Silly things you feared as a child

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Another thing I used to fear was that monster from Ski Free (that old skiing computer game where it would randomly come out from behind a tree and devour your character whole, then dance around like "haha you lose!"
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I feared stuffed toys.. One night I woke up and heard something whispering my name, my life sized (as big as me) then jumped up besides my bed and screamed at me. It scared the 🤬 out of me because I was like, 3 or 4 years old. It was my brother and sister teaming up to play a trick on me (I only found out about a year ago that it was real, not a nightmare like I thought it was), like they did frequently at that time.

In my mind, because they never came alive in the day, I assumed that they came alive in the dark, so every night after the light was turned off, I would get out of bed, and place all the stuffed toys in the doorway, so they stayed in the light given by the hallway.

I also watched the film, "Mars Attacks" when I was about 7 or 8. I was absolutely terrified. :lol: I was also scared of ghosts, quicksand, tornadoes, and daddy long legs which would prevent me walking down the hallway due to one being on the wall.
I used to not like to sleep in my bed when I was really small because I'd look up at the popcorned ceiling and see things that I thought would come to life and come down.

Kinda like looking at clouds and seeing a dog, etc.
Nothing really.
But the older I got, the more I started to fear. So, as an adult, I fear a lot even to a point that I started developing phobias.
I was also scared about the end of the world...all thanks to the dumb kids spreading rumours about Y2K.

Consequentially, that is when I became more conscious about global pollution.
When i was little i was scared of my bed, And the only way to sleep was next to the Washer & Dryer. "Apparently i liked the noise it made" :sly:
I was afraid someone would come in my bedroom window at night. I guess technically that's a valid fear. I was also afraid spontaneous combustion lol.
Might not be that silly but I have never seen a 4 year old so afraid of death as I was. It hit me all of a sudden that I could die and actually got somewhat depressed, probably happened with the death of my great-grandfather and the neighbors getting robbed. Maybe I just understood the concept of death better than other kids at such an early age. EDIT: I was Also scared when flying on planes Between ages 8-12 as I was old enough to ser but not understand how they worked
I used to be afraid of the dark so always slept with the hall light on and my door open.
Also used to be afraid of going anywhere in a car when it was snowing, everytime I heard the wheels spin with no traction I was frightened. No idea why though.
Also diving into a swimming pool, probably afraid of it hurting if I did it wrong.
I also remember having a nightmare about an Austin van which had no wheels but moved around on a drainpipe and when it crashed into a garden I woke up and always felt eerie whenever I saw one.
I used to be afraid of certain levels in a video game for dumb reasons. I never got past the Kerwan level in Ratchet & Clank 1. I I passed it eventually though.
Mainly what I was tender of in my early childhood - was mostly eerie-beings showed up in bizarre films or video games(especially resident evil series and some other sorts of spirituarity in which strange looking creatures burst out in front of you all of a sudden without any calls) that rush at you to drag into death or the world leading to a swirl of malediction, coupled with bizarre musics that smoothly fit with what you're facing to at that moment...(and consequently after having played those games or watched those series of eerie movies I got myself frightened to the point that I found that hard to hang on until my parents get back home at night and sweep along the corridor alone in darkness)

Other than that I was dreading of some insects in insect catching(praying mantis, cicadas and dragonflies, above all) for fear that they might do me a harm in an attempt to grab them by the wings, and how they looked lurid when flying(and for the cicadas I could not put up with whacking noisy cries when I caught them with bare hand so in most cases I was counting on my friends for catching them), and riding on a swing for feeling myself thrown out in the air while playing with that. :scared:

For some of them I still feel fear to some extent at present frankly, but most of those horrible memories already turned out of an ark and therefore the fear is wearing off now. :lol:
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I was afraid of what was a wall-displayed fire extinguisher before in our home that was painted in red and it looked like it had a scary face, especially at dark and I had nightmares with it. Another one was a wooden statue of St. Peter that was borrowed by my grandpa from the church and he had to put it to a small area beside our house. It was like stood up by a mini trailer and at night, with lights on with that trailer, it looks very scary to me.
I used to be afraid of certain levels in a video game for dumb reasons. I never got past the Kerwan level in Ratchet & Clank 1. I I passed it eventually though.
I remember a level on Duke Nukem 3D that was just freaky as hell. I hated playing it. I also found more then a few moments of Doom scary as a kid.
I never got past the Kerwan level in Ratchet & Clank 1. I I passed it eventually though.



I was afraid of the Daleks in old Doctor Who episodes... They still freak me out today.
Might not be that silly but I have never seen a 4 year old so afraid of death as I was. It hit me all of a sudden that I could die and actually got somewhat depressed,

Me too, I was afraid that I would randomly just dead.

I was also afraid of this movie............
The Nightmare Before Christmas
One of my most notable things I was scared of when I was young were in games, but not for the reasons you think. :) It started With Driver 2 for PS1, just cruising in Take A Ride and then BOOM!, I'm falling through the road. The screen goes black and the game over sign shows up. :scared: Since then, Every time I somehow end up in the "Blue Hell" in any game, I have a small moment of painc.:nervous:
I used to be afraid of certain levels in a video game for dumb reasons. I never got past the Kerwan level in Ratchet & Clank 1. I I passed it eventually though.

What was scary about that?

For me, the answer to the thread's question would be... shadow people. Actually the fear still hasn't gone anywhere, but at least with age I have started to get rid of the problem. Still, even now I have that fear about someone or something climbing upstairs and peeking into my room through the door that is in plain sight from where I'm sleeping. :scared:

Another fear would've been... dogs. Dogs of any size. Even the small puppies. I think it was plain and simply because of their tendency to jump. Nowadays I think I can do OK around small dogs, but I still prefer to keep my distance from any that are large enough to reach my face by jumping.
TV and video idents in the 90s used worry me.


Fear seems to have turned into feelings of nostalgia now. I've started to miss those stings in recent years.

Oh my god.. those BBC 2 ones... reminds me of 9PM on a Tuesday after Big Break was on, it was time for Twin Peaks!
TV and video idents in the 90s used worry me. More specifically, the Aardman Animations opening along with a few of the BBC2 and S4C idents.

Fear seems to have turned into feelings of nostalgia now. I've started to miss those stings in recent years.

The ones from 1.29.

Also, there used to be another one that featured on the Clarkson DVD's I seem to recall. It was prominently grey with red featuring. I can't for the life of me remember what it was though.
Girls, going to the lower floors of my house in the night, getting low grades on school because my mother said to me that "you don't want to see your father angry"...
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