Silly things you feared as a child

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  • Water deep enough where I couldn't touch the bottom with my feet. I was never a good swimmer, so I refused to go into most pools.
  • Plastic climbing structures like at fast food joints. The fact that they were often worn out a lot and barely supported by anything, I refused to go in them.
  • Pretty much anything involving heights. This ties in with the above point. I was constantly afraid I would fall and get seriously hurt. This is actually still true to a point.
  • I always thought that a monster lived under the top and bottom landings of escalators. They could only get me if I stepped on the metal, so I always jumped over them.
  • Pretty much half of the game Rugrats: Search for Reptar. The one thing that stands out the most is the pyramid in the minigolf minigame. I refused to to even play that hole whenever I played.
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Here is another ad, think this was the first one to actually get me:

the boogieman from the original real ghostbusters cartoons, lots of nightmares. maybe still lol

Exhaust fans without a grille nor cover attached to them, just makes me feel like I am going to get sucked inside it.
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When I was around 6 years old I was using those hand dryers in the mall. I didn't know it turns off automatically and I kept trying to turn it off by repeatedly pushing the button. When it wouldn't turn off I got scared and ran out of the bathroom :indiff:
No takers on the game offer? Drats, was hoping someone could find it.
No takers on the game offer? Drats, was hoping someone could find it.
If I was alive at the time, you would have it by now. I'm an advertising database from 1999 onwards.
If I was alive at the time, you would have it by now. I'm an advertising database from 1999 onwards.

I want to say this was around 1997/98. I was still living in my old house, and I was 5 when we tore that down and burned it in 2000. It was before that.
Oh I remember that, from Courage the Cowardly Dog. That show always scared me a lot, and it probably still does. I guess everybody who had nightmares from the head (which is actually called "The Spirit Of The Harvest Moon", or "Harvest Moon" for short) here, can thank Frank Melamed. :P
Oh I remember that, from Courage the Cowardly Dog. That show always scared me a lot, and it probably still does. I guess everybody who had nightmares from the head here, can thank Frank Melamed. :P
That episode with the plum pudding I think it was scared the crap out of me. I agree though, that show was quite eerie.
I want to say this was around 1997/98. I was still living in my old house, and I was 5 when we tore that down and burned it in 2000. It was before that.
Any clue of what it might have been for? Sounds like a bank or business advert, don't know why. If you can give me some details, i'll do my absolute best to track it down.
Any clue of what it might have been for? Sounds like a bank or business advert, don't know why. If you can give me some details, i'll do my absolute best to track it down.

Oh lets see. I'm pretty sure it was on PBS kids around 1997. I want to say it was, or might have been, a commercial break during Sesame Street. It was definitely on the morning programs, and I saw this commercial frequently. There was a kid in his bedroom that was really messy with toys moving around, like they were alive on their own. There was one particular robot that moved across the floor, that's what triggered the nightmares. There was a thunderstorm going on IIRC, and then the kids dad who I think was African-American came in to comfort him towards the end, by sitting on his bed holding him. That's all really remember. I don't remember what it was for, just what it contained.
I'll explain the giant inflatable beer mug wielding frog to you guise. When I was young, we usually headed out to Daytona to see the Bike Week. Instead of staring at the gratuitous boobs and the beards, I was looking at a giant inflated frog mascot thing on the roof of a building, which was terrifying and massive, and possibly drunk. I had nightmares as a child about it.

Also, this house:

At a local and rather large pizzeria, they used to display a very large, King Kong size blow-up Gorilla on their roof that scared me.

Yes, really. Our class in Year 4 got made to go and play football/soccer amidst a thunderstorm. After that, I was just absolutely terrified everytime it would rain because I assumed it would flood and kill me.

A more normal example would be the first time playing Sims 1. I made my Sim use the cooker, not knowing that they had to learn how to cook beforehand. A fire broke out and they slowly burned to death screaming, with a chilling tune that plays after their death - for a 6 year old who was used to Gran Turismo and Mario 64, that was horrifying. I didn't touch the game for about a year.
I Was scared from lot of things in my childhood

when i was in bed i always thought that there is a monster stalking at me

i was scared from electric stairs you know the ones you find in malls and supermarkets

i was scared from elevators

i was scared by My father's GMC Suburban 1986 It was loud and in the night it looked scary with the Running board lights and the ones above the windshield

i was scared By sounds of cats when they fight

I Was scared to go To the kitchen at night

That what i remember ATM
Well, I suppose I'm still technically a child, but when I was a younger child, I was afraid of monkeys because of a bad zoo experience with the apes. He hit the glass really hard because I was making faces at him, I also happened to be staring him in the eyes...
I still do... in fact that's been flaring up quite recently. I go in spurts.

I'll be fine for a while, and then for like a month I will have SEVERE anxiety attacks. Usually happens when I'm laying in bed trying to get to sleep. It gets to the point I get crazy wicked butterflies, rather quickly, and the fear comes over me so hard that I jump out of bed saying "NO NO NO NO NO" very loudly. It's bad...