Shooting at Youtube HQ, 4 injuries, attacker dead

  • Thread starter Obelisk
Was this event carried out with an assault rifle? Does that even matter to you?
Of course the type of gun used matters. If it didn't, then why do the majority of Americans think AR-15s shouldn't be legal for civilian ownership?
Trump just tweeted now saying "thoughts and prayers to those affected" but that is not enough.
Of course the type of gun used matters. If it didn't, then why do the majority of Americans think AR-15s shouldn't be legal for civilian ownership?
Burden of proof is on you, Turbo.

Don't ignore me.
Instead of pushing your personal agenda and ignoring everything else, why don't you open your mind and use critical thinking for once?
Of course the type of gun used matters. If it didn't, then why do the majority of Americans think AR-15s shouldn't be legal for civilian ownership?
I don't know that most apply, but for those that hold the opinion (not fact) that "assault rifles" are used in most mass shootings, they are fairly ignorant of the actual facts.
Handguns are by far the most commonly used gun in a "mass shooting." Unsurprisingly, it was also the gun of choice in this attack.
But how can they be properly programmed if they learn to use critical thinking? Gunz R Bad mmkay?

Reagan had it right....

We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions - Ronald Reagan

You won't get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There's only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up and if you don't actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time... It's a nasty truth, but those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun controllers. I happen to know this from personal experience. - Ronald Reagan
Ban certain types of assault rifles
That's been the case since the 80's if I'm not mistaken. You're confusing "assault rifle" with just semi-automatic rifles in general.
have much more strict background checks, and enforce the gun laws that we have already, then I'll be happy.
Of course the type of gun used matters. If it didn't, then why do the majority of Americans think AR-15s shouldn't be legal for civilian ownership?
Because those people, while having good intentions, don't quite understand much about firearms or what specifically they want banned.
I'm conservative-leaning, but the one thing that I hate about my party more than anything is this unconditional love for guns, as if guns can do no wrong. The fact that the Trump Administration didn't listen to a damn word from any of the Parkland teens, or even do the slightest thing to help prevent mass murders from happening is sickening.

Being pro gun is not a conservative/liberal thing. Society has taken certain issues and polarized them. You don't have to be a "conservative" to dislike guns and so forth. Stop labeling yourself. I find lots of things sickening but I'll mention a couple. A. The willingness of the younger generation to easily give up rights while pushing for more rights. It's very hypicrital. B. The use by the media of the younger generation (ex. Parkland teens) to push an agenda. I'm absolutely sympathetic to the plight of the kids the school in Parkland and everywhere else, school or otherwise, affected by these kinds of tragedies. On a personal level, what they've experienced was terrible and it's great for them to take that experience and push to try to make some positive change from it. I don't dispute that at all.

I do however retain the right to question the logic of WHAT they are proposing, regardless of what experience led them to their conclusions. Their ideas regarding things like banning assault weapons are not more logical and valid simply because they were victims of a crime involving a weapon. It certainly makes it more personal and relatable, but it doesn't validate their logic simply because they experienced it. I personally think it's crazy to suggest that outlets like CNN didn't intentionally use these kids to push their message. The notion that folks like CNN are somehow unaware of the emotional implications of putting these victims on TV to advocate for their cause is naive.
We've had 17 school shootings this year already in America. Need I say more?

You do realize that the "stat" you touted isn't very good, considering only a few of those (which doesn't make it better) actually were school shootings like we saw at Parkland. Also this wasn't a school shooting, so again why are we intermingling stuff as if we have the facts? Other then it being you of course.
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Right, but the fact that gun-related mass murders have been on the rise in a government that is against any form of gun control is enough to make me say Trump's America.

I'm conservative-leaning, but the one thing that I hate about my party more than anything is this unconditional love for guns, as if guns can do no wrong. The fact that the Trump Administration didn't listen to a damn word from any of the Parkland teens, or even do the slightest thing to help prevent mass murders from happening is sickening.

Trump just tweeted now saying "thoughts and prayers to those affected" but that is not enough. Ban certain types of assault rifles, have much more strict background checks, and enforce the gun laws that we have already, then I'll be happy.

They should make shooting people illegal while they are at it as well!!
Isn't that already the case outside of valid self-defense?

Oh yeah I guess it is. It doesn’t seem to be working. I don’t see gun laws working either. They only affect people that obey the law, those aren’t the people that are shooting up America!
Strange how different threads where people's lives are affected are from throwaway threads in the Automotive forum.
Though some have spurred more lively debate, particularly those regarding autonomy and some where subject matter is a little more controversial (example: the Hitler-linked Grosser Benz "Wednesday Want").
When the news of an active shooter first broke, I jokingly asked my friend who runs a small channel with a modest fanbase if it was him... he joked back, saying he finally got fed up with his videos getting demonetized.

