slipSHOTS: GT4

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
The cropping and the tone are excellent, works really well with the red Evo
The headlights look very beautiful and highly comparable to GT5P
honestly I think white EvoIII is more iconic than the red one in GT1
however please go for Castrol Supra for the memorial update :D

edit: your previous pocket and Ford GT updates are amazing as well
btw ... nice to know you learning pen tool
Alex - By all means my friend, you know far more about cleanup than I do!
The Z was a fluke! :lol:
Yeah, you've played a nice joke Kyle!

Talking about the Evo, the new lighting details are giving a spectacular look, but I miss your old editting style of 2 years old competition entries :D

Impreza Super Touring Car @ Fuji GT







(click polaroids for full size)

Update: Have you got your issue yet? Heh, having a bit of fun with the presentation this time, the images have had a lot of cleanup (as you would expect from a de-stickered race car). Always wanted to do something like this,
I have an AutoArt model of the '03 Rally Car without stickers which served as the inspiration. Enoy!

NTX - That was absolutely the look I was going for, Autumn Ring needs to look more like its name suggests!

Franz - White Evo III? I don't remember it being in any of the ads or anything. The red one wasn't originally supposed to stay red, but the shot looked so nice. It was actually going to be purple, with gold rims; a look of a prize car from back in GT1 :). The Castrol definitely deserves an update, though!

Alex - Really, you have no idea how many Undo + smudge + repeats I had to go through to get the Z looking as it does ;). My way of editing two years ago? Wow... it was really simple back then, but other than cleanup... I still do basically the same things. I guess now I'm more picky about random pixels!
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Very interesting Slip:tup:
The presentation is just amazing, really good to see all that info...polaroids presenting the shots...really nice touch!!! 👍

As for the shots...nothing negative to say...its U all over them...meaning quality shots "as usual" :)

I think it is more fun if you put camouflage on it or make it a test mule or something. Your cleanup is getting better specially those hood lines. However there are few polygonal appearance over the body, but no big deal to most viewers. The page layout is very nice with your usual style that I love. The little writeup is great as well! I guess you working on portfolio or school project, right?
725 - Always good to see you around here! The first shot's my favourite, I'm glad you like it, it was definitely the hardest to clean.

NTX - Haha, thank you as always mate :cheers:

Tapetape - It's the Impreza Super Touring Car, the dream car from GT3. I removed all the stickers bar the windshield banners though :).

JGDA9RS - Excellent, that's what I was going for!

Franz - I thought about camo, but decided that's currently too far out of my envelope in Photoshop. I like to think race teams don't have as much of a need as manufacturers hiding new models ;). Looking at them now I do see the jaggies you mention, so I'll have to work on that next update. I'm happy you're such a fan of the style, I always enjoy doing these things. Not a portfolio/school thing though, but I did actually use a GT image for an entrance portfolio for the course I'm in now!

Update Info: To celebrate the fact I have finally returned to the first page (when sorted by views), the next update will be coming this weekend. It could go numerous ways, as I've got a few things planned. One of them doesn't require a lot of work, but it's something Franz has asked for for a long time. On the other hand... something he's asked for more recently? Hell, I may even open this up for some requests after the next update, to keep interest levels high. Let me know!















Update: This was quite an undertaking, but the first of these is finally ready. I apologize to modems everywhere! These are hosted on a friend's site, just as the Portables collection, to avoid any Imageshack deletion issues. The little medals beside names should be self-explanatory. It was interesting looking back at all the polls; my very first PMC win was in a tie-breaker against Franz! Also, there are 3 weeks where I didn't make the polls, which isn't too bad. Anyways, the other comps will also eventually get updates like this. For now, enjoy!

ceiling_fan - I had a collection of r/l images from a snowy track event there, so that was the inspiration. Glad to know it's hard to recognize, that's the point! I like your's as well, I'll need to visit more often!

jgda9rs - I agree, it is a bit unnatural, and it really frustrated me because I couldn't figure out a way to make it look better. The rest was pretty easy, as was the dampening of the road (and non lens-flare headlights), but that part could use some work. Hope your's was good too, man :cheers:

Alex - This one's for you 👍
Incredible work U have made Slip:tup:
So many great shots, U really are on of the best around here...this update shows that quite well. Look at the times U have won gold or silver...incredible.
Wish to see U here by the time GT5 comes out:tup:


Seriously, it's funny to see this update plenty of surprises. The presentation style is very professional as always, so the quality feeling is powelful enough.

The variety of photos is great to never get bored seeing a so large update, and I was specially amazed with the jumping Fulvia, old Beetle, old carriages, ImprezaVsEvo... well I'm going to put all of them here lol. Everyone have got something good to point out.

I think this batch definitely shows what Photomode can drop out using not so much PS, and it's comming to my mind that popular image of Yamauchi-San in front of a huge panel of printed photomode images... do you remember it guys? I think it was in the official GT4 website. You may do the same Slip, it'll look more pro than those noob photos Yama had there lol.

Yeah I remember the photo that KY standing in front of printed photomode photos. I guess Slipz can do the same :) I have to say Slipz has some very impressive photos with great style of composition to boost. It was a great time that your escort rally car beat my shot long time ago. Didn't know it was your first win in PMC comp.
I'm impressed Slip. As a pro commercial photographer for 20 years I know how much work you've put into a great gallery. I can't choose any favorites - they're all excellent.
Hope you can drop by my gallery sometime.
















Update: 2.0 seemed to better suit me, judging by the amount of times I placed well. Although oddly, there are 3 in this that never made poll, as opposed to only two from PMC. Oh, and something I find funny; the only row not to contain a medal, had a theme where I was mentioned. Heh. Also, some more info from looking back; my first 2.0 win, I caught nearly half the votes! Craziness! Anywho, Enjoy!

