Should GT6 include cockpit view when 95% of players don't use it?

  • Thread starter Natino64
Gran Turismo 6 is going to have cockpit views even in cars without cockpit views.

Remember my words! ;)

(I know doesn´t need to make sense)
When it comes to cockpit view, I actually find the standard cockpits more usable than the premiums. The premiums looks better obviously, but often they've got such a narrow field of view that you can't really see much of the road. I think the field of view on the standards is much better.
And if you map 'look left' and 'look right' to the D-pad its even better.
I think it should be available as it is cool to use it at times but in general I do not use it. I would actually like to see a hood view in GT6. The roof cam is to high and I am not fond of the bumper cam though that is what I usually end up using in GT5. I would like to see a hood view along the lines of the one in Forza 2,3,4 as an additional option. It seems more natural to have a bit of the hood visible.

While the cockpit view is cool I do nto care for the steering wheel being visible in it. Seems kind of odd that I am using a wheel and there is another wheel on my screen.
Of course GT should include cockpit views. GRiD was more of an arcade game, GT is more of a sim. The crowd that plays GT will use the cockpit view more than the crowd that plays GRiD. I bet you atleast 10-15% of the people that play GT use the cockpit view. To be honest, it's the first thing I do in a racing game.
Why not...
GT aims for a game about racing culture, not only about always speed up to win,I think. They should have every cockpit view, if they got time.
Roll on the elitists who dictate how other people play. Huzzah.
Perhaps not offline, but the option in online lobbies as lobby host to have it that way (like in Dirt 2) would be nice.
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Perhaps not offline, but the option in online lobbies as lobby host to have it that way (like in Dirt 2) would be nice.

Maybe. All it does is put people who don't use cockpit view out of their comfort zone though.

Do you have a restriction so that only people using triple screens are allowed as well? Because the difference between cockpit with and without triples is far larger than that between cockpit and chase cam.
Maybe. All it does is put people who don't use cockpit view out of their comfort zone though.

Do you have a restriction so that only people using triple screens are allowed as well? Because the difference between cockpit with and without triples is far larger than that between cockpit and chase cam.
Honestly, it's a simple case of "don't like lobby settings, don't join," (which is another reason why lobby filtering would be useful.) I don't see what's wrong of having the option to restrict players to cockpit view only. It is an option, afterall. You're not obligated to turn it on as host.
I think such a restriction would be fine for online lobbies. I remember one race I had with my friends where we all went into cockpit view and had a race on one of the snow tracks with the weather set to heavy snow. Was rather intense and a lot of fun :)
Roll on the elitists who dictate how other people play. Huzzah.

Not elitists, but a realist. The option should be there for the room host to decide. iRacing has cockpit view only. I don't hear people over there complaining.
Not elitists, but a realist. The option should be there for the room host to decide. iRacing has cockpit view only. I don't hear people over there complaining.

Completely agree.
Maybe. All it does is put people who don't use cockpit view out of their comfort zone though.

Same can be said of driving aids, if it's an option (and you can search for it) I don't see why it shouldn't be available.
I'll admit that normally I don't really care which viewpoint somebody else is using but for example in wet conditions using cockpit view is an enormous disadvantage if everyone else (or just one player) uses any other view so levelling the playing field is a perfectly good reason (in my opinion) in this circumstance.

Another beneficial thing in general with everyone using the same viewpoint is that everyone is also aware of the visual limitations and possibilities it provides for other players, right now there's a discrepancy in viewpoints often resulting in different, well, viewpoints of the same situation which can lead to misunderstandings with consequences on track and following arguments.

So it isn't just a question of being 'elitist' or anything, nor necessarily deliberately limiting options for the sake of forcing your own preference on others.
To be honest i agree with a few people who say only cockpit view. If gran turismo is meant to be the "real driving simulator" lets make it as realistic as possible.
To be honest i agree with a few people who say only cockpit view. If gran turismo is meant to be the "real driving simulator" lets make it as realistic as possible.

Not everyone has a wheel.
I wish they'd never used the tagline "The real driving simulator". It's giving some of you guys extreme, restrictive ideas.

And yes, not everyone has a wheel. Is that the next step? Can't play without a wheel? C'mon, guys.
I wish they'd never used the tagline "The real driving simulator". It's giving some of you guys extreme, restrictive ideas.

And yes, not everyone has a wheel. Is that the next step? Can't play without a wheel? C'mon, guys.

I agree. Throughout my time here, I've seen people take the slogan too literally.
If you're talking about stuff that 95% of people don't use then they should get rid of karting and remove about 300 Japanese econo-cans from the dealerships.
When did i say you had to have a wheel? :-)

My point was, if you want to make the game as realistic as possible, you might as well ban the DualShock controller and make the game compatible with wheels only. Because the moment you choose to play the game with the controller, you're throwing realism out the window before the game even starts.