Show off your latest purchase!

  • Thread starter McLaren
No pics yet but my last purchase was:

1992 Eagle Talon TSI AWD.
92k miles on the clock.
Needs a new tranny.
4g63T power.
I have big plans for this sucker (Read: 450+ awhp)

Here I come GT35R!
Three pairs of Levi's 569's.

How can you guys have enough liquid funds to blow 5,000$ worth of electronics at once?
If you think electronics can get expensive... try shopping for some decent hardwood floors...

Or how about a quality grand piano that costs less than a Porsche Boxster... :ouch:

Or remodel your kitchen as my wife wants to do... now we are talking Porsche 911 range! :ouch::ouch:

Or save enough money for my two kids to go to the college of their choice...

To put it in perspective, today, it costs nearly $50,000 a year to got to MIT. By 2020 when I expect my kids will be in college, it will cost nearly twice that amount. That means for both kids, should they go to MIT or a similar school, for just four years of undergraduate studies, I'll be out around $800,000 ... which is a pretty decent house!

Now should they want to get a Masters or even a PhD, or go to Medical School, I might as well look at doubling those estimates. :eek:

And there's no chance they will qualify for financial support due to our tax bracket, and very little chance of them getting any scholarships for the same reason... with some obvious exceptions, but you can't count on those.

So by comparison, actually spending $5,000 on some nice equipment is pretty insignificant.

Being single maybe?
Yeah, I just like to put paintings and pictures of other people's families over my fireplace. :)

Making lots of money and uh... tax evasion?
What? Huh? You can never prove that! ;)

How about Tax write-off's? :)
They are getting scarce, and usually only for things you are spending a lot of money on in the first place. :(

BTW: Speaking of writing off some taxes... for those in Texas, and perhaps other states as well, this weekend is an Energy Star Sales Tax Holiday.

You can read about the specific details in that link, but basically you won't have to pay any sales tax, which in Texas is quite high, for many energy saving products like:
  • air conditioners priced under $6,000 (room and central units)
  • clothes washers (but not clothes dryers*)
  • ceiling fans
  • dehumidifiers
  • dishwashers
  • light bulbs (incandescent and fluorescent)
  • programmable thermostats
  • refrigerators priced under $2,000.
In some cases you can even avoid paying any tax on the delivery and installation.

They're old
Hey... I haven't even had my mid-life crisis yet! :)

and have good jobs. Good credit helps. They've had a long time to save up
Precisely. I've worked very hard and have been blessed with some success over the years in my endeavors... and while not "old" mind you, I suspect I've logged quite a few more years in life than the average GTP member.

However, anyone with kids knows that nothing is more expensive than raising children in a safe and encouraging environment and giving them the best possible education... even I had no clue how expensive kids can be until we had our own.

Health insurance, doctor visits, pre-school, soccer camps, piano lessons, gymnastics, vacations, clothes, books, toys, etc, etc, etc.

I already know in a few more years my daughter is going to want a horse, and my wife, who grew up with horses, will divorce me if I object (OK, maybe not, but I will likely have to move to the guest room for a long while.) :) If you think owning a large dog can get a tad expensive... it's dirt cheap compared to a horse... :ouch:

One thing is for certain, while I have done well for myself over the years, I also know I have my limits, and have a lot of responsibility to others, thus am quite careful with my money, and am always looking for value in the things I am shopping for.

BTW: It's a late post as I got back from Indy 4 and still on a buzz from all the fun popcorn munching and over the top adventure action! I highly recommend it, but as with all Indy films, you have to check your sensitivity to plot holes and action that breaks the laws of physics at the door to the theater before you enter. :)
Ok, last night I finally decided on something a bit bigger and more expensive than a few DVD's or books.

So after much research on specs, prices, testing quite a few sets, I finally decided on one that I brought home late last night.

This one:





Some specs and a review on this one.

(can't probably hold a candle to the ones Pako or D-N got recently, but for me it suits just fine)

Main reasons for getting this exact model were:
- My couch is relatively close to the TV, so I don't need anything bigger than 40";
- The specs are all that I can ask from a HDTV right now (and even thinking ahead);
- The design counts, and this one really takes the cake. No glue or screws used anywhere on the panel, everything is just sleek and seemless. Just gorgeous;
- One of the best HDTV's handling SD signal. Since I watch a lot of TV (cable), it was a must for me.

On personal impressions so far, I have to say that everything I had read about it holds true.
SD signal is indeed handled pretty well with a very natural look to it, the blacks can be really deep (more so than on any other LCD that doesn't cost more than a good used car), colours are vivid, and even watching sports with fast camera movements, I have yet to notice the slightest image drag or resolution loss. Just awesome. 👍

I'm still fiddling with the settings and menus and will be for a while, trying to get the most out of it.

