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  • Thread starter McLaren
Every once in a while, you have to shock yourselves by actually planning ahead.

That's a pretty epic plan ahead it seems...

Finally got a new phone. An LG enV2, a whole fifty cents after the mail in rebate.

I wonder how long your OK button will last. I got my second (and third) of these phones a couple months ago and the OK button on this one is already dying.

But it's a sweet phone. I love mine when it works.



Small crack in the top right corner of the screen on the faceplate and possible wifi board problems, but what do you expect for $20?
bunch of old and new hot wheels, matchbox and random miscelaneous cars, some in local flea markets for 50 cents, some lots from e-bay, and some in the local wal mart, includoing treasure hunts and whatnot.

Man I need to stop wasting money on this.

But I cant.

Dragstrip Demons, the best hot wheels series ever and ever, got the six that are sold in Mexico right now, waiting for the rest:

E-bay lot with a couple Real Rider 80s cars and more old stuff:

Opened Hall of Fame cars, including Bill "Grumpy" Jenkins 67 pro stock Camaro:

Unopened Hall of Fames that'll be sold to pay for this freaking vice:

A 42-piece lot of late-80s-early-90s Blue Cards:

basic-line cars with a super Treasure Hunt 53 chevy with rubber whitewall tires:

2005 Meyers Manx and a Cheeta, all of them bought for their Torq-Thrust-like wheels that'll be swapped to other cars:

Flearmarket aquisitions, mexican Hot Wheels, Tomica, Matchbox and even a corgi Type E; I'll restore most of these soon:

More that will be restored once time allows, Hot Wheels, Tomica, rare Majorette Renault 5, Guisval, Matchbox and even a Siku:

1:42 made in Mexico McGregor (Polistil) 70s F1, Ferrari and Matra, not in the best shapes, but at a buck each, I wasnt going to let them go.

Half-price sale of 2009 Matchbox yielded this:

Random stuff from the local fleamarket and wall mart, the stars of these are the Ambulance and Dump Truck from Playart, and the doorless Siku that I bought for literally 5 cents, just for its rare wheels:

More random stuff, Matchbox, Yatming and a super Treasure Hunt Hot Wheels Buick Riviera with rubber tires:

and those are the recent aquisitions.
if you have a 427 Fairlane in your driveway, you, my friend, rock so much. Heck, even if it's not a 427 car, you rock.
if you have a 427 Fairlane in your driveway, you, my friend, rock so much. Heck, even if it's not a 427 car, you rock.

Curses, Nope, just a 1965 Comet with a 289 in it. :) The body styling looked eerily similar and I had to ask. Stack headlights? Check. 2 door body? Check. Curse Ford for making cars look similar. Anyways. 👍 on the fantastic purchase of all those HotWheels, I'm thoroughly jealous.
ah, yeah!! I remember seeing you car somewhere in here, it's still awesome! You need to get it running soon and drop some horsepower in it.

And thanks, freaking little cars rock so much.
ah, yeah!! I remember seeing you car somewhere in here, it's still awesome! You need to get it running soon and drop some horsepower in it.

And thanks, freaking little cars rock so much.

Some day it'll get a different engine. Probably a crate 351.
It runs, just not all the time :sly:

Absolutely diabolical, I'm trading it in tomorrow. It's easily the worst of the series as it provides neither arcade fun or realistic racing. It just sits on the fence. Bouncing like mad.
Finally got supplies for my F1 style sim cockpit. I had to go buy lot's more wood, but this was a start. (I do lot's of auto work in my driveway, leads to lot's of stains...)

I could post WIP pics now, I just think it would be better to do it when I can post a full writeup. It's going to be pretty much the front 3/4 of an F1 car. I need to attach the nose section and roll hoop, then cover the inside with leather and sand, fill and paint it. Not sure what I'm going to do for two front tires and rims yet, may just leave them off all together. This whole project has been headache after headache so far...Turning out nicely though.

I got this for the same price as the Driving Force wireless at Best Buy. There was not even a price tag on the shelf for it, so they gave it to me for the DFwireless price which was all that was marked. It will do for now, I eventually want a modded G-25/27 whenever I get money to drop like that. Needless to say half off made me more than happy, pushed me to start my cockpit now because I need a place to mount it properly.

I got one of these as a freebie, I took out the electronics, I plan using a Buttkicker and better speakers. It was free so I don't feel bad, very comfortable mounted in a reclined position in my cockpit.

Enthusia for 4.00$ was a steal, not to mention very fun. I absolutely LOVE Tourist Trophy, it's like experiencing GT4 from a whole other perspective, I think there is also a great sense of speed from the on board view as well. F1 2001 is quite lame, oh well I guess. MGS:2 Substance is great as always, just wanted to relive it once more.

Finally some good sunglasses for me. Costa Del Mar Blackfins.
Lifetime warranty, headquarters located 20 minutes from where I live, not to mention GREAT customer service. Really needed a good pair of shades. The cheap ones always break on me... Must thank my lovely girlfriend for these :D
A part for my manual swap.

An 11lb Fidanza flywheel


And a coolant reservoir tank from Circuit Sports, because mine looks worse than the one on the left. All my coolant splashes out from driving and I've got the refill it every few days because eventually I get air in the system and the car overheats.


Still need a clutch and probably a short shifter.

EDIT: Also


Because both my front left turn signal and front right marker lights are busted.
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If they aren't gold or silver then there's no point.

Wrong. Any coin produced by the Royal Mint can be worth quite a lot in future regardless of what it's made of. People wouldn't collect special coins if they weren't worth something. The whole idea of coin collecting would be redundant.
Wrong. Any coin produced by the Royal Mint can be worth quite a lot in future regardless of what it's made of. People wouldn't collect special coins if they weren't worth something. The whole idea of coin collecting would be redundant.

So, unless you're saying it's valuable by decree, what's it made of? My chinese pandas are at least silver.
Thanks, I am so far, though I've used a few more colorful words than I expected, it's taken a few more beers than I planned also. It's worth it so far though.

Yeah I remember that when I was building my first one. It was in the winter time and I had only a small shed. So I ended up working in a badly lit environment. Sometimes it was snowing lightly too. Cold fingers, but I kept on going. After many years of desktop racing I decided a proper racepod is worth it. And it still is.

The colorfull words come in when you f4c8 up measuring? Or broke a drill?