Should GT6 include cockpit view when 95% of players don't use it?

  • Thread starter Natino64
Anyone who thinks the game should be restricted to a single view should think again. Many players like to drive in chase view , bumper view or cockpit. having all the options is a good thing. It would be fine to allow the host of a lobby to impose a restriction but the game definitely should not. I am hoping they will add a hood view as well because that is the view I prefer in most races.

Same goes for assists, I do not take issue if other drivers want to use TC, ABS or Auto. I do think that the driving line should not be there and the indicator to downshift but I understand that this makes it easier for novice drivers to enjoy the game.

Just because some of us don;t use them don't mean they should not be there.
And how is cockpit view realistic?

It depends on how realistic your personal visual perception is with any racing sim or game compared to driving a real car. Do you want to feel more immersed while playing? Do think that the view from "bumper" gives you a more realistic perception? How about the behind or above views-ever drive a real car from that viewpoint?

I used to think GT's bumper view felt more realistic as any spirited street or track driving my eyes are completely focused on the road ahead. The interior of my car does not get any focus. So that "felt" more realistic to me.

Then I gave cockpit view a long try. Got so I loved it. At first it looked too restrictive but after some time I began to be able to line up my track markers with say a roof pillar or the hood. A real car is going to have a partially blocked view with pillars and hood anyway. If you switch between bumper and cockpit, it's the same visual reference point in the car. Cockpit just has the cockpit included.

Now I can use the interior viewpoint to memorize my track markers better. There's a reference point using the car instead of how close to the edge of the screen a marker appears. It's more enjoyable is the main reason for me. A more immersive experience.
Now I can use the interior viewpoint to memorize my track markers better. There's a reference point using the car instead of how close to the edge of the screen a marker appears. It's more enjoyable is the main reason for me. A more immersive experience.
This is why I would like to see the hood view as an option. The interior view ranges from good to bad on various cars, some just do not have good visibility and in all cases you have the wheel on the screen.

When driving a real car I look over the hood to the road and ahead but always have the hood in my view and that makes for a good judge of track position and just seems more realistic than chase, top or bumper view and in almost all cases gives better visibility than cockpit view. Personally it would not bother me if there were no chase view as I never use those anyway but some of my friends do, mostly controller users, I find it very difficult to drive chase view with a wheel. After getting used to the roof cam I found it hard to drive chase view even with a controller.
Having options is always the way to go, this is especially true in Gran Turismo. Don't ignore the minority who do use the cockpit or those of us who use it on occasion. Can you imagine the uproar that would ensue if it wasn't included in the next GT?

Even those who don't use it a lot would probably need some cheese to go with their whine.

There's a reference point using the car instead of how close to the edge of the screen a marker appears. It's more enjoyable is the main reason for me. A more immersive experience.

If you are referring to not knowing the width of the car while in bumper cam then use the outer edgers of both tachs. They are approximately the width of the car. If not I apologize.
I love cockpit view, especially in a California, GSX-R, 2J, Jaguar XJ13. Ok so im a little partial to Droptop/Roofless cars. In any case, regardless of vehicle, roof or not, It enhances my drving experience.
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LOL at the idea to remove interior view. Do not even think about it.
I want free FOV placement and wheel remover like PC simulators.
Just saying, why in the world is this thread still going? I don't have a problem with it per se, but how useless is this thread now. Maybe if this is a GRID forum, then...

To be honest i agree with a few people who say only cockpit view. If gran turismo is meant to be the "real driving simulator" lets make it as realistic as possible.
My point was, if you want to make the game as realistic as possible, you might as well ban the DualShock controller and make the game compatible with wheels only. Because the moment you choose to play the game with the controller, you're throwing realism out the window before the game even starts.
Having options is always the way to go, this is especially true in Gran Turismo. Don't ignore the minority who do use the cockpit or those of us who use it on occasion. Can you imagine the uproar that would ensue if it wasn't included in the next GT?

Even those who don't use it a lot would probably need some cheese to go with their whine.


Having options is always the way to go, this is especially true in Gran Turismo.
MuoNiuLa, did Cconbon14 say that about iRacing 2.0? Even if he was talking about that, did iRacing start off with having the only possible option of using a controller like GT1 did? You're overdoing it.

Don't ignore the minority who do use the cockpit or those of us who use it on occasion.
The same can be said about damage in GT. PD/Kaz stated that only about 10% of online users enable damage in their lounges/lobbies/rooms.
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Cockpit view is stupid.

It's like looking out a window that's inside another window.

It won't serve its purpose unless it's done with the use of Oculus Rift.

Cockpit view mimics what we see in both peripheral and foveal. Peripheral = steering wheel, dashboard, speedometers, etc. Foveal = road ahead you.