Then it turns out that basically was the actual shooter's motive... go figure.
When the news of an active shooter first broke, I jokingly asked my friend who runs a small channel with a modest fanbase if it was him... he joked back, saying he finally got fed up with his videos getting demonetized.

Then it turns out that basically was the actual shooter's motive... go figure.

Earlier yesterday, I was kind of disgusted to see how many people were immediately cracking jokes. Now that the shooter was the only casualty and the victims have non-life threatening injuries, I’ve relaxed a little.
Reports this morning say the shooter’s father and the family reported to police she went missing and may have been going to YouTube’s HQ because she was angry with them.

Police say they found her asleep in her car and everything was under control hours before the shooting.

Yep, blame AR15s, blame Trump, bring up school shootings @Turbo. None of which is relevant bc it was a handgun, it was beef between her and YouTube, and it didn’t involve a school. :rolleyes:
But how can they be properly programmed if they learn to use critical thinking? Gunz R Bad mmkay?

Reagan had it right....

The only good people won't have guns is a bit unnuanced. For starters in belgium all guns are registered, since bad people do npt like paper trails leading to them they either don't use a gun or need to search for a 'blank' weapon. This search for a blank weapon is 'hard' but mostly you'd need a lot of money as blank weapons aren't for sale under normal prices. In other words guns become an economic question for thugs, is the heist worth to pay this much money for a gun? So in my opinion the only good guys won't have guns argument is meagre at best and imo just plain ignorance.

On the there is no equivalence with the shoolshootings:
Well the recurring shootings are baffeling to a lot of the rest of the world. It could be something culturally and I'm not.getting into legislative ideas as they are always countered with 'it wouldn't work over here' (by move on).
But tbh the rest of the world has your personal best intrest in mind when they propose those idea's.
I think it is time for america to analyse why this keeps happening to them in this volume and why it doesn't happen in other western countries in that volume.

How to do it? Well fix your own **** we non americans are just people living under dictatorships ;)
I think it is time for america to analyse why this keeps happening to them in this volume and why it doesn't happen in other western countries in that volume.

Pretty sure people have been trying to address the actual issues but they tend to get drowned out by people either yelling "BAN ALL DA GUNZ!!!!" or acting like a background check is a fate worse than death.
Reports this morning say the shooter’s father and the family reported to police she went missing and may have been going to YouTube’s HQ because she was angry with them.

Police say they found her asleep in her car and everything was under control hours before the shooting.

Yep, blame AR15s, blame Trump, bring up school shootings @Turbo. None of which is relevant bc it was a handgun, it was beef between her and YouTube, and it didn’t involve a school. :rolleyes:

To be fair, the fact that it wasn't an AR15 (or other similar rifle) probably limited the damage significantly. Those .223 rounds are pretty nasty against soft targets (tech workers are remarkably soft) and an AR15 is much easier to use effectively than a handgun. An inexperienced shooter would need to be basically point blank to even hit someone with a handgun. Disclosure: I've owned two AK-pattern rifles and other various other sundry curio & relic firearms...I grew up in Texas, of course I did. I also really don't want to start a fight here.....
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So we have gotten to the point at which snowflakes, damaged so much by social media, will shoot up a place just because YouTube won't give them money!

10 years ago this wasn't even a profession and it's dubious that it's even one now.
Not to mention, if they truly cared enough about their earnings, why didn’t they just create a patreon or another site where people can donate to other people?
The only good people won't have guns is a bit unnuanced. For starters in belgium all guns are registered, since bad people do npt like paper trails leading to them they either don't use a gun or need to search for a 'blank' weapon. This search for a blank weapon is 'hard' but mostly you'd need a lot of money as blank weapons aren't for sale under normal prices. In other words guns become an economic question for thugs, is the heist worth to pay this much money for a gun? So in my opinion the only good guys won't have guns argument is meagre at best and imo just plain ignorance.

That may be the case in Belgium but it's not the case here. What you call a Blank, is very, very easy to obtain here. And yes, the bad guys will still be able to get guns. There are over 300 million firearms in the US, that we know about (and probably many more that we don't). There is a reason people counter with the: 'that wouldn't work over here' argument, and it's a reason with a bunch of numbers and statistics behind it. Let's be hypothetical here, and say we threw out the 2nd amendment yesterday, and gun roundups have begun. It's been estimated that it would take about 40-50 years to confiscate the majority and that's assuming all gun manufacturers both in the US and abroad stopped making firearms today, closed up shop permanently (which isn't going to happen). I do think you are right to question that it is a cultural issue because it is, and I would also include the decline in mental health spending and also the closure of mental health care facilities across the US as factors to the rise in violent crimes. The decline started in the 1960's and by the mid 1980's it was fully realized. We just don't have the number of facilities or Physicians to treat patients anymore and the cost of Mental health care has skyrocketed becoming a prohibitive factor for many people seeking treatment. All of these are major issues that we as a nation are going to have to address if we want to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

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