SlideFX -- We're recruiting. The requirements? Hands and eyeballs.

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I barely have £5, let alone £80 to spend on a wheel :P

I wish i had money/some sort of PT job.
My wheel only cost me 60 lewis! I wish I had money too / some sort of PT job, but there's just nothing out there atm with the stupid credit crunch thing. I don't see why they can't just PRINT more money. After all that's all money is. Paper & circle/hexagon pieces of aluminium. Kinda gash like, I won't be getting a GT2 until Xmas, so I'm stuck with the controller for FM4 =[ or unless I buy a temp Madcatz racing wheel.
How did your new controller break already anyway?

That's what I want to know? Because I have two controllers both of which came with my PS3 back in November and they're still working...
Bought a cheapo £5 one off ebay... and the left thumbstick broke while i was playing littlebigplanet... i barely used it half a day:(

My original got jelly on it, and it broke all of the buttons.
hey guys, i opened a lobby if any of you are interested for old times sake lobby sfx style.
1472 6118 4216 8216 9966
it was set, it just seeped into the controller:/

Hahahaha seeped xD excuse my dirty mind. :lol: Seriously though, I've left cups of tea, glasses of juice everything ON TOP of my xbox and right next to the laptop and never managed to spill anything on them :/ how would jelly seep into it unless it was melting? Personally, I would've just bought a new CB and opened the controller, ripped out the old one and put the new one in. CB's wouldn't cost much I'd imagine...
I'm never going to make it home. That 7 hours has now turned into 12 hours which means I'll get home around 1 or 2pm and I have to work at 6pm. Ugh, fml seriously.
Hahah. But seriously, did the freeway colapse infront of you or something?
Through most of Virginia and Maryland it was basically bumper to bumper traffic.. a good portion of that being on an 8 lane highway (4 lanes going each way) that was all under construction where we were going 5-10mph with morons cutting inches in front of you just to get knowheres.. on top of the fact that we have 3 cars.. add to that having my 3 year old daughter and my mom/stepdad having my brothers 3 1/2 year old daughter which meant we had to stop every couple hours.. basically it's been hell. lol
I tried it already ;) I like it, just need more turns.

Oh, Bk. I forgot to dupe that car, I'll do it tomorrow, lol
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