SlideFX -- We're recruiting. The requirements? Hands and eyeballs.

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Sure, Ill send a FR in a second, just havin a smoke break. Feel free to stop by the lobby as well. 👍
RM 'Vette sent to you, Pwner and some bright solids sent to you, Cro. Could you dupe the Matte light green and Vitamin C orange back to me aswell please?
RM 'Vette sent to you, Pwner and some bright solids sent to you, Cro. Could you dupe the Matte light green and Vitamin C orange back to me aswell please?

Sending over the other '67 ticket as soon as I reset. 👍
Lobby ended short tonight, tired as hell. On a side note, I just offered a deer a cookie, no joke. It politely declined.
Lobby ended short tonight, tired as hell. On a side note, I just offered a deer a cookie, no joke. It politely declined.

My internet committed suicide anyways.

Sidenote: Wasn't someone on the team looking for a Lexus GS300? Calibre maybe? Maybe it was a lobby random that wanted it.. I can't remember.

Edit #2: @Fadam - '67 ticket sent. Can you put the X2010 up tomorrow before you get off for the night? Need to do some rubber-banding.
@Cro - 3 or 4 more paints will be headed your way after I reset.
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I do this with the wheel.

Pull out the power to loose the FFB.
Turn the wheel to the right ever so slightly.
Weigh down the throttle.
ket a USB keyboard and place something on any enter key.

Slap in the face to GT5 for letting people (me too) have the need to do this sorta lame stuff.
Thanks alot, Pwner. I'll sort you out with a badass car when i get on and i'll put the X2010 online for you aswell. I'm trying to get to B-spec 35 so i can get a 3rd one so i can leave one online constantly, keep one with 0 miles and one for grinding lmao
Adam, PM me 5 or so drift pics and Ill add them to the OP. 👍

Edit: we also need a new banner if someone will make one, I dont like our current one.
@Fadam - I unlocked the Vettel challenges.. not happening for quite awhile for me LOL. That thing is to much of a beast.

@meerkat - Level 21 a-spec "Like the Wind" race at Indy is what most of us grind.

@Cro - I could try and make something that resembles a banner when I get home if you wanted. Anything specific you have in mind?
@Fadam - I unlocked the Vettel challenges.. not happening for quite awhile for me LOL. That thing is to much of a beast.

@meerkat - Level 21 a-spec "Like the Wind" race at Indy is what most of us grind.

@Cro - I could try and make something that resembles a banner when I get home if you wanted. Anything specific you have in mind?

Something colorful and drifting related. If you want to try to change up the photo of Adam's Camaro and my Challenger from the front, that could be cool.

I also used that '67 ticket and got the Ford GT race car, all 20 mil worth bwahahahaha... I took some pictures that Ill post to my gallery hopefully soon. Woot!
I seen that message, Cro. I just couldn't be bothered replying before i went off, lucky SOB :( oh well i got more '67 tickets :P

Also, i got bored of black on black. So now its black on matte orange wheels :D




Wicked miniature filter photo, so epic. Im gonna do some of those on my next set for surrre. Im also opening a lobby in just a minute, repainting my three wisemen purple. ;)
Big thanks to you Cro my dear sir. I took your advice and made my own track on Tokyo bay Kart track. It was only 0.80 miles long but when I drifted the whole thing with out spinning I felt pro lol. :D

Thanks again even if it's common advice. 👍
No problem man, I greatly believe in those tracks. If it helps with the wheel, it has to help the DS3 drifting too. Oh yeah, Ive started adding hp to my Challenger and its gotten EXTREEEEEMME haha.
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