- 5,222
- Nicest part of hell
Then why does it work for other countries that also had gun/huntingcultures? Stop thinking the usa is so special...
It works everywhere but no for the isa it won't work.... Seriously you need to feel so special?
The talk about other tools,...
This one is just stupid. People don't just make bombs and bombs can't be just bought... Use a car? Well if you use a gun you can make more casualties....
Also those don't seem to happen a lot in the countries that took measures against guns...
Mental health is NOT an american issue, suicides are the biggest killer of people under 50 in belgium after traffic deaths.
This is awefull but no mental health is not an american problem. And @Northstar I do speak about that I hadn't mentioned it in this gun debate no. But I have big issues with this mental health crisis. I've lost 4 friends to suicide before I was 22years old. So want to have a mental health talk my friends didt kill no one but themselfs and didn't use a gun the lenghts they had to go through are uncomprehinsible and I hate my government for not even addressing this issue as it really does hit close to home and is a major killer in out society. Our cultures do have issues too. Also I don't call for a total ban! We also don't have a total ban...
And no the regulations aren't exactly the same... That's why I talk aboyt a general guncontrol you american fill in how thay should work for you, apperently not to muchthat where I don't seem to get it...
@Danoff the part that makes your country has schoolshootings on a way more regular basis then the rest of the world. Lovely culture you have there![]()
The Swiss have more liberal gun laws and a bigger gun culture than in the US and they have much MUCH less shooting sprees than in countries that have a complete gun ban. Let alone shootings with ILLEGAL guns in the hands of criminals. In Switzerland, you can even easily legally own a belt fed machine gun (Yes, fully automatic) if you are a citizen and do a little bit of paperwork.
I find it funny when people always say its a gun problem when there is compelling evidence and hard fact (Hard fact the size of an entire nation) that its a much more complex issue that has actually little to do with the guns itself. Its a social-economical and health issue.
Logic dictates to identify the issue you have to look at the difference between the working gun culture in Switzerland and the seemingly problematic situation with guns in the US. The US has a far worse health system, a lot more unchecked immigration and lax immigration regulations, its infamous for allowing all kinds of shady and highly questionable psychiatric medications, borderline poverty is much greater and so is the forming of ghettos and large areas populated by people with low income and an ethnic background. Gang culture is also rising problem that is the sum of several factors I just mentioned.
Don't get me wrong here, I do not live in Switzerland and I do not want to make it look like its the Garden of Eden or something like that, but this country undoubtedly has much higher standards for its citizen in many areas which results in people being more unwilling to go out to hurt other people. Its really that simple.