Silly things you feared as a child

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Actually, I don't think this could possibly be classified as 'silly'. What was silly was my fear of horses.
I used to be afraid to eat black seeds from watermelon or seeds from an apple. My mom pounded it into my head that I would grow a watermelon patch/apple tree in my stomach :lol:

Oh my god I genuinely believed this when I was little.. such a stupid thing to tell your kids..

It took my friends parents to look at me strangely and explain that "Uhh no that's bull what on earth has your mother been telling you"
Zombies. I had a rather irrational fear of them. Its silly to me because I knew they didn't exist. Now, I love them. Can't get enough Walking Dead and zombie films.
I used to be terrified of vicars. When I was 7 I threw an encyclopaedia at the local reverend's head. I was a weird kid, who tended to have a severe existential crisis about once a fortnight. It caused stuff like that to happen.
When I was 5 I was scared of going to the beach because I thought a hidden crab was going to pinch my feet.
That was a waste of a holiday to Spain.
At one point I had a serious fear of bridges. Not **too** silly because risks are risks. And there are decent risks going over a river on an old stone bridge.