Sir Jimmy Savile Dead

  • Thread starter dhandeh
That may well be the case (its not for the Police to make that decision but the CPS), you did however imply this was not a criminal matter (as per Lance Armstrong) when it clearly is.

I did no such thing. I made it clear from the start he could still be found guilty. You have made the classic mistake of trying to read too much into what someone has said.

This is a criminal matter.
Even so, this may not go to court. We will have to wait and see.
If it goes to court, despite him being dead, it is possible to have him 'proven' to be guilty, though as he is dead this is reliant on somebody else being implicated somehow. As of now this is not the case.
I drew the attention to Lance Armstrong to show that you can achieve a guilty conclusion without having to go to court. The fact that this isn't a criminal matter was one of the reasons I chose it for. The reason being, much like this case, the enquiry will not be a criminal case but can still achieve the conclussion and verdict that JS was guilty of these crimes.

When you say there is other evidence then provide a link, it is implied that the link provides said evidence.
However I take your point about providing your sources.

I did say the Lance Armstrong case was only based on witness staemenst, if thats wrong, ok ( we are not talking about lance though), I havent seen any evidence to the contrary on that fact though, and you have said yourself you haven't seen any.
I did no such thing. I made it clear from the start he could still be found guilty. You have made the classic mistake of trying to read too much into what someone has said.

This is a criminal matter.
Even so, this may not go to court. We will have to wait and see.
If it goes to court, despite him being dead, it is possible to have him 'proven' to be guilty, though as he is dead this is reliant on somebody else being implicated somehow. As of now this is not the case.
I drew the attention to Lance Armstrong to show that you can achieve a guilty conclusion without having to go to court. The fact that this isn't a criminal matter was one of the reasons I chose it for. The reason being, much like this case, the enquiry will not be a criminal case but can still achieve the conclussion and verdict that JS was guilty of these crimes.

You quite clearly said:

The enquiry won't be a criminal case either.

I don't really see how that can be read any other way?

You are right that is does rely on other living parties to be involved for it to proceed, however as for it not being the case that (as you state above) you are quite wrong, I quote the Metropolitan Police:

Scotland Yard said its inquiry into alleged child sexual exploitation by Savile had developed into a formal criminal investigation after it received allegations involving other living people.
Source - As above
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You quite clearly said:

I don't really see how that can be read any other way?

An enquiry IS NOT a criminal case.
An enquiry DOES NOT contradict, a criminal case. I don't know how i can make that more clear for you.
An enquiry IS NOT a criminal case.
An enquiry DOES NOT contradict, a criminal case. I don't know how i can make that more clear for you.

I think you may want to read my edit, its a formal criminal investigation, the sole purpose of which is to build a criminal case.

The Police build the case, the CPS prosecute the case. You can argue semantics all you want but you clearly said that it was not a criminal case, a point that Scotland Yard would appear to disagree with you on.

I mentioned that the Saville case was different to the Armstrong case because (and I quote)

Not to mention the rather important fact that the Lance Armstrong investigation is not a criminal case.

to which you replied

The enquiry won't be a criminal case either.

You also then said:

though as he is dead this is reliant on somebody else being implicated somehow. As of now this is not the case.

On that point Scotland Yard disagree with you.

Oh and you can cut both the attitude and the Caps Lock shouting as well.
I think you may want to read my edit, its a formal criminal investigation, the sole purpose of which is to build a criminal case.

The Police build the case, the CPS prosecute the case. You can argue semantics all you want but you clearly said that it was not a criminal case, a point that Scotland Yard would appear to disagree with you on.

I mentioned that the Saville case was different to the Armstrong case because (and I quote)

to which you replied

You also then said:

On that point Scotland Yard disagree with you.

Oh and you can cut both the attitude and the Caps Lock shouting as well.

Sorry about the caps lock it was intentional but was meant for emphasis not shouting. :)

I stand corrected on other people being implemented, I hadn't heard that. This does not go against anything I have said though. I said, if other people were implemented there was a chance of JS himself being found guilty.

On the enquiry, being a criminal case, I think we have been talking about different enquiries. I wasn't talking about the police enquiry, I regard that as a criminal case. Of course any police enquiry is a criminal case.
I was refering to the enquiry the bbc is setting up plus the independant enquiry that is being setup.
Has anyone rewatched the louis theroux show on Savile? Savile threatened he would bring down a lot of powerfull people with him.
There should be more revelations about other celebrities if the rumours are to be believed. No idea how substantiated these rumours are. I have heard one name, not sure what the site rules are on this though (as it isn't in the news) so won't post, unless a mod reads this and says it's ok.
I wouldn't be so flippent, it is offensive to abused children. I hope people are going to review all children in care and rid the institutions of this filth.

