Sim-Plicity Compact Series Direct Drive Wheels Thread

  • Thread starter super_gt
Sounds decent. I am a bit concerned about the filtering though. If I hit a wall, I damn sure want my wheel to do something. Maybe Sim-plicity will offer an emergency stop kit for the 10C+ and turn the safety filter off (or down) in the future?

If it was just the wall thing, it wouldn't be a big deal to me. I get why he places too smooth in the bad column though. Not being able to feel the bumps in the road because it's being filtered out is a complete no go for me. Even if there wasn't all the technical issues currently surrounding it. Guess I'll check back in another month or so and see if things have gotten better.
Woooohooooooo!!!! OOOOOOMGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeeeeeehaaaa - Shooting with pistols.&*%^^(**^*^(*

Jeeez - Krassi going crazy?
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Which one is it? The SW7C? :)

Yes, it is the SW7C! I know some of you will ask - Why not the SW7C+? For me SW7C is perfect choice! You can go for + or for SW10 or SW12 - plenty of options, my informative choice was - SW7C:) If the SW7C wasnt great wheel - trust me it will not be for sale on SIM-PLICITY web page!:)
Congratulations 👍, I look forward to your first impressions and after a while a comparison review with your CSL Elite for PS4.
What steering wheel you will use?
As we all know - I Need to have config session given from Sim-plicity to start using my wheel. So, for now I dont have firmware/software/drivers etc..
Ofcourse intime I will share my oppinion compared to CSL E , but comparing those two will be like compare apples to oranges;) But I will say what I feel lie difference!
For the rim - I have a lot of rims, maybe for start I will adopt my F1 Zrosso rim to attach to the 70mm hub:) I have alot of ideas for rims to mod, the future is bright!:)
Yes, it is the SW7C! I know some of you will ask - Why not the SW7C+? For me SW7C is perfect choice! You can go for + or for SW10 or SW12 - plenty of options, my informative choice was - SW7C:) If the SW7C wasnt great wheel - trust me it will not be for sale on SIM-PLICITY web page!:)
I'm also considering the SW7, because it is very cheap and probably will be a big step up compared to my T500. If you move up to the SW12C+ then you're suddenly in DD1 territory price wise. Well, ballpark at least.
I'm also considering the SW7, because it is very cheap and probably will be a big step up compared to my T500. If you move up to the SW12C+ then you're suddenly in DD1 territory price wise. Well, ballpark at least.
Exactly, step by step you can go to Bodnar system:) It is good to know what you want ... those compact line wheels are made with the idea to invite people like me with CSL Elite to DD World, not to convince customers for Bodnar system to save some money:) Every product in the world have target and Compact line hit me in the bulls eye!:) Jeez, can you imagine DD wheel on the price of Thrustmaster TS-PC???
Jeez, DD is awesome!! DDawesomeness! LoL

Update: As you know guys I received it yesterday and Sim-plicity make your wheel up and runing with 1 hour live (Skype) session, so I was hoping if not for Friday ate least to be in next week possible. I was amazed that they give me to choose for same day ( yesterday) and today if this is ok for me ofcourse. I choosed same day - who wanna wait without DD wheel;) The session is with Ollie the person behind Sim-plicity and gotta say that this absolute must have! Not only that those kind of treatment is "Premium" attentiuon for me, but in that live session you understand how to use that specific wheel like software, settings etc and have chance to ask what you need to know. I count myself "advanced user" in gaming devices , but jumping in DD I had at least 10 questions. On top of that Ollie is a nice guy to talk. For example I joked him that he forcing customers for those sessions , because he dont have friends and want from us to make his social life! LoL and we laugh !!! For the shy ones - the session is not including video.
Now I feel confident that have product from a person/company that I can ask for assistance and will be treated well!
After instalation of drivers and firmware you have simple settings panel, which is very easy to use:

I will test which settings are best for me - those are the recommended one - just the Max Speed must be 150 rpm I changed it to 160 rpm.
I drove in Assetto Corsa and everything works fine:)
Ofcourse the feeling is Direct as the name of the wheel type.Road is more live more like real car. I will say more general words for comparisson, because to jump in details - first you gotta be sure that you have best settings in AC for example and best tuned CSL Elite for example. Same for the DD. It is so hard to find two people with same settings and thats why those two can say different things. So, the best comparing situation is like Sim Racing Garage did - few DD wheels on same rig with same settings, but still with same type of wheels - DD! DD system Reminds me more of riding my motorbike. This doesnt mean that other types of wheels are bad. I will keep forever my CSL Elite, not only for the console support - it is great wheel! DD wheels are the next step, no doubt! Beside the fact that people become world champions even with DFGT - for us like users and when the prices are good - it is more than normal to step up in some moment. Same as the belt driven systems came up and we had G27 wheels - feeling to go up and to feel smoother wheel is great!

