Silly things you feared as a child

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Well there was the giant jump you had to make once you buy the helipad but I'd always die trying to make that jump. It's pretty stupid, it was way too long ago
This terrified me.

Wow, what a nice thread! :D
When I was a child, I feared:

- drills
- camouflage clothes (and people wearing them)
- cops (and still fear :D)
- men wearing leather jackets (a stereotypical outfit of Russian gangsters shown in movies on the TV)
- a large red FAIL word in Gran Turismo 2 appeared when failing a test
- Soviet-type trailer license plates (like this: YED.jpg)
- the fear of the most Russian children in the '90s - the VID (ВИD) introduction movie. When I was 4-5 years old, every time I saw this terrible face on the screen, with these terrible sounds, I was ****ting bricks and running away from the room crying. :scared:
For maximum effect, watch this in a dark and quiet room. Make sure to turn the sound on.

Just saw this on my FB feed for those who are afraid of clowns.

- The word "FAIL" combined with the music whenever you failed a license test in Gran Turismo 3.

- Any kind of worms, and I'm still hesitant to touch them whenever I'm fishing. What's weirder was that I held a small snake when I was around 7 years old but that didn't bother me. :lol:

- The computer at nighttime. Considering there was a playful ghost at my old house, it wasn't surprising for anything involving toys or games to randomly turn on. The computer was the most frightful, as it was in the same room I slept in and it made weird sounds whenever it would boot up.
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No joke, The Love Boat anchor bugged me silly every night for at least a week. That huge turquoise thing appeared to be falling on everyone's head.

Other than that, few things scared me.

Fire alarms. I would literally sit in class covering my ears whenever the principal said "There will be a fire drill sometime today."

My daughter was like this during the first three months of kindergarten. She demands to know where the fire alarms are in most of my hotel rooms, even though she's 1000 miles away.
Oh my god.. those BBC 2 ones... reminds me of 9PM on a Tuesday after Big Break was on, it was time for Twin Peaks!

I'm glad the current idents introduced 6 years ago are somewhat similar to the Lambie-Nairn designed "2" of the 90s, although they don't instill any fear at all. The Two "Personality" idents from the early 00s however didn't have any kind of impact.

the fear of the most Russian children in the '90s - the VID (ВИD) introduction movie. When I was 4-5 years old, every time I saw this terrible face on the screen, with these terrible sounds, I was ****ting bricks and running away from the room crying. :scared:

I only recently discovered that BИD mask logo. I am incredibly grateful I didn't have to live with that thing cropping up on TV here. Seriously, what is it with the TV idents seemingly designed to traumatise young kids of the 80s and 90s?

Also, that video pales in comparison to some of the edits I've seen (NOTE: This will make you jump and/or probably drop bricks).
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My younger brother. 12 years old. Everyday he watches some kind of horror movie. And I swear every night he's in some kind of costume trying to scare me. :scared: Plus, he blows an air horn in my ear every once in a while.

............... Oh wait, I'm still a teenager.

Edit: And very weird, inexplainable questions.
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Because of this?


It is funny how I thought I was safe in bed despite it not being logical at all even if a ghost really was there.
Rage Racer
- the fear of the most Russian children in the '90s - the VID (ВИD) introduction movie. When I was 4-5 years old, every time I saw this terrible face on the screen, with these terrible sounds, I was ****ting bricks and running away from the room crying. :scared:
For maximum effect, watch this in a dark and quiet room. Make sure to turn the sound on.

[YouTube]RT22uXUI-vg[/YouTube Link]

What the hell? That's kiddie nightmare fuel.

As an adult, it makes exactly the sounds I expected it to!
This made me cry when I saw it:

When the little gremlin guy got into all the things I lost my ****. I was always afraid that I'd see his symbol thing pop up on all my stuff and take over. I completely lost it when he popped up on the computer at the end.

