough. By default the tire pressure on some cars is way too high (~40 is ok).

Also... the suspension is by default set up for street driving, i.e. way too loose. Stiffen it up for a more racy behavior.

I'm racing with a controller and it's not a big problem to me (I can be quite competitive on the Autolog), although obviously having a wheel is unbeatable for any racing game.
Ok thank a lot ! I will try it tonight! Good thing I did not bring it back today!

I know a wheel, is a lot better, but all I can afford for the moment is my gamepad...! Finishing University in 6 months...

Do you know if there is a huge difference between PS3 and X360 version? (I have a PS3)
Ok thank a lot ! I will try it tonight! Good thing I did not bring it back today!

I know a wheel, is a lot better, but all I can afford for the moment is my gamepad...! Finishing University in 6 months...

Do you know if there is a huge difference between PS3 and X360 version? (I have a PS3)

Try this tune/settings and see if it makes a difference for you:

I only have the PS3 version. Word on the street has it the 360 version is better. I don't know how much of a difference there is, though.

Changing the controller sensitivity does help, as does tuning the suspension of the cars...but for me the biggest problem is the input lag on the PS3 - I've shelved the game until this is patched & fixed (coming reasonably soon).
I just wanted to add, stick with it! I shelved it for a while and decided to give it another go with my wheel. Once you get used to the game style it does feel better. I can only speak from a wheel user point of view as I only used the DS3 to complete the drifting events, but still worth keeping at it.

There will also be a patch in a few weeks that may help things further.
After two weeks it's much better, now GT5 feels wrong ... Many cars are less boat-like if you stiffen the suspension.

These settings work for me okay on DS3:

FFB 100%
Steering deadzone 18
Steering sensitivity 13
Throttle deadzone 2
Throttle sensitivity 50
Brake deadzone 2
Brake sensitivity 50
Clutch deadzone 0
Clutch sensitivity 100
Speed sensitivity 100
Speed sensitivity drift 100
Here is, what I generally do, when getting a new car (a response to a forum member, after asking me about my settings):

I saw you mentioned that you tuned some cars to make shift more fun. Do you mind sharing some of those?
Yes, of course ;-)

Sharing detailed car setups would be too long, but generally, when getting a new car, I do the following:

- first buy a adjustable chassis
- increase caster angle (this betters straight line stability, which is most impacted by the flawed controls issue, as you loose control pretty quickly just, holding a straight line)
- decrease turing angle (standard is 20, which just doesn't work with a control pad - start between 10 − 12 and adjust further during test driving)
- work on the LSD settings, while testing the car, to get a really neutral behavior during cornering (increase the LSD for acceleration, if the car tends, to oversteer during throttle in a corner, increase LCD for deceleration, if the car tends, to snap into oversteer, if you lift the throttle during cornering).

The LSD setup is absolutely critical, to get the car neutral during cornering.
You basically want an as easy, to drive car, as possible with the over sensitive steering in S2U.

I then continue, to setup the chassis with sway bars, coils and dampers, to get the car neutral and fast.

At the very moment, I am experimenting with the control sensitivity setups in the options menu.
What amazes me, is that this seems almost a direct port from the PC based gmotor physic engine titles (GTR, GTR2, GTL, etc…).
Everything is there!

I will experiment with the settings, to get the right setup for a DS3.

I drive with physics set on elite and no driving aids, except ABS on low.
If you set any driving aids, these setup changes might react differently, than expected - I don't know their precise impact on the physics on the game.

I hope, this helps (I think, I will copy this into some thread, to share with others as well)



Here is a nice old post, I googled, to get a quick reminder, of what the controller settings impact in the old gmotor engine games:

I experiment at the moment with 0% steering sensitivity and 75% speed sensitivity, to drive with a DS3 game pad.

