Should PD spend/waste game space,time,money&energy on music tracks ?

  • Thread starter lGNAl
Saudi Arabia
Everyone these days have some sort of device to play music on. And it's not like there's any good driving music on GT5 anyway. Please PD, give us an extra car or two instead of music tracks.
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What's the correlation between including music and including more cars? Disc space isn't a concern, the limiting factor behind including more cars is modeling time rather than licencing costs, and it takes little time and energy to include music in the game.
Music is the first setting I adjust. I turn off the RBM unless I'm racing slow cars in which case I use my own MP3 albums anyway.
Given then Sony also have a huge record label division I'm sure most of the music licensing is done by them, not PD.
Everyone these days have some sort of device to play music on. And it's not like there's any good driving music on GT5 anyway. Please PD, give us an extra car or two instead of music tracks.
If you don't like PDs music, why not just pop one of your own music CDs in and drive/race to that. Did this really need its own thread? :confused:
Everyone these days have some sort of device to play music on. And it's not like there's any good driving music on GT5 anyway. Please PD, give us an extra car or two instead of music tracks.

That's right. Having modellers work on the music is just silly. Put them to work modelling extra cars, and have somebody who knows about music do that part.

Oh wait. PD aren't insane so that's probably what they did do.
Basically, all I wanted to say has been said: /thread

Music isn't even done by PD, which renders the entire argumente futile. PD just comissions it to other artists or take it from artists signed with labels. And, personally, I love the music on GT5, specially the original soundtrack so not all of us should be screwed because of the personal taste of a couple few 👎
the music in GT2 was fine for me. I listen to the music in the menu but, I wish it would carry on through GT Auto( It was cute during the first month of play), UCD and the race intros. There is an off selection so, if they want to make music for their game that's fine.
I thought "No, don't tell me he's asking for us to remove music so we can get more cars... he can't possib-- oh he is."

Imari said it best.
I turn off all music and only leave sound effects, I did once upon a time when GT5 came out loaded up a MP3 folder on the PS3 and drove to that but it got old lol
They're not making the music themselves, so no. It would save no time and disk space isn't a concern at all, let alone enough to warrant excluding a few hundred MB of music files...
Everyone these days have some sort of device to play music on. And it's not like there's any good driving music on GT5 anyway. Please PD, give us an extra car or two instead of music tracks.

This as well as the thread title tells me you aren't at all aware of how game development works. Music is in no way demanding in any game so there is no "game space,time, Money & energy" to waste as you put it. Question is also made completely useless for the same reason everyone here has mentioned: PD doesn't make the music.
Everyone these days have some sort of device to play music on. And it's not like there's any good driving music on GT5 anyway. Please PD, give us an extra car or two instead of music tracks.

So here's the thing: music doesn't come at the expense of cars.

Recently there's been this idea going around the forums - and I don't know where it started - that "if PD adds x, then they can't add y." And x and y have absolutely nothing to do with each other. It's getting absurd now.
How much time money and energy do music tracks take up anyway? Its not like they're licensing the Beatles.

They should continue to include music even if we have the custom soundtrack option. Polphony Digital actually has halfway decent taste in music even from the very beginning with GT1. Theres several good songs I would have never heard without Gran Turismo. Just One Second Apex Remix is one I can think of immediately, as well as several Daiki Kasho songs etc
So here's the thing: music doesn't come at the expense of cars.

Recently there's been this idea going around the forums - and I don't know where it started - that "if PD adds x, then they can't add y." And x and y have absolutely nothing to do with each other. It's getting absurd now.

It's not absurd it's a fact. PD, like every other company in the world, operates on a budget. You get $X to make your game. The more you put on one thing, the less there is left to put on everything else. Doesn't matter that it's different people programming the music and the physics, that's completely irrelevant. Resources are simply not unlimited and tradeoffs and comprimises are part of the game.
It's not absurd it's a fact. PD, like every other company in the world, operates on a budget. You get $X to make your game. The more you put on one thing, the less there is left to put on everything else. Doesn't matter that it's different people programming the music and the physics, that's completely irrelevant. Resources are simply not unlimited and tradeoffs and comprimises are part of the game.

