I honestly didn't think Luminis was even trying to start a flame war. He is just trying to help.
Pretty much, that wasn't my intention at all.
I'm just defending SMS/EA a bit here. Mostly SMS, though.
No need to turn this into a Console X vs. Console Y flamewar. There are plenty of examples of PS3 games that show that it is more than capable of delivering an excellent gaming experience.
Personally, I have never - on any platform - seen anything more compelling than Uncharted 2 (I'm really looking forward to U3!).
Being a PS3 owner myself, I don't doubt that. in fact, I know it's true. The PS3 has the hardware to pull great stuff off, no questions asked.
Quality differences between multiplatform games are usually due to porting-priorities. So, if you want to point the finger at someone: point it at EA/SMS. In the end it's all about how to prioritize and distribute your scarce resources over the various development activities.
From what was said during development (it has posted on these very forums quite a few times), the PS
was the lead platform for S2U, so I can't see any reason why the differences should be due to porting issues. Plus, an awful lot of multi platform titles are worse on the PS3, so yeah, it's not just SMS/EA, either way.
I just don't think it's as easy as pointing fingers at SMS, because the game works fine on the console the game was ported to.
Now we're seeing loads of problems with DLC acting funny while PSN is down, while everything's fine on XBL, which is working properly.
This isn't to say that all the bugs are caused by Sony or anything, I just doubt that it's coincidence that, right now, everything that's somewhat connected to the respective online services is working better on the Xbox. And that was what I responded to in the first place:
A patch messing with the game's data, which I could imagine is due to PSN being completely upside down at the moment.