It's amazing to watch that episode again now and see how different everything was compared to how I remember it. I feel bad for kids today. They don't have shows and things like we did. It was a better time when everyone on TV looked normal and average and wore LA Gear. Now TV is infected by kid and teen idols and stardom. It sucks.
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Be prepared for the stupidest thing of all. When I was a kid, maybe 6 or 7 years old, I had a dream where I was walking down the street and then I'd see a dog pass by. It was a dog with EXTREMELY long legs. Like, his legs alone would measure like 7ft. Ridiculously long legs aside, the dog was proportionately correct, and there was no malice or evil in him, his face or anything. If you saw him in the dream like I did, he was just walking around minding his own business, being a dog.

... And yet the thought of encountering this dog in real life terrified me. I couldn't sleep. :lol:
It is funny how I thought I was safe in bed despite it not being logical at all even if a ghost really was there.

I always liked to think that the ghosts could only get me if I was touching the floor, since it was the room that was haunted, not my stuff.

And I still occasionally get a little pang of fear when I'm walking out of a dark room. But when I was a kid I actually got in trouble for leaving lights on in certain rooms of the house because I was too afraid to walk the distance between the switch and door in the dark.

And dragons. I was terrified of dragons until I was 12. Up until that point I regularly had nightmares about them burning my house down, or chasing me out of my bedroom and up stairs. Some of them I still remember vividly.
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"The Beast" is another one in my list.

Does not scare me anymore though.
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Things I was scared of when I was younger with explanations.

Water - I nearly drowned so I stopped drinking the appropriate amounts of water for months.

Slightly older women - When I was younger my sisters friends and other kind of older gals would squeeze my cheeks and poke my dimples. I remember well where one time I was running track and some random girls built a bridge with their arms and made me go under it. I also remember the frustrated look on my face. I guess I stopped being afraid when I met a senior from a high school when I was in elementary school. She was a tutor for me and a few friends and man, I had a huuugggee crush on her.

Being teased about something specific - I had and still have large/curly eyelashes. A friend of mine said that my eyelashes were really long and curly and he said that It looked like I curled them. After that I would try and straighten them before school.

Lol, peeing on myself over some ones house - I peed on myself over my cousins house while playing Mario in her bed haha. I walked back to my house which is like 1min away with wet pants.

I can't really think of much else. I didn't have many fears.
I used to think there was the ghost of an old woman in the toilet cistern and when you flushed it she was released. That made me run, I can tell you! Then there was the sound of the Blue Cat on this:


Frikkin' terrifying, even now!
This, mostly because the fire alarm in elementary school made the most godawful buzzing noise that sounded like a thousand monsters screaming in your ears. I don't understand why they couldn't just use an old fashioned bell. Bells don't scare the piss out of you when you're seven. Fires are already scary enough, we don't need to have the alarms competing with the fire for scariness.

Because with calmer noises alarms can't aptly tell the impending hazard befalling to all those who are to evacuate immediately from the site of calamity, otherwise facing up to death in a matter of minutes. In such catastrophic situations saving people's lives takes priority - than whether the ringing sounds could be scary to us, particularly in infantile ages.
I only recently discovered that BИD mask logo. I am incredibly grateful I didn't have to live with that thing cropping up on TV here. Seriously, what is it with the TV idents seemingly designed to traumatise young kids of the 80s and 90s?

Also, that video pales in comparison to some of the edits I've seen (NOTE: This will make you jump and/or probably drop bricks).

More parodies (a bit off the topic, but...):








'Beavis and Butt-Head feared ВИD, too!'
I was afraid of Gremlins when I was little as I saw a bit to much of the movie when my older sisters were watching it.
Thought they where under my bed, so I mostly slept against the wall as far away from the edge of my bed as possible.

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I used to be afraid of any noise in the house at night because my room is right below the water tank which makes a kind of creaking and hissing. Of course I had never been into the loft of my house when I was 5 so I thought it was some kind of monster :lol:
The Conjuring reminded me of some things I feared a long time ago when I was just a child. I just forgot what it was.