You're claiming that the number of cars available are limited by budget and not by time, is that correct? That if they'd had another six months they wouldn't have made any more cars because they couldn't afford it?

Thanks, I needed a larf.
What's the correlation between including music and including more cars? Disc space isn't a concern, the limiting factor behind including more cars is modeling time rather than licencing costs, and it takes little time and energy to include music in the game.

I remember way back when GT5 was coming out that they couldn't add any more data on the disk because of space, and that's why we have dlc's ? .. maybe I misunderstood .. all I'm saying is that there's no point of music.

Music is the first setting I adjust. I turn off the RBM unless I'm racing slow cars in which case I use my own MP3 albums anyway.

Exactly .. Probably 90% of players do that.

Given then Sony also have a huge record label division I'm sure most of the music licensing is done by them, not PD.


If you don't like PDs music, why not just pop one of your own music CDs in and drive/race to that. Did this really need its own thread? :confused:

I do put my own music lol, but GT music is annoying and no one listens to it (jazz & classic), I'm not trying to fall asleep while playing .. GT music should make the game exciting .... It's the only thread about the music tracks on GT, so why not ?
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They're not making the music themselves, so no. It would save no time and disk space isn't a concern at all, let alone enough to warrant excluding a few hundred MB of music files...

A few hundred MB of car space would be better :)
I remember way back when GT5 was coming out that they couldn't add any more data on the disk because of space, and that's why we have dlc's ? .. maybe I misunderstood .. all I'm saying is that there's no point of music.

You did misunderstand or read false information. GT5 is 14GB in size, a single layer Blu Ray is 23GB, a dual layer Blu Ray is 46GB. They had mountains of spare room.

PS, the multi quote function is your friend.
That's right. Having modellers work on the music is just silly. Put them to work modelling extra cars, and have somebody who knows about music do that part.

Oh wait. PD aren't insane so that's probably what they did do.

I said why have music at all .. never said anything about modelers doing the music.

Basically, all I wanted to say has been said: /thread

Music isn't even done by PD, which renders the entire argumente futile. PD just comissions it to other artists or take it from artists signed with labels. And, personally, I love the music on GT5, specially the original soundtrack so not all of us should be screwed because of the personal taste of a couple few 👎

Ok this is what I said "Please PD, give us an extra car or two instead of music tracks." .. PD chose to put music on there, its not like Sony made them do it ... the theme tracks are great I love them, but there's no way someone can listen to the same two or three tracks every time they play the game till the next title comes out.

IGNAI, the edit button is your friend.

yaaaay new friend
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I remember way back when GT5 was coming out that they couldn't add any more data on the disk because of space, and that's why we have dlc's ? .. maybe I misunderstood .. all I'm saying is that there's no point of music.

Well, a standard bluray disc is 25GB. The full install size of GT5 is around 10-12 GB. Let's pretend there's another 8-10 GB of game data on the disc which isn't being installed on the PS3, that leaves 5 GB for songs. If each song is 5MB that's enough space for 1 000 songs.

In GT5 there's 190 songs, so I don't think space is an issue.

It's not absurd it's a fact. PD, like every other company in the world, operates on a budget. You get $X to make your game. The more you put on one thing, the less there is left to put on everything else. Doesn't matter that it's different people programming the music and the physics, that's completely irrelevant. Resources are simply not unlimited and tradeoffs and comprimises are part of the game.

It's like the zoo-keeper saying "Let's get rid of some ants and maybe we'll save enough fodder to feed another elephant." It is a little absurd.
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yaaaay new friend

You're still not getting it. Don't triple post. If you have more to say afterwards, edit it into your previous post.

I said why have music at all .. never said anything about modelers doing the music.

Explain to us carefully then how removing music results in more cars.

Game space = not an issue, as people have explained.
Time = not an issue, because the people spending time on music can't model.
Money = not an issue if they're time constrained for modelling, and music is hardly a big spender anyway. Sony owns a record company, I'm sure they'll cut them a sweet deal to promote some of their new artists.
Energy = see Time.
Explain to us carefully then how removing music results in more cars.

