I have four zones that each have four rotor heads. Average GMP x head quantity x run time = about 300 gallons/zone/watering session.
I have three zones with about 13 spray heads. Average GPM x head quantity x run time = 300 gallons/zone/watering session.
I have one zone with about 100 drip heads. Average GPM x head quantity x run time = 150 gallons.
Total comes out to 2,250 gallons. The email I receive when it's not going to water says 2,700 gallons but we'll use my more conservative number.
It waters every odd day.
My cost for water is $4.90/1,000 gallons, or $11 per session.
The controller proactively (it hadn't started raining yet but it was going to) didn't water 5 days this month, saving over 10,000 gallons of water and $55.
The controller cost me $130, so it's over 1/3 paid for itself already.
In the first month.