Sick of seeing racism/xenophobism online..

I had a time a southerner from the U.S. Was running a NASCAR room and as I said I'm African American and he and I had no problem along with around 9 other racers. So another African American Youngster comes in and starts talking Trash and the Host just goes off on him and really told him off for being Distrspectful. Now if I were to take it wrong it could have looked racist but it was a respecting others issue. For me it's the context statements are made in. I have Philipino friends who call themselves the N word and live the Hip Hop culture so I'm very careful about calling someone a racist as opposed to knowing better. I leave racist alone, I figure me not associating with them is their loss and not mine!
EDIT: @Thaddeus... I'm going to fall into your trap and point out that grammar isn't actually a nation :)

hehe nah thats not the way i meant respectively understood it.
Mainly in games with lots of chit chat you often times see people correcting spelling errors of others - the so called "grammar nazis" :)
saw this thread and had to say - I met one of the cleanest racers I've ever met, and we never even spoke to one another during the racing. his tag was canadian and didn't speak english, I didn't speak french.

all I'm saying is his tag could have been from any country and it would have made no difference. all that matters to me is a respectable and or respectful driver that is in front or behind me.
i really dont undertand this behavior, we all are gt fans and we just want to race! it appens to me to be kicked but i always think that they did it just because i kick their ass! in any case shame on you!
I'm just saying that because i want you guys to know that racism is not a behavior its a disease

i'm from emirates and i think you know arabian gulf inclode ksa bahrain kuwait oman qatar

even racism exist between these countries
for example ( that happen to me alot ) i open a room in call of duty ( usually in cod you find these stupid people ) they keep telling jokes about us and how we talk
god heal those racism animals

Peace ^_^
Plenty of A-holes in the world are online; with a good number of friends; you rarely have to join an unfamiliar race lobby.

You also can't paint everyone with the same brush; not all online citizens of a country are xenophobic or racist.

Also I think some race hosts think that overseas racers in their lobby will cause lag?
Xenophobia is a part of racism, depending on which defenition you have on racism. There is no objective defenition on racism, thats it. Having disslike of a person because he has a certain religion or culture is racism according to me. You got to understand that racism is the result of many different discriminations put togeather.

It's exactly the other way around actually, racism is a form of xenophobia and has a clear and objective (hate to use that word in this context though) definition which is to discriminate against people because of their race.
Discriminating against people because of their religion, culture, disability, sexual orientation, etc., etc. are forms of xenophobia (although I feel the need to say that religion, any religion, doesn't hold the same importance for me as the other examples as unlike the other examples it's a choice and in my opinion any religion can be questioned, criticized or even ridiculed) but definitely aren't racist.
Don't start teaching when you still need to learn.
It's exactly the other way around actually, racism is a form of xenophobia and has a clear and objective (hate to use that word in this context though) definition which is to discriminate against people because of their race.
Discriminating against people because of their religion, culture, disability, sexual orientation, etc., etc. are forms of xenophobia (although I feel the need to say that religion, any religion, doesn't hold the same importance for me as the other examples as unlike the other examples it's a choice and in my opinion any religion can be questioned, criticized or even ridiculed) but definitely aren't racist.
Don't start teaching when you still need to learn.
Teaching, well racism is a complex defenition, and there arent a singel defention on racism. Xenophobia is a part of racism according to different authors. The explenation migh aswell be accurate to your source, but my explenaion is accurate as well, because it comes from a different source. Everybody got to learn, but is my statement wrong? Well maybe to you, and your sources, but thats it. There are no single defenition on racism what so ever. Are you, with other words claiming that hundreds of these authors that has other statements and defenition on racism than you, is wrong?

You are no person to judge if other should teach or not according to me.
All them racist people I found were on CoD.

So far all the people I race against know that I'm a good driver. I don't mention the fact that I'm a Black American in open lobbies because you never know who's listening. It's also because of this that people assume that I'm not black, just by listening to me speak. It's insulting when they ask me, because I think you shouldn't judge people by skin color.

So far in GT5, I haven't encountered this problem. It is a huge problem. If we were to say, no this, no that, then you made it more clear that that's the way you dumb MFs roll. It's not my place to judge you for it. That's why there's God. And I thank the lord that I have good friends that stay with me because I'm a good driver, instead of deleting me for being black.
All them racist people I found were on CoD.

