And if you map 'look left' and 'look right' to the D-pad its even better.When it comes to cockpit view, I actually find the standard cockpits more usable than the premiums. The premiums looks better obviously, but often they've got such a narrow field of view that you can't really see much of the road. I think the field of view on the standards is much better.
I wish it was cockpit only.
Perhaps not offline, but the option in online lobbies as lobby host to have it that way (like in Dirt 2) would be nice.Roll on the elitists who dictate how other people play. Huzzah.
I'd hate it.Perhaps not offline, but the option in online lobbies as lobby host to have it that way (like in Dirt 2) would be nice.
I'd hate it.
Perhaps not offline, but the option in online lobbies as lobby host to have it that way (like in Dirt 2) would be nice.
Honestly, it's a simple case of "don't like lobby settings, don't join," (which is another reason why lobby filtering would be useful.) I don't see what's wrong of having the option to restrict players to cockpit view only. It is an option, afterall. You're not obligated to turn it on as host.ImariMaybe. All it does is put people who don't use cockpit view out of their comfort zone though.
Do you have a restriction so that only people using triple screens are allowed as well? Because the difference between cockpit with and without triples is far larger than that between cockpit and chase cam.
Roll on the elitists who dictate how other people play. Huzzah.
awr117Not elitists, but a realist. The option should be there for the room host to decide. iRacing has cockpit view only. I don't hear people over there complaining.
Maybe. All it does is put people who don't use cockpit view out of their comfort zone though.
To be honest i agree with a few people who say only cockpit view. If gran turismo is meant to be the "real driving simulator" lets make it as realistic as possible.
I wish they'd never used the tagline "The real driving simulator". It's giving some of you guys extreme, restrictive ideas.
And yes, not everyone has a wheel. Is that the next step? Can't play without a wheel? C'mon, guys.
When did i say you had to have a wheel? :-)
To be honest i agree with a few people who say only cockpit view. If gran turismo is meant to be the "real driving simulator" lets make it as realistic as possible.