I'm gutted to read about the step toe bloke and links with Ted Heath to the Jersey childrens home.
IMO The truth will never come out, it is too damaging. Bizarly David Icke was ahead of this years ago and others before him, but our controlled media was unable to get it mainstream....
I wouldn't be so flippent, it is offensive to abused children. I hope people are going to review all children in care and rid the institutions of this filth.

I'm gutted to read about the step toe bloke and links with Ted Heath to the Jersey childrens home.
IMO The truth will never come out, it is too damaging. Bizarly David Icke was ahead of this years ago and others before him, but our controlled media was unable to get it mainstream....

Hadn't heard anything about a steptoe actor.
Didn't know david Icke had gone about JS being an abuser either.
David Icke says a lot of things.

It's hard to know when he's not trolling.
Has anyone rewatched the louis theroux show on Savile? Savile threatened he would bring down a lot of powerfull people with him.

I remember seeing that a while back, I always felt he was a bit of a creep, And he seemed awkward in that documentary. I didnt think much of the "threat" but if you think about it now.......:scared:
Yeh I suppose Icke covers enough topics to hit the nail on the head more than once.
back on topic.
IMO The more I think about this and the MPs, Institutions and Governments involved the more hypocracy comes to mind, for example Julian Assange - The UK Government is determined to get him arrested and sent to Sweden for failed allegations of not using a condom in consenting sex, yet they give a known child abuser access to vulnerable children. Go Figure. Jimmy Savile isn't the first or only child sex offender to have had access to children homes and young offender institutions.
Having read more on the subject around young offenders prisons and children homes - it seems the abusers threaten the children that they will be found having self harmed. ie found hanging in their room.
Was childline run by the BBC?
The UK Government is determined to get him arrested and sent to Sweden for failed as yet untried allegations of not using a condom in consenting sex, yet they give a known suspected child abuser access to vulnerable children.


I'm not going to say it again, your opinion is not proof.

Now you have two choices, you either start to follow the site rules or you leave. Its quite simple and the ball is in your court right now, but if you continue to post opinion as if it were fact you will be leaving GT Planet.
I dont know if this has been mentioned here on this thread before but apparently now they are accusing him of molesting dead bodies

Yes, in Saville's autobiography he writes about when he was told he was to get an OBE but couldn't tell anyone.

He "celebrated" by going to hospital where he was a porter, transferring dead bodies, that night he transfeerred a body of a woman.

Can't remember his exact words, but what he said just isn't right...

Yet at present they still remain allegations and unless we are happy to thrown out all of due process they have to be treated as any other allegation, i.e. they will have to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Not just that but no matter how obvious something is due process must be followed or the implications for 'mob justice' in other cases rear an ugly head. Trial by media is not the way to go at all.

I Kind of agree (in principle) with the mob justice / trial by media point, but when the Justice system being as much of a joke as it is i.e. Barry George being convicted of Jill Dando's murder, Colin Stagg failed "honey trap" attempt by police.. Don't you think there is a element of trial by media already in place..?

i.e. the police feel under pressure by the media they do something they wouldn't normally do..

Sometimes they get it wrong, sometimes they get it right - like tracking down the guy who killed the policewoman a few years ago, he fled abroad and there was a complex operation to track him down and then bring him home. It was a crazy story, he was from Somalia and it was like something out of a hollywood movie to find him and bring him back..

I'd agree with you totally if the justice system was more accurate and fair, but given the way it currently is, as with Barrry George and Colin Stagg etc, I can't help but feel the justice system is such a joke already well, why not have mob justice in situations like with Jimmy Saville...
I Kind of agree (in principle) with the mob justice / trial by media point, but when the Justice system being as much of a joke as it is i.e. Barry George being convicted of Jill Dando's murder, Colin Stagg failed "honey trap" attempt by police.. Don't you think there is a element of trial by media already in place..?

i.e. the police feel under pressure by the media they do something they wouldn't normally do..

Sometimes they get it wrong, sometimes they get it right - like tracking down the guy who killed the policewoman a few years ago, he fled abroad and there was a complex operation to track him down and then bring him home. It was a crazy story, he was from Somalia and it was like something out of a hollywood movie to find him and bring him back..

