All them racist people I found were on CoD.
So far all the people I race against know that I'm a good driver. I don't mention the fact that I'm a Black American in open lobbies because you never know who's listening. It's also because of this that people assume that I'm not black, just by listening to me speak. It's insulting when they ask me, because I think you shouldn't judge people by skin color.
So far in GT5, I haven't encountered this problem. It is a huge problem. If we were to say, no this, no that, then you made it more clear that that's the way you dumb MFs roll. It's not my place to judge you for it. That's why there's God. And I thank the lord that I have good friends that stay with me because I'm a good driver, instead of deleting me for being black.
That is true, people only see by colour and ethnicity, i was in a room today and everything went on well, untill i defended a mexican that was beeing victim of racism. "oho he drives like that because hes a mexican bla, bla, racist remarks, bla, bla." Guess what happened to me, well the racists called me these things:
The problem is, that as long as your flag isnt american or canadian (most american and canadian players in the room) they assume that you are from some other country that doesnt matter anything. Most racist arent educated, and they think that all countries outside US and canada are one piece, for example they think that europe is a country, and middle east is a country, they also think that mexico represent the whole south america.
So well, according to me, education and common sence has something to do with racism online, and it is shocking to see how uneducated and ignorant people can be, when they have all opportunities to develope them selves as persons, living in the western world. If they dont know what sweden is, and still playing smart, going around insulting people, they dont deserve any respect. There is a limit for everything.
Dont you guys think its odd, that so many racist people claiming that they are produd americans and proud canadians, dont even now their own lands history? I mean racists are a shame for their country, but beeing that uneducated and ignorant, i cant find any words describing it. Ignorant people like these, are the ones that breeds the racism and racial tensions in the society. Most US and canadian players are good, but if they are nationalists and patriots, claiming that they are proud to be white etc, then i just cant stand them. Not because they are patriots, but because they are ignorant, and make statements that doesnt make sence. For example one guy, talked **** about "europeans", but he didnt thought about that most white people living in US and canada, were europen decendants from the beginning.
Ive been accused of racism as well, but that was only because i couldnt accept this white supremacy bs. Remember, as i told you before, white racist does everything to accuse other people of beeing racists. But in the reality they are the racist ones.
Another funny thing is a handfull of black people talking bad stuff about mexicans, and in a dicussion they join these white supremacists just to bash on mexicans. Why? Well, both prejuduce blacks and white supremacists have mexicans as a common enemy. I have had plenty of black people calling me
(REMOVED)swede, terrorist, arab, etc. And that is quite strange, have these people forgot the racism their ancestors was victim of? Thats the problem, people forget to soon. I have also had mexicans and puerto ricans telling me racist stuff like
(REMOVED), terrorist, middle eastern, swede,
(REMOVED). And that is also strange. Problem is, these people arent used to people like me, they have probably never spoken to a swedish person, and hence, every accent that differs from the "american" or english one, they assume that you are from a middle eastern country or something like that. They arent used to hear other people speak english in their kind of way, because they only play with their country men. They watch to much tv and movies, and think that just because a person speaks in a certain way or accent, he is middle eastern, hispanic, italian etc. But the reality is more complex. Not everyone wants to be a stereotype. Often these people tell me that im a middle eastern or mexican, as if it would be something bad. So i assume that many people in US and canada have problems with just "mexicans" or people from middle east.
The reason these racists wont admit that they are "racists" has it roots after ww2, when nazi propoganda and nazism was abandoned. Nobody could claim they were racist openly, then they would encounter problems, since america, england, france, and russia was against this nazi germany. Instead people hide their racism, and expressed racism in other ways. I speak with many americans online, they dont admit they are racists, but still many of their thoughts are straight up racist and similar to hitlers and other racial biologists thoughts.
What can we learn? Well, racism isnt over, its just the beginning in this new erra, and racism is spread in a whole other way these days. Im not suprised to see racism online, because with the high amount of racist people in the society, some of them must be playing video games as well. I also think many people take out their anger online, because they are anonymus, they can insult people without consecuences. Because they know, that if they would act like that in real life, they would be sent to jail or killed.
I guarantee you that these racists of all kinds have had some bad experiance with either black, mexican, arab, muslim, jew etc people. And therfore they think all are the same. So when i defend anti-racism, they think its due to my ethnicity, and they see my argues as an personal attack. They cant just understand that somebody might be more educated than they are, and they also got to understand that you arent anti american, just because you criticize some american people, or american forreign policy. According to me, a country is just a geographical place with borders. The world is to globalized to just see thing in black and white.