I'll try to post some pics today.

Now all I need is my freakin' PS3 back. :ouch:
Ok, last night I finally decided on something a bit bigger and more expensive than a few DVD's or books.

So after much research on specs, prices, testing quite a few sets, I finally decided on one that I brought home late last night.

This one:

Oooh, you got a Series 6, very nice!

Although I'd rather have got a 42" Panasonic for £649. It's not 1080p but the image is absolutely stunning, even compared to the Series 6.
Very nice, Beerz! Can't wait to get the OK from my wife to go pick our new one up.
Ok, last night I finally decided on something a bit bigger and more expensive than a few DVD's or books.

So after much research on specs, prices, testing quite a few sets, I finally decided on one that I brought home late last night.

This one:
My parents bought a 52" version about a week ago, and have found out quite a lot about the telly since I've been watching my Dad set it up to his "perfectionism" standards. :P

It really is better than I expected. The blacks are really deep, still impressed after seeing Pioneer's latest Plasma model - they really aren't that far off. The detail is amazing in Blu-Ray movies, and in the few games I've seen running on it. To be honest, the games don't look a hell of a lot different to the 5 year old Pioneer that the parents were using, but the detail has somewhat improved and especially the black levels. 👍 Plus, it doesn't have that screen flicking that the Pioneer suffers from badly when you sit near it.

The Standard-def quality is only average really, but is pretty good for an LCD - I've seen better on Plasmas. You may have to go into the color balance settings to get rid of some of the dominant colours you get, like reds.

The other interesting setting is the "Motion Plus" 100hz, which gets rid of the jittering you get in scenes that pan across the screen. I think it doubles the framerate of a normal movie's 24fps. I personally do not like it since it makes the picture look unatural and it occasionally jitters, so we have it set to "low", which is preferable. It certainly shows off how far TV processing has come though. 👍

There are one or two issues with it though, some you may not care about. One is the inperfect 100hz simulation (unatural and jitters occasionally - I'd definitely have it off in games), and the current Firmware has a focusing issue which makes some details in scenes become out of focus when the scene is moving, and then snaps back into focus when it stops. There is an update for this, so my Dad called an engineer out to upgrade it, but he seems to have bricked the TV so it doesn't turn on anymore. :ouch:

Anyways... enjoy the TV. 👍
Just bought this;

Have yet to watch it, I've no doubts it will look fantastic though! :D
I don't get it?

Why does everybody like to show off their latest purchases like little children whom like to show off with their latest purchases?

Did I show off with my new private aeroplane and my very beautiful and biiiiiiig private yacht, bigger than the biggest yacht you can find in Monaco.

By the way, I ordered a Ruf rt12 1500 hp version) but do I want to mention and show off with this, noooooooo way, not me!

Tomorrow I'm going to get myself some bananas but do I want to show off with that as well?
Just bought this;

Have yet to watch it, I've no doubts it will look fantastic though! :D

Must admit to a bit of bias as a Tim Burton fan, but I enjoyed it a lot. It looks stunning and quite surprisingly the signing didn't do my head in (not normally a big fan of musicals), its fairly slow to start but once the neck-slicing gets going its great.

I don't get it?

Why does everybody like to show off their latest purchases like little children whom like to show off with their latest purchases?

Did I show off with my new private aeroplane and my very beautiful and biiiiiiig private yacht, bigger than the biggest yacht you can find in Monaco.

By the way, I ordered a Ruf rt12 1500 hp version) but do I want to mention and show off with this, noooooooo way, not me!

Tomorrow I'm going to get myself some bananas but do I want to show off with that as well?

A comment that could be attached to almost any thread or subject up for discussion here at GT Planet (in fact why do we all get together to talk at all). Have you never talked with your friends or family about things that you have bought? Personally I doubt it, its perfectly normal, when talking to friends, to discuss items that you have bought, why would that be any different here.

Its not showing off at all (I have never read one of these posts and taken it as being boastful), simply a quite normal and common topic of discussion.


A comment that could be attached to almost any thread or subject up for discussion here at GT Planet (in fact why do we all get together to talk at all). Have you never talked with your friends or family about things that you have bought? Personally I doubt it, its perfectly normal, when talking to friends, to discuss items that you have bought, why would that be any different here.

Its not showing off at all (I have never read one of these posts and taken it as being boastful), simply a quite normal and common topic of discussion.


LOL, you fell for it.

In addition to my previous post, I was going to show off my new bananas tomorrow :D but the surprise has been ruined! :(

I'm probably going to get a comment from a mod that it is not a constructive comment and I need to refrain myself from making them in the future, :D

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