Settings for wheels must be entirely different understandably.
I went out and bought this **** 2 game, oops, I meant Shift2 thinking it would be a wonderful game to play. I enjoy the racing games so much. I started with the Need for Speed games and then GT 4 and 5. I love them! I have spent hours of time on the setting and the cars still do not drive like I would like for them too.:scared: I feel like I spent $60 to have my life turned upside down...I just needed to say this. thank-you:ouch:
Thank you brambos you actually made me win the modern a invitational race which is really hard I was so lucky that if I cut one more corner I would have been disqualified and then I was at the last corner and I won too bad it didnt post my time but oh well I got a free Mclaren Mp412 If u want to add me my Psn is TerminatorX12 Thank You
After two weeks it's much better, now GT5 feels wrong ... Many cars are less boat-like if you stiffen the suspension.

These settings work for me okay on DS3:

FFB 100%
Steering deadzone 18
Steering sensitivity 13
Throttle deadzone 2
Throttle sensitivity 50
Brake deadzone 2
Brake sensitivity 50
Clutch deadzone 0
Clutch sensitivity 100
Speed sensitivity 100
Speed sensitivity drift 100

Thanks. I believe this has somewhat alleviated my issues.

Just wish there wasn't so much input lag.
I found these settings recommended somewhere ages ago and these seem to work well:

FFB 100%
Steering deadzone 0
Steering sensitivity 35
Throttle deadzone 0
Throttle sensitivity 35
Brake deadzone 0
Brake sensitivity 35
Clutch deadzone 0
Clutch sensitivity 100
Speed sensitivity 100
Speed sensitivity drift 100

And as menos | M6 said, the cars really do need tuning to the track. With most cars, you can dial out under/oversteer and straightline twitchiness. (though I can't quite dial out the oversteeriness of the Audi R8!)
First post here, and appreciate this is probably an old thread and buried away.... but actually registered on here just so I can thank all the above posters...

Picked up Shift 2 when it first came out, played it some, but being a long time Forza player, never really felt for the handling... which only seemed to get worse the faster the cars got. So it went back on the shelf...
Anyway, decided to give it another whirl tonight, and struggled hideously with the handling, just horrible and inconsistent, couldn't tell which way I was going to be fired off next! Suffice to say, did a google search to see if there were any tips/guides, and chanced across this thread. Followed a number of the suggestions here, and with a bit of tweaking, am now thoroughly happy that there is a very enjoyable game hiding underneath crappy controller settings!
Did all my testing with a time attack Scooby around oscherschlaban (spelling!), and before I couldn't do two laps even remotly close... with the settings below, I've just finished a set of ten within 0.5s of each other, couldn't put the controller down :D

Settings I've ended up on for my standard xbox 360 controller;

Steering Deadzone: 0%
Steering sensitivity: 30%
Throttle/Brake Deadzone: 0%
Throttle/brake Sensitivity: 50%
Speed Sensitivity: 100%

I've kept the brake and throttle quite high on the sensitivity, as I like to use both controls to turn the cars. At lower settings, they both started to feel too unresponsive for my tastes. Same goes for the steering, I found 30% a good compromise between response and not being too twitchy.

Car settings wise, I used the settings that menos | M6 linked too, and just tweaked the steering down to 10, and also played with ride height, and tyre pressures.

Really can't quite get over how much better the cars feel now... certainly re-invigorated me to try this again, as there are a lot of features about the title that I really like (and not forgetting one of the best in-game menus :P)

So again, Massive Thank YOU all... only annoying thing now is having to go through my garage to set all the cars up!

First post here, and appreciate this is probably an old thread and buried away.... but actually registered on here just so I can thank all the above posters...

Picked up Shift 2 when it first came out, played it some, but being a long time Forza player, never really felt for the handling... which only seemed to get worse the faster the cars got. So it went back on the shelf...
Anyway, decided to give it another whirl tonight, and struggled hideously with the handling, just horrible and inconsistent, couldn't tell which way I was going to be fired off next! Suffice to say, did a google search to see if there were any tips/guides, and chanced across this thread. Followed a number of the suggestions here, and with a bit of tweaking, am now thoroughly happy that there is a very enjoyable game hiding underneath crappy controller settings!
Did all my testing with a time attack Scooby around oscherschlaban (spelling!), and before I couldn't do two laps even remotly close... with the settings below, I've just finished a set of ten within 0.5s of each other, couldn't put the controller down :D

