Does the game have a livery editor?
That's good enough for me. Certainly more than GT5 offers.
It does. But, aside from the default liveries you can choose from (four to six per car, I think), it's pretty darn useless, aside from putting a few stickers here and there.
it's not entiirely true.. you can almost copy real life livery with a good effect.
Depends on the livery, I guess. Most of the time, i found it to be really limited. Not being able to infinitely stretch a stripe I want to put on my car, for example. Plus, the controls aren't precise at all. Camera view is pretty bad as well.
yes surely, it's really hard to use and time consuming to get it right.
just hope that when we'll be able to download the dlc from the psn.. there won't be problems like missing track and cars.. because this game doesn't follow any logic and evrything can happen.
Are you 11 or do you just hate EA more than you love thinking before posting? Do you have any reason at all to think this? At all? No? Ok then.
- i installed the patch and lost force feedback of thw heel, why?
- i uninstalled the patch and lost all the LE content, why?
- i restart the game and i have the cars of LE but only if a ibuy a car of the same manufacture but no more the events that are vanish, why?
.. next step is installing the dlc and losing some stuff, just hoping..
and i'm not the only one with this problems.. if the dlc come with another patch there will be problems again.. who knows?
You any prove there won't be any problem?
fatkrakrNo WE didnt delete our game files we deleted our update file.
You'll probably have to ask Sony..
Sony has nothing to do with it. SMS/EA might though...
I'm just wondering because the game's running without any problems whatsoever on my Xbox. From what I've seen and heard, it looks better, runs smoother, has fewer bugs and so on.
Now, with the PSN outage and all, I'm not entirely convinced that it's pure coincidence that all the trouble are happening on Sony's console, while the X360 version pretty fine.