SlideFX -- We're recruiting. The requirements? Hands and eyeballs.

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Hey guys just a quick question you guys are from forza community right???
If so do any of you guys know of a team calling themselves southern sliderz they've ripped our name and banner pretty original of them considering we've been around since the start of gt5 and they just started last week. I also noticed someone with an sfx tag posting on there thread. Any ways I'm not asking you to step in or anything but if any of you know one of these guys tell em to check out gtp and let them know what there team leaders up to.
Hey guys just a quick question you guys are from forza community right???
If so do any of you guys know of a team calling themselves southern sliderz they've ripped our name and banner pretty original of them considering we've been around since the start of gt5 and they just started last week. I also noticed someone with an sfx tag posting on there thread. Any ways I'm not asking you to step in or anything but if any of you know one of these guys tell em to check out gtp and let them know what there team leaders up to.

Sorry man I havent heard of a team by that name over on the Forza forums.
Im not as active over there as I once was, I pretty much just post in our team thread. I wouldnt be worried about it, teams on are born and then kill themselves in the blink of an eye.
Sorry man I havent heard of a team by that name over on the Forza forums.
Im not as active over there as I once was, I pretty much just post in our team thread. I wouldnt be worried about it, teams on are born and then kill themselves in the blink of an eye.

Maybe your Aussie members might but anywAys thanks Cro 👍
So true teams pop up all around there hence the fact there is about 800 team threads but only around 10 strong active teams. 👍
teams on are born and then kill themselves in the blink of an eye.

75% of the members over there should probably do the same.

Err wait, did I say that out loud? :odd:

Cro, hook a usb keyboard up and let it grind overnight. 👍
Hey guys just a quick question you guys are from forza community right???
If so do any of you guys know of a team calling themselves southern sliderz they've ripped our name and banner pretty original of them considering we've been around since the start of gt5 and they just started last week. I also noticed someone with an sfx tag posting on there thread. Any ways I'm not asking you to step in or anything but if any of you know one of these guys tell em to check out gtp and let them know what there team leaders up to.

That was actually me posting, I had no idea you guys were around, or I wouldn'tof suggested the name to them, my bad. Ill let the leader know for you.

Edit, I just seen i'm guessing your post on there team thread. I doubt they are stealing your name, i don't think anyone from that team has ever come onto GTP...
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Whats up ladies? The sun is shining, the birds are singing, too bad there is little to do. I really dont want to be stuck inside all afternoon. If I am I suppose GT5 is a decent activity lol. Id rather go fishing or something though. Whats everyone up to?
Chilling on GT5, lol. Been sunny as hell here today, but everyone was either working or busy with there girlfriends, so i been stuck in all day, meh
Six pounds is a lot depending on the type of fish. An 8 pound largemouth bass is my crowning achievement lol. I guess I could earn some credits on GT5 while Im not doing anything. ;)
Hahaha, Pwner. You know the '67 ticket you got a POS with? i just got the Ferarri 330 P4 race car :P
Hahaha, Pwner. You know the '67 ticket you got a POS with? i just got the Ferarri 330 P4 race car :P

That's ok, I have an unlimited supply to try again. LOL

Cro, you want one? If Adam doesn't hook you up with one, I could..
I forgot to send one to my other account :(. I'll hook you up with 2 awesome cars if i could get another, hehe. And Cro, i'll send some when i get back online, i just got online for 10mins and don't rell feel in the mood to play tonight so ill be on tomorrow
Yea send me one of those tickets please Pwner, and sounds good Adam. I dont think multiquote is iphone compatible lol. 👎
I got you both. 👍

Planned on getting on this afternoon.. but I also didn't plan on sleeping for 10 hours. lol
I'll be on eventually, got a few things to do around the house first.

Oh, Cro, I got a couple more of the Maziora paints and a chameleon paint if you still need any. Check my garage link in my sig and let me know if I have any you need.
Theres quite a few of the Mazioras that I need actually, I cant remember which ones though. I need purples most of all, especially dark ones, neon, matte, all kinds. I also got a lobby up right now.
Theres quite a few of the Mazioras that I need actually, I cant remember which ones though. I need purples most of all, especially dark ones, neon, matte, all kinds. I also got a lobby up right now.

I'll send you 5 random purples I have when I hop on.
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