Settings I've ended up on for my standard xbox 360 controller;

Steering Deadzone: 0%
Steering sensitivity: 30%
Throttle/Brake Deadzone: 0%
Throttle/brake Sensitivity: 50%
Speed Sensitivity: 100%

I've kept the brake and throttle quite high on the sensitivity, as I like to use both controls to turn the cars. At lower settings, they both started to feel too unresponsive for my tastes. Same goes for the steering, I found 30% a good compromise between response and not being too twitchy.

Car settings wise, I used the settings that menos | M6 linked too, and just tweaked the steering down to 10, and also played with ride height, and tyre pressures.

Really can't quite get over how much better the cars feel now... certainly re-invigorated me to try this again, as there are a lot of features about the title that I really like (and not forgetting one of the best in-game menus :P)

So again, Massive Thank YOU all... only annoying thing now is having to go through my garage to set all the cars up!


Once you are done setting up your cars, you won't ever want to comeback to FM haha. Shift 2 was all about giving it a real chance, it's a shame that lots of people turned their back on it after the first few hours.

After a few GT3/GT1 races with full damage at the green hell, GT5 and FM4 start to feel stale and boring.
Once you are done setting up your cars, you won't ever want to comeback to FM haha. Shift 2 was all about giving it a real chance, it's a shame that lots of people turned their back on it after the first few hours.

After a few GT3/GT1 races with full damage at the green hell, GT5 and FM4 start to feel stale and boring.

I agree with everything you said 100%
First post here, and appreciate this is probably an old thread and buried away.... but actually registered on here just so I can thank all the above posters...

Picked up Shift 2 when it first came out, played it some, but being a long time Forza player, never really felt for the handling... which only seemed to get worse the faster the cars got. So it went back on the shelf...
Anyway, decided to give it another whirl tonight, and struggled hideously with the handling, just horrible and inconsistent, couldn't tell which way I was going to be fired off next! Suffice to say, did a google search to see if there were any tips/guides, and chanced across this thread. Followed a number of the suggestions here, and with a bit of tweaking, am now thoroughly happy that there is a very enjoyable game hiding underneath crappy controller settings!
Did all my testing with a time attack Scooby around oscherschlaban (spelling!), and before I couldn't do two laps even remotly close... with the settings below, I've just finished a set of ten within 0.5s of each other, couldn't put the controller down :D

Settings I've ended up on for my standard xbox 360 controller;

Steering Deadzone: 0%
Steering sensitivity: 30%
Throttle/Brake Deadzone: 0%
Throttle/brake Sensitivity: 50%
Speed Sensitivity: 100%

I've kept the brake and throttle quite high on the sensitivity, as I like to use both controls to turn the cars. At lower settings, they both started to feel too unresponsive for my tastes. Same goes for the steering, I found 30% a good compromise between response and not being too twitchy.

Car settings wise, I used the settings that menos | M6 linked too, and just tweaked the steering down to 10, and also played with ride height, and tyre pressures.

Really can't quite get over how much better the cars feel now... certainly re-invigorated me to try this again, as there are a lot of features about the title that I really like (and not forgetting one of the best in-game menus :P)

So again, Massive Thank YOU all... only annoying thing now is having to go through my garage to set all the cars up!


i have keyboard so does that apply same here as controller ??
and i'm not fan of pushing breaks too hard i more likely to slide :D
Recently, I started using "Game mode" on my TV, I always thought it was useless and that it degraded the picture quality but I gave it a chance and Shift 2 now feels almost 1 on 1 with your inputs. The steering is responsive and the feedback you're getting makes more sense now instead of getting a delayed reaction.

I strongly recommend "Game Mode" in case you guys haven't been using it, it doesn't really seem to affect 60 fps games like FM4 or GT5 but the difference in 30 fps games like Shift 2 and Dirt 3 the difference is massive, it gives them a little boost to compensate for the lack of frames.