Should GT6 include cockpit view when 95% of players don't use it?

  • Thread starter Natino64
The reason why most people don't use it is because it's faster to use the hood view. What they need to do is have an option to force cockpit view in online lobbies and have better FOV options like most other racing sims. They also need to add the ability to move your seat up/down and forward/back. They had this in GTR2 and it really helped with visibility in cars that are difficult to see out of (Peugeot 908)
A LOT of people are playing games on quite big HDTV's now. 50"+...

Maybe it's time that cockpit cam showed the FULL windshield, and simply black bar out some top and bottom of the screen?

Until I no longer feel I am driving with one eye shut, I will never use cockpit cam...
The reason why most people don't use it is because it's faster to use the hood view.

The difference between GRID and GT5 is that in GT5 the cockpits are pretty while they look like crap in Grid (or the Dirt series) :) .
So in my opinion there are far more people using the cockpit view in GT5, just because it's looking awesome. They should never ever ditch it.
95 %? Bull muffins. How ever did they come up with such a number? The last time i read an article on this, commenters were FURIOUS that Grid 2 was ditching cockpits, and many vowed to not even buy the game. (This all happened at a general gaming news web site, for those curious... not even a sim racing page!)

Gran Turismo 6 should keep them, and add detail to them, like Shift 2 where the windshields were reflective and had debris land on them, etc.
95 %? Bull muffins. How ever did they come up with such a number? The last time i read an article on this, commenters were FURIOUS that Grid 2 was ditching cockpits, and many vowed to not even buy the game. (This all happened at a general gaming news web site, for those curious... not even a sim racing page!)

Gran Turismo 6 should keep them, and add detail to them, like Shift 2 where the windshields were reflective and had debris land on them, etc.

Bugs lol, rain effect was good.
95 %? Bull muffins. How ever did they come up with such a number? The last time i read an article on this, commenters were FURIOUS that Grid 2 was ditching cockpits, and many vowed to not even buy the game. (This all happened at a general gaming news web site, for those curious... not even a sim racing page!)

Gran Turismo 6 should keep them, and add detail to them, like Shift 2 where the windshields were reflective and had debris land on them, etc.

commenters and online message board members are but a fraction of a % of actual players. it's the same for every game board i've visited, one game had an in game poll for next aircraft to be added. The user created message board poll results was the exact opposite of the in game poll and official results.
I like using cockpit view but it definitely puts you at a disadvantage against people using the other viewpoints. I think they need to add a room setting where you can specify what viewpoints are allowed. I'd be happy using cockpit view all the time then. Level playing field and all that.
What they need to do is have an option to force cockpit view in online lobbies
I think this is a very bad idea. They could do this, as we don't need to race in everyone's game, but this should be clearly indicated in the server list. You should be able to race with whatever view suits you. I don't think it's very sporting to force others to race in a view that cripples them unfairly.

But I've been harping off and on for years that every driver view should be included in Gran Turismo games, and be fully adjustable with position and behavior (fixed/loose, shake/firm, aim, field of view etc).
The difference between GRID and GT5 is that in GT5 the cockpits are pretty while they look like crap in Grid (or the Dirt series) :) .
So in my opinion there are far more people using the cockpit view in GT5, just because it's looking awesome. They should never ever ditch it.

I love racing in my Pug 908 with cockpit view while it's full on raining in the night.:drool:
I doubt PD will nix interior views, Gran Turismo and Grid both have different goals and Kaz have been turning GT into a digital car museum of some sort, meaning there's a greater need for more details to be recorded.
GRID 2 is ditching cockpit view, because according to Codemaster's research, 95% of players don't use it, preferring 3rd person or bonnet camera angles.


Codemasters is retarded. Your trying to create a sim and you don't include cockpit view? TF?!
There are some cockpits which I don't like. Both the Jaguar XKs have you sitting very low, and so you don't see the top of the windscreen. I'm not sure whether it's like this in real life, but I would like to adjust it.

totally agree:tup:
Codemasters is retarded. Your trying to create a sim and you don't include cockpit view? TF?!

Grid 2 a sim... lmao!
For online races in GT5 I tend to use 3rd person to keep an eye on things,in career I use interior view,so yes GT6 should have it.
For arcade games I understand but sims like GT interior is a great bonus for me.
If all you do with any game is cater to the majority, you end up with a pretty vanilla, white bread, blaaah kind of product. Even if it's 5% that's still 350,000 people. Maybe only 10% want drag racing, 8% want better drifting options, 20% want more customization etc. Add them up and they are millions of users.
I think this is a very bad idea. They could do this, as we don't need to race in everyone's game, but this should be clearly indicated in the server list. You should be able to race with whatever view suits you. I don't think it's very sporting to force others to race in a view that cripples them unfairly.

But I've been harping off and on for years that every driver view should be included in Gran Turismo games, and be fully adjustable with position and behavior (fixed/loose, shake/firm, aim, field of view etc).

Yeah I would like all session info to be available before you enter. That's the way it should be. It's annoying when you're trying to figure out what tires the room is running and you get the "......." because it runs out of room in the description. PD has a horrible menu system.

The force cockpit view would be more for leagues. It requires everyone to use the same realistic view and puts everyone on the same playing field. They also need to add a slider for g-force simulation and head movement. That gets REALLY annoying with how exaggerated it is in GT5.
There are already 235 or so premium cars with complete interior views in GT5 and judging by the fact that PD love's to keep cars from game to game (not so true in the PS1 to PS2 transition) I don't see a reason for PD to eliminate their hard work from a game that is ridiculously anticipated. Codemasters doesn't need this B.S. statistics excuse just for a fancy way of giving people the finger.

Also the 95% you're talking about applies to GRID not GT5. They might be similar in objective but not the exact same amount of players or interested buyers.

Also who doesn't love cockpit view? It helps me see the apexes of turns better and judge my braking better. I use it for my times.
Bit late to the thread but 95% dont use it? im pretty sure its more 70% ish lots of people i run into online including me use it so why ditch it?.
In the early days, making videogames was an art. Now some companies shifted the art of msking videogames towards making as much money of videogames.

I believe PD are still trying to make art. Of course they need money, but they are making the best game they can make. With cars that means, cockpitview.
Bit late to the thread but 95% dont use it? im pretty sure its more 70% ish lots of people i run into online including me use it so why ditch it?.

The thread title is totally misleading. This is nothing to do with GT. It was a survey done by Codemasters for GRID to justify the removal of cockpit view from GRID 2.
Looks like I'm the 5%. And other 30% of players belongs to this 5%. If you know what I mean.

95.2% of all statistics are flawed.

When it comes to cockpit view, I actually find the standard cockpits more usable than the premiums. The premiums looks better obviously, but often they've got such a narrow field of view that you can't really see much of the road. I think the field of view on the standards is much better.
I constantly use cockpit view on GT5, always have, always will. For me, it feels like the only real way to play/drive on a simulation game such as Gran Turismo. The only other racing games I do not use the cockpit view on is F1 2012, simply because I find that very difficult. If Polyphony ended up removing the cockpit view I for one would be EXTREMELY disappointed. For me, it's one of the greatest features of GT5 and adds so much more to the immersion.
This research was done for GRID players. I personally hate the cockpit view in GRID so I never use it. So I'm with the 95%. I don't think it's so bad it's not in GRID 2. But I always use it in GT5 because it's great. Why people think because almost nobody use it in some game it will be the same scenario for another. GT6 without cockpit view would suck.
i always use it with premium cars, the standard cars wiew is a joke, so if (like we hope) there will only be premium cars in gt6, cockpit wiew is an absolute must

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