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  • Thread starter McLaren
Scrubs Season 2 through 8 of Scrubs.

Because there is no 9th season.

I also got this book:

Because someone recommended it.
Nice, I'm looking at getting a monitor for my laptop. How much was it and what do you think of it?

I got mine (used) for about what would be about 50-60 Euro's. ($110 NZ) Even then I sacrificed GTPremium and some new Logitech speakers for it. :P It's used though, and does have a thin blue line that appears down to the right side of the screen on particular shades of grey.

Holy crud that monitor looks pretty much the same as mines!


Looks good! :D:tup:. Where'd you order it from?

Well, I'm stingy, so trademe of course. :P
Pre-Ordered this:

Went for the Limited 2x180g LP+CD set since the sleeve has some really cool artwork inside it and the vinyl itself is patterned like the album art.
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Was on sale a while ago on Steam, so my friend picked it up for me.

Hopefully you have better luck with that game than I did on the 360. Every time I went to start the next chapter, it restarted the game from the beginning. So I had to "generate the story" for almost the entire 5 chapters of the first season. Which means the entire last chapter had generated decisions for me. Which ruined my experience. Great game but they had massive save problems on the 360. Hope it goes well for you. 👍
I had to buy scantron sheets, they were only $1.49, but i still had to buy them. like I said, I dont pay thousands upon thousands of dollars in tuition or anything... ah well.