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  • Thread starter McLaren
Well, a quid is slang for a British pound so 1GBP = 1.4USD, so my shoes were, er... 29.00 USD.
Thanks. I wanted to know that because I heard certain prices of cars or parts from the Top Gear Trio on Youtube. 👍 But not bad for shoes, the lowest I have paid for shoes were $8 USD.

£4.50 for the white Viognier. £6.75 for the Red Cotes du Rhone.

Got them from college at cost price.
Koni adjustable sport struts and J&M adjustable camber/caster plates.

I'd rather not say how much I spent on all this... Let's just say I hope no one was expecting anything really nice from me for Christmas this year.
koni adjustable sport struts and j&m adjustable camber/caster plates.

I'd rather not say how much i spent on all this... Let's just say i hope no one was expecting anything really nice from me for christmas this year.
a bag of coal for you! Plus the driving experience.
I bought my wife the new Meyer's Bakery Lemax building to go with the Pizza shop, Lighthouse and gazebo.


The details on these things are amazing:


My photography skills, on the other hand, are not.
Marshmallows to the mouth would be delicious, though. Throw in a little graham cracker, thermite, and a piece of chocolate? Mmm. Only flies like 25 feet so I think it's pretty safe.

Oh snap, I think I'm buying all my Christmas presents right now. This is dangerous and expensive.
I like how they've now made them into actual "guns".
Wait... a marshmallow gun? I bet a marshmallow to the eye would be surprisingly painful.
Before that little invention, people used to sell little marshmallow guns made of piping. All you would do is stick a marshmallow in, and blow.
I like how they've now made them into actual "guns".

Before that little invention, people used to sell little marshmallow guns made of piping. All you would do is stick a marshmallow in, and blow.
Yeah but after five minutes of kids playing that spit woudl be running out the ends. I know one guy who got the sliding action going with a tall loading chamber on top. He made a bunch for a family cookout so all the kids could have one. Then after they had all been playing for a bit he comes out with his own, which was using one-inch (maybe 1.5") piping and big marshmallows.

The incredible...
People still play UR MR GAY Super Mario Galaxy?

Wear a wrist brace, you'll need it. The game itself is mostly fine, but by the time you finish it you have some wrist strain. Biggest downfall of this Mario game was that it used Wii controls and didn't give the player a choice.