Silly things you feared as a child

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Balaclavas did as a kid and still do. Probably because of the anonymity and fear of what they will do.

Edit: fire as well.
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For me it was probably..... AIDS

When I was young it's was talked about everywhere, this killer disease killing everyone that contracted it, then Magic Johnson got HIV and... well.

As a kid I never really knew the details about how it was contracted so I felt vulnerable.
The PS1 boot up sound and the weird music in those european PS1 demos. Same as the very early PS2 demos with the weird things happening in the background

and this too

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Cuckoo clocks.

I haven't really stopped it, to be honest. I don't know why, it's just the anxeity when one is in the room and ticking. Please don't laugh.
My lifelong love of advertising was sparked by my fear of this, and road safety ads, when I was 2 years old. My parents' complaints helped it get banned:

I still track down the scariest and freakiest adverts in the world, it's a bit of a passion of mine.
  • Ghosts
  • Death
  • Diseases (like AIDS)
  • The "FAIL" world combined with the "music" in GT4
  • Anything abnormally big
  • The Lol Wut Pear (dat face)
  • The "Game Over" screen in Super Mario 64
I was quite a scaredy-cat :embarrassed:
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But they're living fossils! Their blue-blooded awesomeness far outweighs the creepy factor.

So does that mean you feared porn sites in general? Or just Kotaku? :lol:

I don't know why I but I just feared going on any site that had pink on it because of it's association of girls and such when I was younger.


Just looks porny honestly.
I always used to be afraid of dogs. I don't mean just like, German shepherds or Rottweilers, I used to be afraid of ALL dogs. Even the tiny little yappy ones. I think I had a bad experience or something.
I remembered one thing or maybe two.

I feared cops and ghosts. :D In my defense, I was only about 5 y.o..
How'd you get "out" of it? I've got the exact same.

Also that. :P

Well after a while, I was around smaller dogs more and I started to realize that they weren't that big a deal. Plus we had one for a short time so I kinda had to. :P

I'm still not exactly comfortable around large dogs, never have been.
Bad grades. (I was genuianly afraid of those)
Seagull poop. (And I still am)
The sea.
Snails. (but I find them delicious)
Sharks in the toilet bowl after watching Jaws... yeah, I used to hover, flush and run like crazy! Makes me laugh now. :)
Bruce is still the scariest thing I could come across. I don't want to ever have to swim in the ocean.
Deep water. My grandparents had a pool with a 3-foot end and a 9-foot end. I never went into the deep end. That's largely subsided, but I make sure I'm close to a ledge to grab onto or something when I'm in any water deep enough that my feet aren't touching the bottom, and I generally avoid the ocean.

Some of my other fears still manifest themselves every once in a while, including:

- Darkness
- I always felt that when I was alone a gunman would appear behind me and try to shoot me, so when I was alone in the house I'd always sprint until I was around a corner, or usually until I was in my room. Still do sometimes. I can't shake the feeling that there's something behind me.
- A solitary light in the distance. I can't watch those bigfoot hunting shows because I freak out when I see one of the shots of a long pan of a row of trees and a pair of red eyes flash in the distance. I know that often those are just flashlights or something, but I just cannot deal with that. Even a lone streetlamp from my window used to cause me to throw my curtains shut. It kind of tied in with the gunman thing, that the light was a sniper waiting to shoot me (but naturally he only could when I could see him too).