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  • Thread starter McLaren

New pair of shoes. Wanted something in a light colour and, well, didn't have a pair of Superstars since I was 17. Awesome that they're still around almost a decade later.

Got 10% of, too, which is nice.
They've been making adidas Superstars since 1969.

Yesterday, saw a really old email I sent back in 2006 to my brother that his trainers had come. Your post just reminded me of it again:

20092006068.jpg 20092006066.jpg 20092006073.jpg
They've been making adidas Superstars since 1969.

Yesterday, saw a really old email I sent back in 2006 to my brother that his trainers had come. Your post just reminded me of it again:
That's awesome 👍 Didn't know they've been around that long.

Also, nice pair you brother got there. Passes as a 2015 design easily :D
I'm happy for you and all 'cause kids are awesome, but I certainly don't miss having babies around anymore!

That carseat does look pretty cool, though. 👍
I totally understand what you're saying. It can be very tough, especially if one doesn't have any kind of external support (nanny, grandparents nearby, etc.) - which is our case.

I used to want to have three kids; right now, I'm just trying to understand where couples get the courage to have a second one. :)

Oh, and thanks. 👍
This one I have never understood. You're driving. You shouldn't need your phone free for anything else. Even if you do, music and calls come in without interrupting my GPS. As for data, my wife's Facebook usage accounts for 60% of our data usage. If I'm driving she will use more data than my phone running Waze and streaming music simultaneously.

I'll have to concede here, I obviously don't currently have a data plan so I wasn't aware of how much Google Maps uses.

I see this one has free updates. I wouldn't be surprised to find the pricing has also changed.

It was only $99.
I used to want to have three kids; right now, I'm just trying to understand where couples get the courage to have a second one.
It does get better. Being able to yell down the stairs that you're running to the store without having to pack the kids up to go with you is awesome. So is being able to text them to ask if we have milk in the fridge because you forget to check before you left the house. :lol:
Made a quick Home Depot run this morning to get a new extension cord:


My old one met a surprisingly loud and fiery demise last weekend when I cut it with the hedgetrimmer. Oopsie.
Made a quick Home Depot run this morning to get a new extension cord:


My old one met a surprisingly loud and fiery demise last weekend when I cut it with the hedgetrimmer. Oopsie.
I noticed you didn't use the word "accidentally"...

I noticed you didn't use the word "accidentally"...


It wasn't intentional, even if it was semi entertaining. lol

I wish I could use a cordless one, but I have too much to trim that a battery powered one couldn't handle it without me spending a fortune on extra batteries/chargers.
Just lost all the sanity that was left in me (which to be true, wasn't much) and made this purchase:

Scuf 4PS, FPS model (cheapest one, no camo or whatever), blacked out buttons, long domed right thumbstick. Didn't choose any of the other customization options, as the price would go even higher.
I'm already feeling like an idiot as it is, thanks.
Scuf order.png

Already paid for, just waiting for it to arrive.
A new contact prescription (which is exactly the same as my last one two years ago...) and a years supply of these:


It's so nice to be able to wear my Oakleys again! Especially as we're leaving on Monday for a few days at a waterpark. :D
Ignoring their stupid box cover (WARRIOR!!! RAWR!), I picked these up to replace my trusty over-the-ear Philips I've had for years but can't seem to find now. :irked:

On the plus side, these were a whole $10 and after tweaking the EQ, they sound decent, especially for their intended use of music on rides and while mowing the lawn. I tried using the buds that came with my phone but if I so much as thought about moving my head, they fell out, hence wanting the ear clip. One nice addition that my Philips don't have is an inline volume control and pause/skip button. For the price, I'm loving them so far. Now to see how long they hold up.
Just be careful using them while riding @TB especially if in traffic.
The more awareness of your surroundings while on a bike the better. 👍

Commence handegg discussion!

Lol see I wanted to put "American football" to clarify because I know in a lot of other countries soccer is referred to as football but I thought everyone knew what I meant. But yeah man got some new handegg gloves. old ones were getting old lol.

I always use Nike batting gloves, I bet their football gloves are just as good.

They are. Great durability, Great Stick, and they're true to size. Overall it's a great brand for almost any sport. e\except racing. I don't think Nike makes F1 gloves or racing suits.

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