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  • Thread starter GT_Saint
How i kinda want one of my dream car builds i want to do one day to look.
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Decided to go through all my skins to do a video runaround. I didn't realize I'd kept so many, since I went on a mass cull before I migrated back to The Crew.


I Cant bring myself to paint my supra, It has to look like my old one (minus the rims and hood) I added a targa top, and the ever present rust under the rear window seals. hahaha.. I painted all the other cars and shared them for anyone on xbox. (if you can find them) lol. I wish you could sell them, and search for them, like in Forza 4!
Where are the best places for a photoshoot.

I have spent days looking for the answer to that question. So many factors, lighting, puddles, background. It's turned into a game within the game.

I see other posted pictures and wonder where they took their pictures. Added with the art in the car it becomes an addiction.

I think it's what I love most about this game, the artistic expression is limitless. My only advise is drive around and fill up your 70 snapshots and pick the best ones delete the rest and look for more sweet spots in the game, to fill up your screen shots again.. And don't forget to share your best ones!
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So sad I wasnt able to paint the stock spoiler and the side mirrors. This is the painting which I based to create the Porsche livery on last page (and that appeared on the update news page). The pictures at Gran Turismo 2 were taken from this video:

This guy channel shows most of them. Olds GTs are a good place to take inspirations and do reproductions.
Yay my very first Pokemon inspired wrap on NFS 2015. Made for the Z06 *Dat engine sound though* This one is based on one of my favorite Dragon type Kalos Pokemons Noivern.




Not the best looking wrap since I ran out of ideas on what else to add.