I'd agree with you totally if the justice system was more accurate and fair, but given the way it currently is, as with Barrry George and Colin Stagg etc, I can't help but feel the justice system is such a joke already well, why not have mob justice in situations like with Jimmy Saville...

Quite simple really, because mob justice is going to have an even poorer success rate.

No sane person would ever say that the justice system is perfect (nothing realistically is), however on the whole it does work (far better than the press like to imply but then again they have to sell newspapers).

The question I would ask you is what checks and balances would mob/media justice have to ensure its would be a better system than the one we have right now?

How would you ensure a fair trial? How would you correct mistakes?

Flawed as the justice system we have is, its still a better bet than the alternative you have just suggested. The media have a place to play in drawing situations to the public forum, but they should not assume guilt or innocence.

If you want a single example of the reason why mob/media justice will not work you have to go no further than the countries most popular newspaper and its original coverage of Hillsborough, the claims they made (as fact) turned out to be totally and utterly unfounded. Now it was proper use of the media that drew that case to the correct conclusion, but had mob/media justice been successful in the day hundreds of totally innocent people would have suffered (and to be honest still did based on the coverage the Sun printed).
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Quite simple really, because mob justice is going to have an even poorer success rate.

No sane person would ever say that the justice system is perfect (nothing realistically is), however on the whole it does work (far better than the press like to imply but then again they have to sell newspapers).

How would you ensure a fair trial? How would you correct mistakes?

Flawed as the justice system we have is, its still a better bet than the alternative you have just suggested.

I was only suggesting mob justice in situations like with Jimmy Saville could be no worse than what we already have, given the examples I provided.

Mob justice / trial by media for the entire justice system would be ridiculous and not what I was preposing (apologies if I didn't make that clear). But in comparison to how badly the current sytem has failed in other cases, when there's as many allegations and witnesses (that have similarities in their statements) as with Jimmy Saville - I feel the question "why not (in this case)?" is not too out of order or ridiculous..

The question I would ask you is what checks and balances would mob/media justice have to ensure its would be a better system than the one we have right now?

What checks and balances are currently in place and how crazy are these - i.e. witnesses and sometimes defendants verbally agreeing to tell the truth but not wired up to a lie detector.

Ok, lie detectors are not 100% accurate, but surely a 90-95% accuracy rate (or whatever it is) will at least give a good indication of what is the truth and what is lies.

Even forensic evidence cannot be trusted, as with the Barry George case.

Say 2 different people are on trial for an offence - with exact same details of the crime. Money could buy an extremely capable legal team or laywer for the one who could afford it. The other, without the same finances available, might have to settle for someone possibly less capable.

Which potentially could result in a different outcome.

So is all that as unfair as mob justice / trial by media in certain situaitons like of Jimmy Saville?

That's all I'm asking, I'm not talking about the entire justice system having trial by media / mob justice, just comparing the Jimmy Saville situation to other mishaps of justice and saying - in this one case, would it really be that bad...?

Personally, I don't think so..but, I guess you're not going to agree..!

No worries though...each to their own 👍
What checks and balances are currently in place and how crazy are these - i.e. witnesses and sometimes defendants verbally agreeing to tell the truth but not wired up to a lie detector.

Ok, lie detectors are not 100% accurate, but surely a 90-95% accuracy rate (or whatever it is) will at least give a good indication of what is the truth and what is lies.
You are aware that eye witness testimony is about the least reliable form of evidence that exists, and lie detectors work on the person being tested believing what they are saying. Simply because someone believes what they are saying doesn't mean its accurate or even true. That's the reason why they are not used in legal cases.

Even forensic evidence cannot be trusted, as with the Barry George case.
Yes of course it can, however you seem to forget that your mob/media solution would have not seen a different result in 2001. After all Barry George won libel cases against three newspapers based on the coverage they gave at the time of his trial.

The legal system is also the only reason why he is free today, trial by mob/media doesn't exactly have an appeals system now does it.

Say 2 different people are on trial for an offence - with exact same details of the crime. Money could buy an extremely capable legal team or laywer for the one who could afford it. The other, without the same finances available, might have to settle for someone possibly less capable.

Which potentially could result in a different outcome.
And mobs and newspapers don't operate based on similar motivations? The largest newspaper in the UK is owned by a family that has a clear political bent and as such would have no problem at all biasing coverage to sell papers, the innocence or guilt of an individual be damned.