So far all the people I race against know that I'm a good driver. I don't mention the fact that I'm a Black American in open lobbies because you never know who's listening. It's also because of this that people assume that I'm not black, just by listening to me speak. It's insulting when they ask me, because I think you shouldn't judge people by skin color.

So far in GT5, I haven't encountered this problem. It is a huge problem. If we were to say, no this, no that, then you made it more clear that that's the way you dumb MFs roll. It's not my place to judge you for it. That's why there's God. And I thank the lord that I have good friends that stay with me because I'm a good driver, instead of deleting me for being black.

That is true, people only see by colour and ethnicity, i was in a room today and everything went on well, untill i defended a mexican that was beeing victim of racism. "oho he drives like that because hes a mexican bla, bla, racist remarks, bla, bla." Guess what happened to me, well the racists called me these things:


The problem is, that as long as your flag isnt american or canadian (most american and canadian players in the room) they assume that you are from some other country that doesnt matter anything. Most racist arent educated, and they think that all countries outside US and canada are one piece, for example they think that europe is a country, and middle east is a country, they also think that mexico represent the whole south america.

So well, according to me, education and common sence has something to do with racism online, and it is shocking to see how uneducated and ignorant people can be, when they have all opportunities to develope them selves as persons, living in the western world. If they dont know what sweden is, and still playing smart, going around insulting people, they dont deserve any respect. There is a limit for everything.

Dont you guys think its odd, that so many racist people claiming that they are produd americans and proud canadians, dont even now their own lands history? I mean racists are a shame for their country, but beeing that uneducated and ignorant, i cant find any words describing it. Ignorant people like these, are the ones that breeds the racism and racial tensions in the society. Most US and canadian players are good, but if they are nationalists and patriots, claiming that they are proud to be white etc, then i just cant stand them. Not because they are patriots, but because they are ignorant, and make statements that doesnt make sence. For example one guy, talked **** about "europeans", but he didnt thought about that most white people living in US and canada, were europen decendants from the beginning.

Ive been accused of racism as well, but that was only because i couldnt accept this white supremacy bs. Remember, as i told you before, white racist does everything to accuse other people of beeing racists. But in the reality they are the racist ones.

Another funny thing is a handfull of black people talking bad stuff about mexicans, and in a dicussion they join these white supremacists just to bash on mexicans. Why? Well, both prejuduce blacks and white supremacists have mexicans as a common enemy. I have had plenty of black people calling me (REMOVED)swede, terrorist, arab, etc. And that is quite strange, have these people forgot the racism their ancestors was victim of? Thats the problem, people forget to soon. I have also had mexicans and puerto ricans telling me racist stuff like (REMOVED), terrorist, middle eastern, swede, (REMOVED). And that is also strange. Problem is, these people arent used to people like me, they have probably never spoken to a swedish person, and hence, every accent that differs from the "american" or english one, they assume that you are from a middle eastern country or something like that. They arent used to hear other people speak english in their kind of way, because they only play with their country men. They watch to much tv and movies, and think that just because a person speaks in a certain way or accent, he is middle eastern, hispanic, italian etc. But the reality is more complex. Not everyone wants to be a stereotype. Often these people tell me that im a middle eastern or mexican, as if it would be something bad. So i assume that many people in US and canada have problems with just "mexicans" or people from middle east.

The reason these racists wont admit that they are "racists" has it roots after ww2, when nazi propoganda and nazism was abandoned. Nobody could claim they were racist openly, then they would encounter problems, since america, england, france, and russia was against this nazi germany. Instead people hide their racism, and expressed racism in other ways. I speak with many americans online, they dont admit they are racists, but still many of their thoughts are straight up racist and similar to hitlers and other racial biologists thoughts.

What can we learn? Well, racism isnt over, its just the beginning in this new erra, and racism is spread in a whole other way these days. Im not suprised to see racism online, because with the high amount of racist people in the society, some of them must be playing video games as well. I also think many people take out their anger online, because they are anonymus, they can insult people without consecuences. Because they know, that if they would act like that in real life, they would be sent to jail or killed.