NTX - Thanks, and I hope you'll be around here too! I know I definitely will, as long as there's photo mode, I'll be taking pics :cheers:

Alex - Funny you mention it; I printed my recent Pagani in the snow picture out for a friend for Christmas, as a faux-invite to the upcoming Autoshow. He actually thought it was a legitimate ticket from the event! I've wanted to print out some more of my collection and frame the ones I'm especially proud of. I hope you enjoy this collection just as much :)

Franz - It was, and you are still one of the greats, so whenever I'm up against you, that alone is pretty great. Up for some races once GT5 comes along? ;).

Redhawk - I checked out your photography; it's really, really good, and when I saw it was all done the good old-fashioned way, that made it even more impressive. Thanks, man!
Just dropped by to have a stroll around your gallery. I hafta say your banners are way too cool. I'm still brainstorming ideas for my gallery - it's only a week old now. I haven't even had much time to race lately.

The individual shots are really good. You have a good talent for photography. U using digital or film? I stick to my Om1's Om2's and Om4 Olympus / occasionally Nikon F3+Md12 motor drive. For larger formats, Hassel, Mamiya, Horseman, and of course Sinar 4x5 inch.

Anyway, I will have to return for a close look, cuz I'm off to Hong Kong in the morning.

Keep up the excellent work Slip. 👍👍👍

I'm being overwhelmed again! I can imagine the time you spent just putting those previews there. Once again there are a lot of amazing entries, I don't know if you've worked on new images lately or I missed them in a far past.

Anyways I also have planned to print a bunch of my photos! but I've kept back an extra space for GTP guys like you and other Gods. My walls will be proud to host things like these :lol:

Finally, I have to mention the Nür shot "2 fast 4 you", an awesome detail 👍. The threesome Sport Protos, Tuscan at Las Vegas, orange TT, Swift Proto, topless Vette, Audi Quattro, Plymouth's ass, Evil-ish S7, wild Supra, polished 300SX... you can count your glories by dozens.

I have a feeling you will be leaving us soon with all these great entries from the past. Like a good summary following a goodbye. I guess you will grab your GT5 and make another photomode scene again. Can't wait!

There are too many for myself to pick a fav, because they are all very high standard. Not to mention some very iconic photos were used on the comp header and keep inspiring me to make a similar one. My hat off to you 👍

Are you going to post your H2H/Tournament's entry? I think I miss your motion WRX @ Fish market with blue tone. I remember the rims are so nice which I can look at it forever.
Slipz, I still remeber you started you gallery and I was amazed at all of those nice colors you used. You were one of the sources I got some of my inspiration from, you always had great pics in your gallery and great final entries. I hope we will be batteling for the gold with the other GTP members when GT5 arrives. 👍







Update: So since this is a fairly small one, I figured I'd put it up before the H2H stuff. A few things: a gold just means I won the round, except qualifiers. The second one was the 4th highest-voted... but as the other 3 were all tied, I consider that silver ;). Also, the Fish Market STI technically won the round on a tie to Krame, but his STI beat the Cien in the tie-breaker. Oh, and while I did a qualifier for the 6th tournament, some r/l issues meant I never submitted for the first week. So that's why there's the gap. Enjoy!

TVR - I hadn't done any background colour changes in a while, I thought it would look good on Laguna, and look a bit like it did in GT3.

redhawk - My only experience with film is my dad's Minolta and a few Pentax from my high school days. I've got an ancient Coolpix 4500 I saved up for back in high school, but I've been itching to pick up a DSLR for ages now. Film is too costly an option for me ;). Good luck with the gallery!

Alex - New? I may have a surprise for you in a short while, once I get the H2H stuff out of the way :D. The previews take a fair amount of time, especially collecting them and browsing the old threads. I'm glad you enjoy so many of them, I'm positive a few of yours would end up covering my walls. Make that more than a few!

jgda9rs - :lol:. I don't quite get it man, but that did make me laugh.

Swiss Legend - Thanks! I originally found that spot during my old, huge STI update. It's an unfortunate place to work though for truly realistic looking shots; the number of shots that will show off the words are small, and the lighting sucks. Other than that, though... ;).

Franz - This one's for you, buddy :cheers:. I thought it might be taken as such, but I don't plan on leaving. I just was looking back through the gallery one day and saw that you have been asking for comp entries for literally years, and Alex as well more recently, so I figured why not. I'll probably just end up putting new ones up in these respective posts when they come along. I have a confession: The WRX shot has been redone. It should have been saved somewhere, but I couldn't find it anywhere on the computer, and even Imageshack's servers got rid of it. I based things off the preview, so the colour's are very close, the rims are done the same way I used to, and I even resisted doing any serious clean up, since I couldn't back then, haha. The Cien shot wasn't saved in my normal folder either, but Imageshack didn't kill it off. Kinda disappointed, but this one looks so very close. Hope it works man!

LdS - Thanks! I think I may be obsessive-compulsive, that's why I organize the gallery so much ;).

Sej - It's so awesome to see you pop in here. I'm flattered I was of some inspiration. It's been awesome seeing you establish your own style to such a high level, and you've made some incredible, iconic images. You're back on the first page of this, same with Franz! I'm definitely looking forward to GT5 :cheers:
Its always good to see those "blasts from the past"!!! Hope to see U in future Photomode Tournaments, its always good to have U Slip:)

Enjoy GTP!!
NTX - Thanks buddy, I will always be sticking around the Photomode areas with each GT game... it's what takes up most of my time in the games now, I don't race too often anymore!

The final tourney update, H2H, will be up as soon as my webspace is back up. So while this is being bumped back up for people to see... there's actually nothing for them to. Irony!

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