So is all that as unfair as mob justice / trial by media in certain situaitons like of Jimmy Saville?
And who decides what those situations are? If someone is found innocent and the press (for whatever reason) disagree do we let them loose?

That's all I'm asking, I'm not talking about the entire justice system having trial by media / mob justice, just comparing the Jimmy Saville situation to other mishaps of justice and saying - in this one case, would it really be that bad...?
Yes of course it would.

Every issue you raise with the legal system in the UK would still apply (and in most cases to a much greater degree) with mob/media justice, not only that but zero controls would exists to learn from mistakes and/or correct judgement.

Personally, I don't think so..but, I guess you're not going to agree..!

No worries though...each to their own 👍
Indeed, but I have to honestly say I don't think you have considered the ramifications of what you are suggesting.

Say you were arrested on suspicion of stabbing someone, you are innocent but were also in the area at the time and fitted the description of the person who carried out the attack. The case never gets to court because the police and CPS agree that you are not the man, however in the absence of any other suspect the press and local mobs are freely allowed to target you and administer whatever form of retribution they feel is appropriate.

The above situation is one that could all to easily occur under the approach you have outlined, because you didn't do it you can't be charged as no evidence exists (apart from eyewitnesses some of whom say its you). Your approach has no controls to stop anyone from simply assuming the Police are incompetent in finding the evidence or you have 'paid them off', etc, etc.

Due process is not perfect, but your second option is not a suitable alternative (even in limited cases). You focus on a few (high profile) cases while ignoring that the majority of the time the system works.
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Mob/media justice was meted out to Sinead O’Connor when she attempted over a decade ago and in the best way she knew how to send a message to warn the world about systematic child abuse within the catholic church. Did we listen then? Nope, instead we sent her to hell for daring to speak out. A decade later, the world now knows the truth.

If this is anything to go by, no wonder people are so reluctant to speak out about such things.
While the situation is abhorrent, I'm still trying to work out what the best-case scenario is for all of this suddenly coming out now.

After all, Savile is now dead. Of natural causes too, and he presumably lived a fairly happy life, and one pretty much to his own rules - he liked having sex with under-age kids, and he was able to have lots of sex with under-age kids without any penalty whatsoever. Whatever the situation brings to any other protagonist - the institutions he visited, the BBC, anything else - Savile can not be brought to justice. And a dead guy doesn't care that his reputation is ruined.

So what will the outcome be for all this? I expect compensation will be involved - I can't see the BBC getting away without having to pay some of the victims - but again, I'm not sure if that's true justice. It's punishing what appears to be a negligent organisation, rather than a despicable individual.

It's also, rightly or wrongly, resulted in Savile's charities - which we can presume did some degree of good to some people - closing down. This, to some extent, makes me think of the Lance Armstrong situation. Drugs cheat he may be, but with Lance it's hard to ignore half a billion in anti-cancer charity work.

Not that Savile is anything like Armstrong - Lance has harmed no-one but himself, ultimately, whereas Savile preyed on the unstable - but the net result is the same: honest charities with tarnished reputations, thanks to their advocate's misgivings.

So the above considered - what do you think will be the ultimate result of the building controversy?
While the situation is abhorrent, I'm still trying to work out what the best-case scenario is for all of this suddenly coming out now.

After all, Savile is now dead. Of natural causes too, and he presumably lived a fairly happy life, and one pretty much to his own rules - he liked having sex with under-age kids, and he was able to have lots of sex with under-age kids without any penalty whatsoever. Whatever the situation brings to any other protagonist - the institutions he visited, the BBC, anything else - Savile can not be brought to justice. And a dead guy doesn't care that his reputation is ruined.

So what will the outcome be for all this? I expect compensation will be involved - I can't see the BBC getting away without having to pay some of the victims - but again, I'm not sure if that's true justice. It's punishing what appears to be a negligent organisation, rather than a despicable individual.

It's also, rightly or wrongly, resulted in Savile's charities - which we can presume did some degree of good to some people - closing down. This, to some extent, makes me think of the Lance Armstrong situation. Drugs cheat he may be, but with Lance it's hard to ignore half a billion in anti-cancer charity work.

Not that Savile is anything like Armstrong - Lance has harmed no-one but himself, ultimately, whereas Savile preyed on the unstable - but the net result is the same: honest charities with tarnished reputations, thanks to their advocate's misgivings.

