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  • Thread starter McLaren
I have been waiting for this:

I actually bought that last night. Great movie, I didn't realize it was so long though.
I actually bought that last night. Great movie, I didn't realize it was so long though.
Wait until they release The Complete Watchmen, with Tales of the Black Freighter (~30 minutes) cut in too.
I don't know. Those penguins are pretty resourceful.

The others don't stand a chance, though.

Having watched it with my nephews once, they promptly spent the whole afternoon trying to speak like the penguins 👍


Some awesome tie dye pants that kinda look like this but Blue/Purple. And they're actually womens pants but I don't care.

Some other stuff that I can't remember.
Dreadlocks, tie dye pants? You're such a hippy. It kinda explains your psychedelic avatars, actually.

The pants were from Tree of Life, but Ishka is the greatest store every, cool **** galore. I almost brought this Giant Easter island type stone head which was half price at $160 and was just pure awesome.
My neighbor's integra has what looks like a 4 or 5 inch tip. It's ridiculous.
Four tickets to Seussical The Musical.


Great show for the kids and a might fine show for my wife and me, as well. 👍
Went to Wal-Suck and saw something I had to have to deal with this heat. Even though the AC is on FULL BLAST 100% of the time, the house is still hot and stuffy. So I got this...

Lasko 40" Remote Controlled Tower Fan model #2219 (pic is #2217)


Works five times better than their 20" box fan, of which we have five for the small windows in our home, and it works 50 times less loud!
Picked up a bunch of PSP games. God of War, Ratchet and Clank, Killzone, Wipeout Pulse, Prince of Persia, GTA Vice City, Ridge Racer 2 all for 10-15 AUD each on sale.

However have just realised they gave me the original ridge racer UMD instead of #2 so have to go back and get it fixed unfortunately.

'The Poof' made me laugh harder than I have in a long time. My eyes watered.


Played a few minutes of it. Decent so far, but I can't wait until I get to the higher-end cars and customization. That Supra looks sick.

Thursday: a pair of 6.5" Infinity REF6022Is (w/warranty) for the front of my Accord. They sound great. Unfortunately, I have no use for those cool covers.

Along with a USB SD card port, a pair of high-beam bulbs, and a roll of electrical tape (my friend and I got paid $50 each to paint his grandparents' shed!).
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Not my purchase, it's my mom's.

The new Palm Pre. I love it, but my mom really doesn't like it at all. I tried to convince her to let me have it but that isn't going to work.
You mean you haven't had one this whole time? You're like the resident Mac addict. :lol:
Yeah, it’s all about $$$ – over the next two years this thing is going to cost me about 1.5x what my MacBook cost, so I needed to wait a few years to have more disposable income.

How are you liking it?
Do you really have to ask? :lol:
Geez Jack, we have been home all of 5 minutes and you haven't posted your new purcahse.

So anyway my purchase is a Tivo Expander 1TB Hard Drive

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