I guarantee you that these racists of all kinds have had some bad experiance with either black, mexican, arab, muslim, jew etc people. And therfore they think all are the same. So when i defend anti-racism, they think its due to my ethnicity, and they see my argues as an personal attack. They cant just understand that somebody might be more educated than they are, and they also got to understand that you arent anti american, just because you criticize some american people, or american forreign policy. According to me, a country is just a geographical place with borders. The world is to globalized to just see thing in black and white.

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Yet you seem to avoid Dutch players, or is that just one specific Dutch player and it doesn't have anything to do with him being Dutch? ;)

Well, I just don't like easy victories. :lol:
@ TT3AZ:

It's unfortunate that people online de-evolve into ignorant racists and homophobes when they hit the power on their PS3. I reported a few people online the other night for how they were ridiculing this one Canadian player 1.) because he is Canadian, and 2.) he was driving a Prius (I'll go ahead and say that driving the Prius was his/her fault). Some of the stuff the host was saying was downright nasty and hurtful. Solution: kick the guy, don't offer a car to anyone that can make the guy quit the room.
In my experience with hosting, I run zero tolerance and kick anyone with something negative to say toward a fellow GT racer. I don't really agree on kicking someone just because of the flag next to their PSN ID. No english, no problem as long as you're a clean/competitive driver.
Long Post

While I appreciate the point you're trying to get across by using examples - removing a single letter from a word makes it mighty clear which you were using. Just don't use them.

Also, I'm going to point out the contradiction here:

The problem is, that as long as your flag isnt american or canadian (most american and canadian players in the room) they assume that you are from some other country that doesnt matter anything. Most racist arent educated, and they think that all countries outside US and canada are one piece

Using broad stereotypes to counter broad stereotypes never ends well.

It's questionable on if this thread needs to stay open... at least in the GT5 section (as really, this applies not solely to this game). Racism online will tend to be more prevalent than out in the open in real life, because of the relative anonymity and lack of consequence it provides. But the question is if this should be moved to somewhere more suitable, like, say, our Opinions & Current Events sub-forum.
It's questionable on if this thread needs to stay open... at least in the GT5 section (as really, this applies not solely to this game)...the question is if this should be moved to somewhere more suitable, like, say, our Opinions & Current Events sub-forum.

I think that the amount of racism I've seen (heard) in GT5 lobbies is much less than I've seen in other games, CoD is a very good example.

The find/load times for GT5 lobbies feels quite long so the process of leaving, finding and joining a new lobby is a real pain - especially if you left the first lobby because of some childish xenophobia or racism. That increases the annoyance at the initial issue (even if it was fairly minor) and gives you two or three minutes to consider it.

In other games you might have lobby-hopped in much less time leaving you less time to dwell on how nastily you were treated :D
It's questionable on if this thread needs to stay open... at least in the GT5 section (as really, this applies not solely to this game). Racism online will tend to be more prevalent than out in the open in real life, because of the relative anonymity and lack of consequence it provides. But the question is if this should be moved to somewhere more suitable, like, say, our Opinions & Current Events sub-forum.

I'll agree that discussing a topic like this in depth isn't very suited for the GT5 forum nor exclusively relevant to GT5 but since this thread is still open forgive me to respond to a response to my post.

Teaching, well racism is a complex defenition, and there arent a singel defention on racism. Xenophobia is a part of racism according to different authors. The explenation migh aswell be accurate to your source, but my explenaion is accurate as well, because it comes from a different source. Everybody got to learn, but is my statement wrong? Well maybe to you, and your sources, but thats it. There are no single defenition on racism what so ever. Are you, with other words claiming that hundreds of these authors that has other statements and defenition on racism than you, is wrong?

You are no person to judge if other should teach or not according to me.

I think any author that claims xenophobia is a form of racism and not that racism is a form of xenophobia isn't worth reading in the first place and I seriously doubt any serious author would actually claim that, I think it's more a case of getting definitions mixed up.
You can look up the term racism in any dictionary and it clearly states it solely refers to discrimination based on race (hence the word racism).
If you think about it (or carefully re-read those authors you claim to quote) you might actually agree with me.
Xenophobia is the collective noun and racism relates to a very specific aspect of it, not the other way around.
You just can't say that a xenophobic discrimination based on for example religious background can be filed under the 'collective noun' racism since it doesn't have anything to do with race, it's xenophobic discrimination based on religion.
Another thing with this being a touchy subject is that these definitions need to be carefully chosen and used in the proper way they were intended (also to respect victims of racism or other forms of xenophobia) and simply saying that racism according to you means something else than what every dictionary can tell you prompted me to say don't teach when you still need to learn, nothing more.
It's not a case either of us both being a 'little accurate' according to our sources, in fact this has hardly anything to do with this subject but all to do with the use of language, I don't claim a word has a different meaning according to me when it clearly doesn't objectively and factually.

