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Just traded in my POS Nokia E71 for SE T707 flip-phone. The Nok was still worth a lot of money so I didn't have to pay a cent.

We GT players are a masochistic bunch aren't we?

On the serious, I don't care for what the model becomes, but the quality makes me envious

They are quite the sight, but I wish they weren't released in such long spans from one another unless the same basic design is re-used. It's been about four years since a really "new" Perfect Grade was released, although another PG was released earlier this year, but it pretty much used the same internal frame and design from 2005 - picked that one up too. :D



They probably want an insane amount of cash for that.

Perfect Grades are always a pricey bunch, but the Initial Production version(s) (what you see in the pictures) are usually just below $300 or $400 depending on what the initial releases entitles - The Astray came with an additional straight katana, transparent armor pieces, a display stand for both swords...and a comic book.

The 00-Raiser that I photo'd earlier is one of those priced just below $300, or $450 depending on the store....

$450 = No.
$300 = Yes. For a Limited Release version.

I got a new 40L Tank to replace my old 20L Tropical tank. The Fish have much more room to swim now. Though my new found fish hobby is addicting and I'm seriously looking at either a 122x61x61h cm or 183x61x61h cm tank, if I can find somewhere to put it, to get a river scene type set-up with a background, foreground, etc. Any one who says fish are easy obviously has never had a tropical tank. It's actually staggering complex if you want a tank that looks like a scene like the real professionals do. Working out what fish go with other fish, what fish go well with what plants, temperature, pH, kH, gH, food, etc, etc. I've only got 2 Neon Tetra's, and it took me two weeks to get the levels right when changing tanks, my real plants kept causing too many impurities and kept messing with the pH level that I had to take them out, it's just insane. I'd hate to work at an aquarium.
I got a new 40L Tank to replace my old 20L Tropical tank. The Fish have much more room to swim now. Though my new found fish hobby is addicting and I'm seriously looking at either a 122x61x61h cm or 183x61x61h cm tank, if I can find somewhere to put it, to get a river scene type set-up with a background, foreground, etc. Any one who says fish are easy obviously has never had a tropical tank. It's actually staggering complex if you want a tank that looks like a scene like the real professionals do. Working out what fish go with other fish, what fish go well with what plants, temperature, pH, kH, gH, food, etc, etc. I've only got 2 Neon Tetra's, and it took me two weeks to get the levels right when changing tanks, my real plants kept causing too many impurities and kept messing with the pH level that I had to take them out, it's just insane. I'd hate to work at an aquarium.

I have some experience, so I can give you some pointers if you want. If it is available for you to buy locally I highly suggest finding a copy of Dr. Axelrods's Atlas of freshwater aquarium fish. The mini version will be fine, and cheaper, for your purposes. I will tell you right now that based on the size of your tanks (I had to convert to find they were 5 and 10 gallons) you will run into more problems than a bigger tank because it takes very little to upset the balance. Large aquariums are actually easier to keep in a proper life cycle balance due to their size. It looks like you are looking at a 55 gallon (208L) or a 75 gallon (283L) tank. That will be great for what you are wanting to do.

Also 👍 on keeping your decorations looking natural. It drives me crazy when I see an aquarium that looks like a cartoon disco.
I got a new 40L Tank to replace my old 20L Tropical tank.

Nice, It's been a few years but I used to have a 65 gallon tank that I started as freshwater but built up the nerve to go saltwater. I'd never go back to a freshy tank. I've been scanning craigslist for a 75g and will jump back in to the fish keeper busniess when I see the right deal.
Nice, It's been a few years but I used to have a 65 gallon tank that I started as freshwater but built up the nerve to go saltwater. I'd never go back to a freshy tank. I've been scanning craigslist for a 75g and will jump back in to the fish keeper busniess when I see the right deal.
While you may be waiting on the right price for a tank, the lull in hurrican activity in the last couple of years has caused fish prices to drop. It used to be impossible to find any kind of puffer or trigger locally and the sharpnose puffers and triffers were all $40 or more. Now I will see three different kinds in one store and all but the rarest will be in the $20-$30 range.

Cheap fish, like damsels are the same price still, but supplies are good on the larger fish.

Casio, here is a quick freshwater compatibility chart.
Never ever ever ever will I do a puffer again. I had a spotted puffer and he was a beast in the tank. If it moved, he&#8217;d try to eat it. If it didn&#8217;t move he&#8217;d still try to eat it. He figured out how to flip my sea urchin over and eat it from the inside out. I had some nice things growing on my rocks until that little puffer swam into town. I&#8217;d rather have a nice community tank then the coolness of the big bad puffer.
Never ever ever ever will I do a puffer again. I had a spotted puffer and he was a beast in the tank. If it moved, he&#8217;d try to eat it. If it didn&#8217;t move he&#8217;d still try to eat it. He figured out how to flip my sea urchin over and eat it from the inside out. I had some nice things growing on my rocks until that little puffer swam into town. I&#8217;d rather have a nice community tank then the coolness of the big bad puffer.
You put a puffer in a community tank with invertebrates? :scared: That's like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

The first tank I ever had I had three danios for cycle fish. Then I added a freshwater puffer. Ten minutes later I just had a puffer with a swollen belly. It was awesome. I knew a guy with a piranha and that thing was boring in comparison.

I love puffers and want a bigger tank so I can step up to porcupines and dogfaced. Right now I am stuck with brackish or sharpnose varieties.

I have been bitten twice and poisoned once (via skin to skin contact), but they are still awesome.
Indeed Type-R, and it's not a million miles from you right now.

VTEC just kicked in, y0 :D
Whoops. I just accidentally this:
Accidentally? Did they switch your papers with someone else when you were transferring ownership.

I imagine this:

Famine: I need to transfer the title of this MX-5 please.
Clerk: All is in order, sir. Here is the paperwork for your Honda.
Famine: ??? :mad:
Wishaw, tomorrow.

Accidentally? Did they switch your papers with someone else when you were transferring ownership.

I imagine this:

Famine: I need to transfer the title of this MX-5 please.
Clerk: All is in order, sir. Here is the paperwork for your Honda.
Famine: ??? :mad:

Close. I promised someone an MX-5 for her birthday. She then had a MX-5/ATR internal stuggle and picked this particular car.
So you got rid of a high performance FWD saloon that you didn't need, and now have bought a high performance FWD saloon to replace it?

Though the first high performance FWD saloon wasn't actually mine to keep.
Ah, I'm not going :D I have to wait in for the plumber. No, its new owner is going to collect it and she has a prior engagement (no pun intended).
You put a puffer in a community tank with invertebrates? :scared: That's like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Nothing like learning as you go.:dunce::)

I have been bitten twice and poisoned once (via skin to skin contact), but they are still awesome.

So...I had pumps in the tank just to circulate the water. In my laziness I left off the little mesh guards that prevent a suction-sticking action. Hey…I never thought a fish would get sucked up to it. Well, leave it to my puffer within 10 minutes of being put in the tank he goes and gets sucked up to the pump. I start panicking about my $50 fish dying as soon as I bring him home. Yes… he starts to blow up and then I really freak. I finally get a grip and reach in and knock him off to save his life, and my bank account. :lol:
Just a hair over 62,000mi. It's a 2000/V, history out the wazoo, 2nd owner.
Everywhere I look I seem to see those with either 90k plus on the clock or they have been modified (not in good way). I think I'll need extend my search area to up north.
There's not many, that's for sure.

I paid a smidge over £4k and I reckon we can run it for 18 months and flip it on for near enough the same money with 75k or more on it.