So the above considered - what do you think will be the ultimate result of the building controversy?

Ideally I would like to see:

  1. Vindication for the victims who appear to have been ignored and marginilised for so long (an often forgotten but critical part of the process of dealing with what they have endured)
  2. Better understanding of the mechanisms used by the offender(s) so we can reduce the chance of this occuring again
  3. Invsitigation and procescusion of others involved in this

That's just off the top of my head.
Ideally I would like to see:

  1. Vindication for the victims who appear to have been ignored and marginilised for so long (an often forgotten but critical part of the process of dealing with what they have endured)
  2. Better understanding of the mechanisms used by the offender(s) so we can reduce the chance of this occuring again
  3. Invsitigation and procescusion of others involved in this

That's just off the top of my head.

On the second point, I'm not sure how much understanding is needed. If the reports are to be believed, many pretty much saw the goings-on in plain view. Seems much more like ignorance than it does Savile being some mastermind at getting away with it.

I do think the press had a responsibility to report on it too. It appears they had several opportunities to over the past four decades, but never took that step. I recall the Gary Glitter thing was broken first via the press - something similar would have likely had Savile locked up years ago.

Preventing it happening again - at least with a celebrity - is surely as simple as not turning a blind eye to it.
On the second point, I'm not sure how much understanding is needed. If the reports are to be believed, many pretty much saw the goings-on in plain view. Seems much more like ignorance than it does Savile being some mastermind at getting away with it.
On that one we will have to see what the results of the wider Police investigation are, I did read today that......

Nobody has yet been arrested or interviewed under caution as yet, but the force is "preparing an arrest strategy".
Source -

.....keep in mind that I am not just referring to Saville in this, but to the larger

I do think the press had a responsibility to report on it too. It appears they had several opportunities to over the past four decades, but never took that step. I recall the Gary Glitter thing was broken first via the press - something similar would have likely had Savile locked up years ago.
Don't get me wrong I am all for press investigations, but that is quite a different thing to trail by media.

Preventing it happening again - at least with a celebrity - is surely as simple as not turning a blind eye to it.
My wife now works in this area and I can assure you that while that will go a long way its not as straightforward as it sounds. Its not a topic that many people want to acknowledge or discuss, as such anything that helps those who are victims of abuse come forward and be listened to is vital.
Don't get me wrong I am all for press investigations, but that is quite a different thing to trail by media.

Oh yeah, I'm aware of the differences, and that once a story has broken there's a fine line between reporting and trial by media. But ultimately, a story has to break in the first place for it to be recognised - at least with a high-profile case such as this.

Such was the frequency of Savile's alleged misgivings, and so public were they, that you'd think a reporter would have dug a little deeper way before he died. As it is, the closest anyone apparently got was the original nixed Newsnight investigation, and even that was after Jimmy had popped his clogs.

Trial by media seems like a less important situation here than the apparent inability of the media to do their job and report on something at all. As a journalist myself it's a bit irritating that nobody ran with the baton earlier...
As a journalist myself it's a bit irritating that nobody ran with the baton earlier...

Maybe they were scared they'd be sued and lose.

A dead person can't defend him/herself. Victoria Coren raised the point on HIGNFY that she marginally approved of Newsnight cancelling their expose because it is unfair to present one side of the story without giving the accused the opportunity to defend themselves. As a principle, I understand and sort of see this, but if, as is claimed, this was known about for years beforehand, something should have been done a lot earlier. Which brings us back to the claim that Savile was a personal guest of Thatcher for 11 Christmases at Chequers, and the possibility that the political establishment had a hand in keeping this secret.

It is certainly staggering how Savile flaunted his eccentric lifestyle and unusual activities, and nobody challenged him. Publicly.
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I never even heard of this cat, but what a disgusting creature, should the allegations prove true.

My thoughts here consist entirely of anger.

I feel we all have an obligation as human beings to speak out, come forward, and forget about fear of retaliation.
If it is to be true this guy laid with up to 300 minors, there must be thousands that were aware.
Really? How about all living humans on this planet stand up and grow a backbone when you see others being physically traumatized.

I'm very passionate about sexual abuse.
When I was 18 my younger sister was raped. I returned home moments after it happend, our 20 year old neighbor she said.
I walked down the street, kicked in his door, beat the **** out of him, then called the police with his phone and waited.
I was arrested for assault, he did 6 years.

Living victims at this point need to come forward. There is strength in numbers.

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