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  • Thread starter McLaren
Finally completing my Gran Turismo collection! (Partially, not counting the others like GTHD, GT4 Prologue, etc) For $7 at the local flea market. Can't wait to do photomode with it! :D

And also bought Street Fighter x Tekken.
Bought one of these, and it showed up about a week sooner than I thought it would:


Really good feel to it, just like the 360 version them make (that isn't wireless). Button layout isn't quite as nice as that ones, but the wireless is nice. Triggers are great. Better resistance than the regular ones, plus a much better grip to them. Analog sticks have a bit more resistance as well, and the D-Pad is great. It does seem a bit smaller than the 360 one, though. Main problem with it is that you can't seem to use it as a wired controller, so to charge it and use it you need a USB plug plugged in and the wireless dongle.

You can also plug the dongle into the computer, and it works as a PC controller automatically, so that's pretty awesome too.
I'm in the process of clicking all the freaking buttons for about 700 free comics on ComiXology. It's a nice way to get an introduction to comics because I've never really payed attention to them...anyway, it's sort of a purchase...right?
A ticket for an overnight trip to this place up in the mountains as part of my R&D program. Four other friends and I will be hiring a car to get there and spending the night. Attractions include a local traditional stage show, spelunking, hiking, and other outdoor pursuits.





There will be no drink, drugs or cigarettes for miles around and I'm considering buying a longbow for a bit of game hunting for the BBQ.
A ticket for an overnight trip to this place up in the mountains as part of my R&D program. Four other friends and I will be hiring a car to get there and spending the night. Attractions include a local traditional stage show, spelunking, hiking, and other outdoor pursuits.


Do... want...
Controller madness!


Showed up the day after the other one, for some reason. This is the official sweaty fat dudebro controller of Medal of Honor Warfighter. Feels good in my hands, and the D-pad is nice. Fan's kinda loud on high, but it's pretty quiet on low and you do feel the air. It's also very pretty.

The triggers (all four of them) were garbage out of the box, but about 30 minutes of fiddling with it after cracking it open and they work just as good as the triggers on Microsoft's controller. Probably not worth the $50 MSRP, but I only paid $25 and it's certainly good enough for that much.

Won this off of eBay, it's a Seiko Kinetic Sport 50 with the LumiBrite dial. It's circa 1990 I'd guess, but it was a good deal compared to some of the older retro Seiko's I've seen. This is my first automatic I'll be adding to my rapidly growing collection.

Guess this makes up for the three Hamilton Ventura's I lost after fierce bidding wars Friday and Saturday.
Do you think they would wear good on a treadmill? Gold's Gym type (electric)

Mine are starting to wear down a little, but there are no thin spots or anything to cause much concern, which is pretty good considering I've been using them for exactly what you're not supposed to - running on hard surfaces!
Mine are starting to wear down a little, but there are no thin spots or anything to cause much concern, which is pretty good considering I've been using them for exactly what you're not supposed to - running on hard surfaces!
Thanks for the reply I might try a pair, I'm only doing about 1 mile at a time 3.5 mph tops. Trying to lower my blood sugars:grumpy: old age bites:ouch:.
I'm sure no one is interested, but its my latest purchase, arrived yesterday, and one that will arrive today. Showing them off since they aren't food/grocery related.

The first one is my March 30th purchase, arrived yesterday, another stuffed animal "Plushies" as I know them, another of my favorite Pokemon characters, Bibarel. Took so long since it came from Japan.

Also today my mom's birthday gift will arrive, even if her birthday was yesterday. I won't get a chance to take a photo of it, so I'll just use the image from Barnes and Noble, where I order from.