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  • Thread starter McLaren
I made quite a mighty purchase, yes.


Samsung Series 5 32" HD LCD TV.


Apple earphones with remote and mic.​



£10 (Bargain!)



On a related note, while buying all of these the girl behind the checkout asked me if I was gay (Probably caused by The OC Season 4 boxset) for her male friend who was stood nearby. How very odd.
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A girl I work with creates jewelry as a side business and made this for me. It's an antiqued looking bronze Mjöllnir pendant with a brass ring on a leather cord. It's pretty cool I think.



£10 (Bargain!)


On a related note, while buying all of these the girl behind the checkout asked me if I was gay (Probably caused by The OC Season 4 boxset) for her male friend who was stood nearby. How very odd.
Seriously, guys in the UK like The OC?

Actually, does anyone like The OC?
I can't remember how I started watching it, I borrowed the entire Season 1-4 from a friend, but missed importing 2 episodes from Season 4, so this enabled me to complete my collection. 👍

I like it, even if it is ridiculous.
Geez Jack, we have been home all of 5 minutes and you haven't posted your new purcahse.

So anyway my purchase is a Tivo Expander 1TB Hard Drive

That seriously looks like a Western Digital Mybook. Only difference is the led light at the front and the tivo sticker :)

edit: nevermind. just looked on the tivo website and it IS a western digital product.
The first season is the best purely because it has Samaire Armstrong in it.
I am assuming that is a girl, and from that I can guess that is the primary reason why any guys watch it.

I think the only show involving teen/tween drama that I ever watched was Buffy, and even then it was only if I was bored.
I watch it because I find it fairly entertaining and fairly funny at times too. Not that I should need to explain myself to adults. :rolleyes: I'm not going to stop watching something just because it's brainless and pointless. I have no 'standards' when it comes to music, films, TV, or any form of entertainment. If I like it, I like it.
I watch it because I find it fairly entertaining and fairly funny at times too. Not that I should need to explain myself to adults. :rolleyes: I'm not going to stop watching something just because it's brainless and pointless. I have no 'standards' when it comes to music, films, TV, or any form of entertainment. If I like it, I like it.
Watch what you want. I'm just harassing you. I honestly do not know anyone who watches it. Anytime I see a director discussing a movie and they mention thier cast having someone from The OC I have to go IMDB them just to see what they look like.

Of course, if you started discussing how awesome Firefly is, or mentioned buying season 1 of Chuck we could all get along.

Suede: Singles
Because, y'know, it's awesome.


And an Oral B whatever the hell it is.
Because the dental hygenist spent 20 minutes patronising me the last time I visited her. Apparently I've been doing everything wrong ever, so I figured the nice people at Oral B might know something I don't.

That concludes my exciting purchases of the day.

On a related note, while buying all of these the girl behind the checkout asked me if I was gay (Probably caused by The OC Season 4 boxset) for her male friend who was stood nearby.

*Grabs pen and paper* Which store was this?

And an Oral B whatever the hell it is.
Because the dental hygenist spent 20 minutes patronising me the last time I visited her. Apparently I've been doing everything wrong ever, so I figured the nice people at Oral B might know something I don't.

That concludes my exciting purchases of the day.

So they do have toothbrushes and dentists in the UK.


Best Buy's exclusive 3-disc Special Edition.

EDIT - huh, the pic's not showing up anymore. It's Fast & Furious.
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Because the dental hygenist spent 20 minutes patronising me the last time I visited her. Apparently I've been doing everything wrong ever, so I figured the nice people at Oral B might know something I don't.
Nothing you do will change this. When I go I hear all about how great my teeth are, but then it is followed up with, "You should floss more. Flossing is very important and blah, blah, blah, blah...." For the record, I even floss at work after lunch.

However, that is a great toothbrush and you will personally notice a difference. I had an older model when I got married and now my wife has one too, she liked it so well.
Firefly, awesome? - it's like Little House on the Prairie in space. ;)
I would say more along the lines of Butch and Sundance, and then that is awesome.

Personally, I find the American Old West in space combination to be what makes it awesome.
Although i usually love SciFi, i dislike Westerns immensely, which why i can't watch Firefly. I also hate soap operas, which is probably why i hated Babylon 5 and Deep Space 9 so much.
So they do have toothbrushes and dentists in the UK.


Only since 1994.

Nothing you do will change this. When I go I hear all about how great my teeth are, but then it is followed up with, "You should floss more. Flossing is very important and blah, blah, blah, blah...." For the record, I even floss at work after lunch.

However, that is a great toothbrush and you will personally notice a difference. I had an older model when I got married and now my wife has one too, she liked it so well.

Indeed. I had a similar one ages ago which I ended up chucking out (I think I dropped it in the toilet bowl or something), and I've only had manual ones since. It's good to be back to electric :D

Snagged Ghostbusters for $8.99 thanks to a $5 off promo code. :)
Needed some new shoes to replace my Sparco Pitlanes that I've had for 2 years. One has 3 holes in it and the other has 2.

So I ordered these:


Can't wait.