Silly things you feared as a child

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Another one to add to the list:



That song used to freak me into thinking the government was out to get us for some reason.

Totally inaccurate. And now I love it :D
As we're already speaking Courage the Cowardly Dog, the Violin Girl has to be mentioned.

Yup, that gave me a jump scare when I first watched it. Holy cow, what is wrong with that girl?

When I was 3, I use to fear vacuums that had headlights. I don't know why, I just did.

I also remember being scared of lightning and tornadoes at one point when I was 10. I got over it after a few weeks.
Yup, that gave me a jump scare when I first watched it. Holy cow, what is wrong with that girl?

When I was 3, I use to fear vacuums that had headlights. I don't know why, I just did.

I also remember being scared of lightning and tornadoes at one point when I was 10. I got over it after a few weeks.
Tornadoes always have freaked me out. Having seen one coming at me while on a bicycle away from home didn't particularly help either.

I always liked vacuums with lights lol
Flooding rivers and creeks, Any waterway where the water was higher than normal freaked me out as a little kid.
Maybe you just have your super bar set too high.

Also, what did you glue to what? ;)
Everyone freaks out with superglue. It's glue and it's super and somehow you think it will glue everything it touches.
Really? I think I feel better now knowing I wasnt the only one.

I still think its pretty super :P
Maybe you just have your super bar set too high.

Also, what did you glue to what? ;)

Bits of the DualShock2, shoes, bits of cloth etc. A bit of everything and somehow glue ended up in my fingers and never got them glued together, so I don't think it's that super.

Really? I think I feel better now knowing I wasnt the only one.

I still think its pretty super :P

Of course you're not the only one. Just the thought of glueing stuff together raises the hair in the back of my neck

When I was five or six, I got a video game in a Chex box about an alien invasion, and it scarred (yes, two R's) me so much that I started sleeping with my door closed and had to get shades for my window. After that, I found Alien movies to be more scary than any horror movie. Independence day scared the living hell ot of me, and after I saw Signs, I could not sleep for weeks without having a glass of water next to my bed.
Signs was scary
That part when they showed the alien walk pass the kids my heart was pounding!
Ahahah good times,now I look for all types of scary movies and nothing
I wanna get scared again! :D

Mission 5 from Ace Combat 4. I remember it being WAY darker on screen , and the combination of the dark, and that music made me so scared when I crashed that I wouldn't play the game for a week.

'Specially when you're 10.

This was one of them.

Another was urinals flushing. I wish I was actually kidding about this but it was bad. In primary I used to not go to the toilet in fear of the urinals flushing. I remember one time it did and I ran away crying. It took my dad taking the top off our toilet, and also standing in front of them for a while to get over it.

Another was, kinda don't know why, but a certain girl in my class. It wasn't that she was creepy, she was nice. I just always got scared around her. I don't think it was love or anything because I was like 8 or something.
Oddly, eating fruit. Don't know why but when I was a child I thought that fruit made you go green and have leaves start to grow on your body. I wouldn't eat any fruit for years due to this rather odd fear.
I just remembered something that scared me as a child.

This guy:

That's a thing i've only come across recently, and the mix of cartoon and live action just gets more and more disturbing as you go on.
I used to be afraid to eat black seeds from watermelon or seeds from an apple. My mom pounded it into my head that I would grow a watermelon patch/apple tree in my stomach :lol:

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