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A puma soccer shirt im grey with red stripes. Bought it for 12.99 and only because it had vodafone and its symbol on it. (mclaren f1 team)
@ Nigel--if you haven't already got it hooked up, you are going to love the 4870 GPU 👍 I've only run at 1440 x 900 resolution so far, but I'm now able to run both rFactor and GTR Evo at Max settings :dopey: I was afraid my PCU (E5200 Pentium dual core @ 2.5ghz) would be a bottleneck on performance, but not so far *fingers crossed* Maybe at higher resolutions I will run into issues. From everything I read, this card is basically on par with the Geforce 260, and it was about $20-$30 cheaper.

This card replaced the Geforce 9400 GT I had. Needless to say, it is far superior :) I got a good deal on it too. Newegg had it for $144.99 shipped.
And the Asus monitor was $198 including shipping. Very pleased so far :)

Carl - Got it up mid-week, chucked GTR Evo on, on Max, and it was beautiful and smooth. Should chuck Fraps on it, but it must be 60fps. My CPU is .1Ghz less than yours, Dual core. We'll have to race at some point on it.
Nice toys guys!!

in the last few months been away for a bit










hahahhah no... No white man included with my Gi purchase.. I practice no-gi Brazilian Jiu Jitsu currently. I will be a Gi White belt ( noob ) when i get back to Japan.
Back in July, I made a car search thread. My Mercedes had been on the fritz and I really needed a functional car covered by a warranty. That was put on hold by a traffic accident.

Fast forward a few months, and the car search started again. I ended with this:


It's a 2007 Subaru Legacy 2.5i limited. It has 25,600 miles and it came with a 4 year, 48,000 mile warranty starting the day of the sale. I'm ecstatic. (and a lot poorer.. :lol: )

It drives like a dream, and the seats are amazing.


"I'm in ur forums, makin ludicrous claimz. lol, kbai - High-Test"
EDIT: High-Test, you MUST retake the picture; We can't see your name therefor you have no proof! :P

I'm going to complain to the Ludicrous Claims thread right NOW!


@TB: I could swear there was an advance auto parts way off on the end of 13th Ave, a couple blocks past wal-mart. I know it exists because I lost my radiator car there at 9:15PM in their parking lot.
@TB: I could swear there was an advance auto parts way off on the end of 13th Ave, a couple blocks past wal-mart. I know it exists because I lost my radiator car there at 9:15PM in their parking lot.
Well if you change it from 45th St to 13th Ave, then yes, there is an Advanced there. :lol:

After having owned the Fender Stratocaster for nearly a year, I finally broke a string on it. I'm amazed at how long the strings managed to cope with my bending playing style. I can't go through 1 day without playing my guitar, so today I went to a local guitar shop and bought a new pack for my Fender. Tonight I'll be taking her strings off (oops, that came out wrong), give her a good cleaning, put on the strings and play some "Brain Damage" 👍 I had a freaking hard time exitting the shop without staring at all the Fender Strats and the Gibson Les Pauls :drool: Also, that new Ibanez Les Paul Standard looks sweet!

Ikea Expedit bookcase + desk, which I’ve always wanted. And my new Dell 22" monitor.

Hey Sage, if you ever need to clean the dirt/oil on the Macbook the best solution I've found is white toothpaste. It makes it literally brand new. 👍

edit: OOOOOOOOH. :lol: @ you. Yeah, those pickups no likey bronzy.

Funny how I never stood still by it in either the store or at home before using them. Even the image screams "ACOUSTIC!" together with the bronze colour and I just totally missed it. Guess I was just too exited to clean my Fender and playing it again... Going back tomorrow. A refund is out of the question since I used them already, but definitly I'll be checking things twice before buying it.
To avoid embarrassment, say you need another set of strings for your electric guitar, and imply you got the strings for your acoustic.
To avoid embarrassment, say you need another set of strings for your electric guitar, and imply you got the strings for your acoustic.

The chap already knows I play electric and bass :P

It's ok though, he'll be just happy he just got a customer extra.
Any decent music shop (particularly, if they know you, which he seems to) would just say, "Ha, fancy a swap?"
Holy hell big glass..... lol I was at Tokyo auto salon with a press pass lol.... and I had a little point and shooter along with my video camera..

The girls online look at the big lenses lol..
I could take a picture of it but none of you would really notice the difference.

I just got my truck back after getting it re-painted and all of it's dents taken out. Also new headlights foglamps brake lights and a new rear bumper. Whew my wallet's alot lighter.