The problem is, as we're playing the game, our peripheral is the TV and every area surrounding it. And that makes our foveal vision look at the "cockpit cam", which is again like looking through a window that's inside a window.

I never understood this thing at all. Having a cockpit view doesn't make it any more immersive than it already is, save the wiper-rain-snow thingy.
I think GT6 will definitely have cockpit views.
The Gran Turismo series has always been a tribute to cars with all their details, interiors as well.

I don't use the interior view, as many others, because I am faster with other views.
But honestly, I wouldn't mind to have an race option to force interior view when racing with my friends. It would be much more realistic from a simulation standpoint.
I would like more options in the cockpit. We should have control over where in the cockpit the camera sits. X/Y/Z axis controls.
I would like more options in the cockpit. We should have control over where in the cockpit the camera sits. X/Y/Z axis controls.

+1, I think that we should be getting more cockpit options, not taking them away.

For that, I'm not about to get Grid 2.
I do think that the driving line should not be there and the indicator to downshift...

If you're talking about the shift number flashing red, you can turn it off. It's under options when you pause during a race. "Gear shift indicator" I think. I'll double check when I get home. 👍
Cockpit view is stupid.

It's like looking out a window that's inside another window.

It won't serve its purpose unless it's done with the use of Oculus Rift.

Cockpit view mimics what we see in both peripheral and foveal. Peripheral = steering wheel, dashboard, speedometers, etc. Foveal = road ahead you.

The problem is, as we're playing the game, our peripheral is the TV and every area surrounding it. And that makes our foveal vision look at the "cockpit cam", which is again like looking through a window that's inside a window.

I never understood this thing at all. Having a cockpit view doesn't make it any more immersive than it already is, save the wiper-rain-snow thingy.

Using logic to claim it doesn't add to the subjective element that is immersion isn't going to work.
What's immersive to you doesn't necessarily equal what it is to others and vice versa.
And unless GT is played on a multi screen and fully working mechanical simulator the whole experience is not only always going to be artificial (even on that simulator) but it mostly offers an illusion of reality at most.

So using bumper cam and perceiving my TV screen as the windscreen doesn't work for me to get the most immersive feeling the game can offer, nor do I feel it's the more realistic experience even though logic might suggest it.
I simply can't trick my mind to that perception as much as you might not get over the perception of seeing through a window that's inside another window.
Your feeling of immersion or realism might be based on strictly reasoning what's ahead of you and adjusting it accordingly so that it resembles the real situation as close as possible, factually, that's a very literal approach.

I don't analyze it that way, knowing full well I'm playing a videogame I use the view that most resembles sitting inside a car (that's cockpit view for me) with all the extra visual elements/info (and limitations) that to me adds to the immersion, by which I mean experiencing another key characteristic of that car (and not just any car, visually, like the generic bumper cam does) whilst driving.
Ofcourse it isn't accurate nor realistic but neither is noticing a table, cupboard or potplants being in your peripheral vision whilst driving a car.

Maybe it's simply noticing the 'extra fluff' that cockpit view provides that gives an extra distraction from the actual peripheral stuff in my house, so not a window within a window, but an extra layer of artificial nonsense that tricks my brain into perceiving (or imagining) more reality and makes me focus better on the road ahead strangely enough.
It works for me so I perhaps shouldn't analyze it anyway, even though logically it might be considered stupid.
^ Good post. I was going to respond to that post too but you said exactly how how I view using cockpit view too.

The whole what's most "realistic" opinion can begin all kinds of arguments in regards to a video representation of a real life event. I mean even the most advanced simulator in the world is still basically a simulation of reality no matter how advanced. Quite frankly it's a tiring conversation when that viewpoint is taken.

Sure that nifty headset would be awesome but so would surrounding screens with head tracking along with a racing seat with hydraulics to throw you around mimicing g forces.
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Cockpit view is essential. I love it, and use it all the time in Premiums and very often even in Standards. Personally I find it much more abosrbing than the 'speed/revs dials only' bumper view of previous GTs.
Cockpit view is great, but only if you have a very large TV and only with settings to allow for a larger windscreen area. As it is on GT5 it is unusable to most people (if you want to drive fast) cause you see too little of the track.

Cockpit view should be left in the game (with more camera position options on it) because if you have a large TV or multi monitor cockpit setup it is very nice.
Cockpit view is great, but only if you have a very large TV and only with settings to allow for a larger windscreen area. As it is on GT5 it is unusable to most people (if you want to drive fast) cause you see too little of the track.

Cockpit view should be left in the game (with more camera position options on it) because if you have a large TV or multi monitor cockpit setup it is very nice.