Well, I just don't like easy victories. :lol:

*writes down name of Dan in black book*
Anyone can race in my rooms... if they purposefully ram people or lag all over the place, then that's the only legitimate reason I can see for getting kicked.

Although it's sometimes tempting to kick Japanese players - they seem to all have some serious skills! :)
I say, remove the country flag next to the name, if you want to know the nationality of the player you could just ask, thats is. What does ones nationaliti has to do woth online racing? The point is to race with everybody, not just certain people. For example, small countries like sweden and denmark, they are minority in online gaming, and its hard to find country specific rooms, thats why i dont care about this nonsens, i play on all rooms, and most of the time it works well, and when i see people lagging, its usually people from the same country as the host. Remember, there are other things then latency affecting the performance.
Sweden, small... HA
Belgium is small ;), anyway I like seeing what country my fellow racers are from but if it will help stopping those 'racist' room owners maybe they should remove them.
Sweden, small... HA
Belgium is small ;), anyway I like seeing what country my fellow racers are from but if it will help stopping those 'racist' room owners maybe they should remove them.
Yes, but your internet and gaming habbits may be different than in sweden. You also have ultra fast internet connection as standard, if im not wrong. Sweden is big be area, but population is small, and are concentrated to just certain parts of the country.
I've never been involved in any acts of racism but i'm starting to see french people being kicked from rooms for just entering.

If anything, its annoying for being kicked out because of lag related accidents.

The weird thing is that i've never seen any middle eastern guys kicked out. You'd think that would be the first person to be kicked nowadays due to the war and terrorism but they're pretty cool.
I had 2 persons from the same country as me, and every bloody time that someone from another country was entering the room they were flaming etc etc "kick him kick him"...
I tried to talk to them , to at least give me a bloody reason whats their problem and the answer was "they are a-holes"..... i mean wtf? i've deleted them both from my psn.

Some people really need some professional help. Almost 30 years old and they have nothing than air in their head....

btw... i really do think that some people have confused COD with GT5.
I've never been involved in any acts of racism but i'm starting to see french people being kicked from rooms for just entering.

If anything, its annoying for being kicked out because of lag related accidents.

The weird thing is that i've never seen any middle eastern guys kicked out. You'd think that would be the first person to be kicked nowadays due to the war and terrorism but they're pretty cool.
Huh, most middle eastern countries are "friends" with US, so i dont think they mind arabs. People abroad tend to have good connections, specially those arab sountries.
I'm from Denmark, I've been kicked once... But it probably also has something to do with that I speak perfectly fine English with little to no accent :D
I have heard and seen Racism, even in the form of punting people off the track. If you don't know or can't tell by my avatar I'm Black and at times when I use my mic you can tell by my voice and Accent. I sometimes notice that no matter what nationality it is there are a great deal of players who will either be that way based on your Flag,Name,or Voice(Accent).

Those are people who are either weak racers and have poor judgement when trying to make a pass or choose a wrong car and find themselves getting frustrated because they are not as fast when another nationality makes a move. My brother and I were both kicked out of a room that he was in just yesterday. He was there for about five minutes watching the race and I came in after only to hear someone from the North of the UK swearing F-ing and all that and then started kicking people and thus kicking me and my bro.

Racism will never stop but I know which nationalities are more Racist than others but what can you do about it?? That's life deal with it because I have to everyday just with a look from someone everyday I walk out of my house.

In the words of Rodney King "Can't We All Get Along?"
I am a 31 year old guy from Germany and gt5 is one of my most favorite ps3 games. What I would like to do is driving nice and fair races (also cruising sometimes :D) with people from around the world without racism. I am not a rasist, my parents are none as well. Maybe 99.9 % of all germans are none. A.H. is dead and thats a good thing! WW2 is over since 1945.

What I often (several times every day) experience is racism against me, because I am German. Lobby hosts kick people because of their nationality and some players punt you of track or flame you.

That's not OK!
Drive hard but fair!
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