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  • Thread starter McLaren
And riding fixed compared to 15-speed is comparable to driving automatic vs. 5-speed in a car, there's waaay more connection to the road and the machine. You can't really argue that one.
Well, I would justify it by not having to constantly fiddle with derailers that don't quite work all the time.

But yeah, I'm not satisfied with a bike's brakes unless I can lock the rear easily and do a major stoppie with the front. But I must say that most American drivers tend to never even consider bike riders. Is it different in Canadia?

EDIT: Also, I'm not man enough to use a fixed axle. Holy crap. One time when I was little I went down a hill on a Big Wheel and almost ripped my legs off.
EDIT: Also, I'm not man enough to use a fixed axle. Holy crap. One time when I was little I went down a hill on a Big Wheel and almost ripped my legs off.

This guy is:

But I must say that most American drivers tend to never even consider bike riders. Is it different in Canadia?

I live in the downtown core of the fifth-biggest city in North America, which naturally attracts hundreds of thousands of commuting cyclists. People are generally conscious of the fact that you can't really swing your door open without checking, and most take a look when merging etc. It's pretty good for cyclists here.

The big thing are taxis. When driving, they give no right of way or any sort of respect to cyclists. Any sort of confrontation 95% of the time happens with a cabby. The good thing, however, is that they know that you know where they are, so they will fly by close to you and will move knowing that you'll move accordingly. The worst is riding in traffic at speed with someone who doesn't know you're there, or who is shaky and scared to be near you.
This guy is:

If he'd have gears on it, he would've reached 50 mph, like I do. Cycling like that for miles long is just way too uncomfortable, slap some gears on it,a small wheel and use some muscle to get up speed!
Wheels Day 2009 T shirt:


And, because I'm a supercool adult and not even remotely childish, a trio of Micro Machines:


An NSX, 911 and GT40 :)
Why do road bicyclists always have on their stereotypical bicyclist tights/uniforms on? I've never ever seen anyone ride one in plain clothes.
Why do road bicyclists always have on their stereotypical bicyclist tights/uniforms on? I've never ever seen anyone ride one in plain clothes.

I have done it for a long time because I never had proper clothing. But once you get all shoppy with cycling clothing and whatnot, you want to wear it everytime. It makes it all so much cooler during cycling, + it's not too hot or cold, it keeps the temperature. It also doesn't make you sweat too much, and bits of clothing don't fly about when at speeds of up to 40-50 mph 👍

One of these cost as much as the other two combined. Hint: It isn't in blu.

2010 $15 at Wal*Mart and Reservoir Dogs is $10 at Wal*Mart. $10 Blu-Ray!!!

Marley& Me was $25, $20 had I not gotten the 2 disc set.

And minor consumer warning, buyer beware stuff.

The Marley & Me 2 disc set has nothing new or extra. They charge you $5 for a digital copy, which are basically thrown in with everything else out there. So, if you don't want the digital copy just get the single disc set. Had I picked it out, and not my wife I would have checked first to see if it was worth it and seen the labels and sticker that explained that.

I wouldn't mind except that They gave the set a special name, and the digital copy is useless to me. I don't have a video iPod and these don't work with PSP or my PS3.

Oh well, my fault, and I am sure someone somewhere will appreciate my digital copy. Or my wife can just put it on her laptop and have it with her always. I wonder if I can attach a tissue box to the laptop.

Got this today :) its just the basic model W210, but good enough for my needs -Travelling to Edinburgh for a week on Wednesday with my uni class
Got this today :) its just the basic model W210, but good enough for my needs -Travelling to Edinburgh for a week on Wednesday with my uni class

Sweet. Edinburgh is a nice place to visit, lots and lots of stunning buildings. I went once a few years ago with my parents and it ranks high in places I'd like to go back too.
yesterday ive picked up a crosman .177 357magnum

too compliment my crosman phantom

i know its not real guns like my cusins from the south like , but here in canada its really complicated too get guns , you need a liscence , need too register them ,take courses on how too use guns , etc,,,
Parents bought a new washing machine...As it's not here yet, i have no pictures and i dont no the model code or i would've found a pic of it online.

And i got myself a new mp3 player as my Ipod Video crapped out on me:
The Samsung P3




Gottta thank Engadget for this badboy :D
I got Worms.

The PSN game, I'm not randomly quoting Dumb and Dumber :D
We should play sometime. I've been loving that game since it was PC only.

I even have the dreadful Worms 3D, which I didn't think was half as bad as the rest of the world did.
I bought a nice little Volkswagen last week. Kind of slow but the seats are comfy and the radio sounds rad. Crappy cell phone pic for now. Better pics when I get her cleaned up.

I bought a nice little Volkswagen last week. Kind of slow but the seats are comfy and the radio sounds rad. Crappy cell phone pic for now. Better pics when I get her cleaned up.
Nice, I see your avatar changed to match.

So, will we be seeing a name change to Quattro soon?