The question is not what to choose belt or DD, but from DD wheels what is the best choice. Same for the belt driven. For now I am more than satisfied from my DD wheel and on a price of TS-PC this is at least no brainer to buy!:)
In november comes Feel VR ( if they catch the date ) after that the Podium from Fanatec.

If you have any questions guys - you can ask for the wheel - in time I will have more hours and experience.

Someone told that the compact wheel is so smotth even too smooth and some effects are not present - I didnt felt that - everything is there. And to avoid fake infos and news it is good users with compact wheels sharing oppinion to show proof that have it on the rig!
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Someone told that the compact wheel is so smotth even too smooth and some effects are not present - I didnt felt that everything is there.
Just to clarfy: The bold part means "I didn't feel that. All the effects are there."?

Sorry if I'm nitpicking :)
Just to clarfy: The bold part means "I didn't feel that. All the effects are there."?

Sorry if I'm nitpicking :)
Thank you I missed "-"
And yes all the effects are there!:) Ofcourse if you use G27 on a wooden desk and go out of the road - you feel the entire house will colapse:) The DD wheel dont make this ofcourse:) It is more precise and vibrates more precise by itself - not feeling plastic construcion squeezing and bolt and nuts and gears inside to grind;)
@Krassi which wheel feels more powerful,CSL or SW7C?
I ask for comparison because I want to know how big upgrade it is from my CSL.
It is important to clarify that upgrade is more to precision, smoothness and direct feeling. The FFB like power is similar, but it is different feeling. The fact that DD wheels use bigger motors is not to chase insane industrial power. We need bigger motors, because the shaft of the bigger motors is strong enough to handle a rim:) Imagine to mount a rim on the motor shaft of CSL Elite;) But as you ask for power only - CSL E is not weaker than SW7C at least from my first tests. That doesnt mean that the SW7C motor is not powerfull enough! But more than obvious is that if you are person looking for more and more power - you will not go after the SW7C and will try something more powerfull maybe. For me the power itself is not a factor to choose a wheel!;)
Imagine to mount a rim on the motor shaft of CSL Elite;)
I was thinking about CSL Elite Direct Drive Mod and not the diameter of the shaft worried me which is 8 millimeters and looks quite strong but the power reduction to about 1Nm torque.
But more than obvious is that if you are person looking for more and more power - you will not go after the SW7C and will try something more powerfull maybe.
In that case if I decide to buy it will be SW10C.
You would think then that the 7Nm of the SW7C would feel significantly stronger than those two. Could it be that you just haven't dialled it completely in yet, @Krassi?
Does the motor run hot after a session? Normally these DD wheels have higher torque motors so the can run on lower power. So I can imagine running a 7nm motor on 100% all the time might have concequences on the longevity?
I was thinking about CSL Elite Direct Drive Mod and not the diameter of the shaft worried me which is 8 millimeters and looks quite strong but the power reduction to about 1Nm torque.

In that case if I decide to buy it will be SW10C.

I need at least a week to test to say for sure is it same as CSL E or more powerfull...I want to test different sims and different settings ingame and in wheel app settings. One thing is for sure no matter more powerfull or same - if you look mainly on wheels power then going with the smaellest motor ever used in DD wheel is not the best option.
Does the motor run hot after a session? Normally these DD wheels have higher torque motors so the can run on lower power. So I can imagine running a 7nm motor on 100% all the time might have concequences on the longevity?
It is hot - but that is ok. Those motors are not made for gaming , but for some industrial work - so imagine how much work they do in the industry compared to just move your rim.
You would think then that the 7Nm of the SW7C would feel significantly stronger than those two. Could it be that you just haven't dialled it completely in yet, @Krassi?
Sure, my opinion for power at this point is semi speculation...I need to test alot more. For example last night I spoke with Ollie mainly during gameplay. And also the effects in AC panel are set to 0%. So I need to test alot more. Also some values in Wheel app can change alot the feeling. I think also that Ollie is set firmware to keep the motor in some safe values of torque. Fanatec also do this in diff firm versions at least in the past. Now I am just starting to explore the DD universe!;)
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