Let's see if I can do this...there's a lot of detail put into every auto-mobile in the game. Standard cars have only a few thousand polygons compared to the hundreds of thousands that the Premium cars do. I'll assume each Standard car is 3MB, and each Premium car is 15MB on the disc, so there's opportunity for about 750 Premiums in GT6. Question is, is PD going to take advantage of this opportunity to give us that many cars, if I think this is going to go where I think it is? That might depend on the number of songs put into the game.

EDIT: Let's say there's 250 songs in GT6, each one between 8 & 30MB in size. This is assuming that the file format used is 320kbps OGG Vorbis. Assuming the average file size across all the music files is 13.5 MB, you're looking at over 3 GB of that's about 200-250 Premium cars gone to make room for the soundtrack. Or, they could just keep all the Premium cars and still have room for everything else in the game, from UI to tracks to Online content to DLC. On a downer note, installation would take longer...but I just want to play the game and hear what Sony put in here.

EDIT 2: I do not see space as an issue unless you have about 23-24 GB worth of content on problem is, who is going to be able to pay the licensing fees to feature songs in GT6? PD is the company making the game, so I think that they would have to pay all of their licensing fees to Sony. Then again, Sony owns PD so I don't see payment of licensing fees being much of an issue, either.

EDIT 3: This leaves question for how much music that ISN'T licensed by Sony will appear in the game. It'll most likely follow the trend that I think started in GT3 with Daiki Kasho. I think that trend is by default, any music not licensed by Sony is set to not play during races. (I'm sure Sony will find a way to license this somehow...) In before...wobble wobble wobble wobble?

EDIT 4: How does removing music from a video game result in anything more being added to it? It doesn't. I just want to demonstrate how editing a post works.

EDIT 5: (And by the way, here's my real post) Isn't PD obligated to put licensed music from Sony into their games to begin with?
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Music is always important in games, and Gran Turismo 6 can't be an exception.
Gran Turismo series has good exclusive music tracks, Moon Over the Castle, Daiki Kasho songs.
Music is always important in games, and Gran Turismo 6 can't be an exception.

Yep, the in-game music in Gran Turismo games is partly what makes each game special to me. I'd hate it if music was removed... But I don't see how adding songs would effect production of the rest of the game. I can't imagine Kaz going: "Modeller-san! Stop modelling that Premium Veyron... Your new priority is to get that new My Chemical Romance song into the game."

...Maybe that did happen, I don't know.
You're claiming that the number of cars available are limited by budget and not by time, is that correct? That if they'd had another six months they wouldn't have made any more cars because they couldn't afford it?

Thanks, I needed a larf.

Money and time are the same thing..both are limited resources. If you have more money (aka budget) it buys you more time...aka..more man hours to work on modelling or music or whatever. 15 people working on something for a year costs more than 10 people working on something for a year, but buys you 50% more time over the same calender year. You might here 5 people to work on sound, or yo might hire 5 to work on music or you might hire 5 to work on physics. You can't do all three unless the budget allows it and even then, you could put 15 on physics and none on sound etc. Doesn't matter how you slice it there are always resource tradeoffs.

Yes you have to hire and train people to do this, but that's a limitation that can be resolved given adequate planning and time. Time and money are by definition limited in some way. Where you allocate your resources determines what gets done, how much gets done and how well. These are pretty basic concepts everyone should understand.
- Well, if they include Custom BGM, they shouldn't waste so much space on music, in my opinion, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be any music though.
I complete misread the thread tittle at first and I thought someone would suggest a feature to use music as template for the track creator, to create race tracks. Like in Audiosurf. ^^

I would say let them finish the game and fill whatever space is left on the blue ray with music. There can never be enough music. Its also a good way to promote lesser known artists.
Blue ray discs can hold really large amounts of data in it. A dual layer blue ray disc can already hold up to 50GB of space so putting music is definitely not a problem. Besides, it's the music that completes the feel of the game. Just imagine the pre-race screen without that piano music in GT5.

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