slipSHOTS: GT5

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
Great work, some of the shots have an air of realism. Very good indeed.
Excellent updates Slipz as Franz said the titles on the pictures are a really touch
Excellent work - super professional. Everything just meshes together and fits just right. I feel as though I definitely could be reading that in a magazine. 👍
I only have two quibbles about it, both minor - firstly, the three pages all lack a picture of the front of the car! There's a lot of rear 3/4 angles and very little from the front, a bit more variety would be perfect! And my second quibble is ultra minor - you've misspelled Giulia in your article :P

That aside, fantastic work 👍
Nice to finally see whats behind the cover preview. :D
I have to say, I really like it, it looks pretty good and images are breath taking. But is has some flaws, that, even in some real life magazines, I hate to see it. The text isn't justified and there is a weird page break at the second image, where the image takes part of the next page. Also, I don't think that the Italian flag should go all the way down in page 085, but thats me being picky. :P
Well, I couldn't do better, its true, just though I would point this little things that often get overlooked and sometimes, can make a whole lot of difference. 👍
I love your latest update for a mix of reasons, with the main two being:

Wow, while I was looking at your pictures my cigarette fell out from my mouth and burnt thru my shirt.
That's how amazed I was.
Are you a photogrepher irl?
Beautiful pics.
Just went through your gallery for the 1st time (shame on me!) and I want to start checking it regularly from now on, because it's top notch!👍














(click on images for full-size)

Update Infoi: So uh, this is technically an 81-image update ;). Quiteta bit of work,sand the map isn't perfect (too lazy to make even more divisions), but there it is. For those who playeduthatbfirst game, here's ai look back. There are a fewbismall quibbless(thehAstoni had toGbe a V12amodel, the Scooby rallylacar's too new, it's an early black-roofed NSX), but Inwantedtto bring back the feelings of the first game. I played with tones a lot to mimic those old layouts; did you know there's actually (technically) different times of day in GT1? HSR has two a different look in the B License tests. Enjoy!
I'm on my way out, so I'll have to respond to all theMcommentsRtomorrow, but thank you all for popping in, and I'm glad you're enjoying :cheers: Confirmed for GT6!
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Holy crap, man! Awesome work!

You should change your user title to PHOTOGOD :D

And have this posted on main page :D
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Well The Only thing that can be said is That is the best Update I have ever seen :bowdown: .And the Nostaliga Man Now GT1 that was a Game and a half
Nice work slip. It must have taken ages to put this all together! My favourites have to be the GTO and the Mazda
Wew, excellent work... I never really played GT1, I got into the series in GT2... they weren't that different though, this does bring back a few memories :P

I can't imagine the work that would have gone into slicing up and laying out that map... I just don't have the patience for stuff like that :dopey:

Brilliant, brilliant work!
Okay, so, after huge delays, my responses to the comments about the Quadrifoglio Alleggerita article:

Arsenal-squared - Thanks both of you, and to '92, the last image was always my favourite, I knew it'd be the article closer!

Dan_ - Thank you, sir! I guess all the years of reading Evo (wow, it's been around 9 years) has trained me for most of it :D

SVX - Nah, no photocopy... I scanned it :P

C_F - You're too kind, about both this and the current update. :cheers:

Diabolical - Actually, yes, though it's been on the backburner for a while now due to that whole pesky real-life thing. A potential custom layout for a magazine might debut around these parts; the thing is, it'd borrow very heavily from Evo anyways since I love the aesthetic they've cultivated. As for their forum response... no matter, some of this stuff makes very useful portfolio additions :)

MR - Gallery updates have been too long apart; this probably was due to the dread I felt trying to fill in the rest of the articles from that magazine cover. I have more updates planned for the near future, that will still have fun presentation and themes like this current GT1 one, but I'll not be bound by the magazine layout, at least for a while. Hope this makes up for it!

Mog That's what I was aiming for... the magazine sitting on the desk during the process certainly helped, then!

GPR - Thank you sir, it's great to hear that coming from you 👍

Sprite & 725 - Thank yous to both of you crafty veterans. Always glad to hear from you both :).

Rev - First quibble; I agree! Sadly, I had all the shots in the bag before I realized that, and couldn't replicate the weather I had during the original shoot for a second try. Odd that I ended up with what I did, since the front 3/4 is perhaps my favourite angle of the car. As for the second... curses! I knew I need to run over things one more time! :P

emptysoul & bmxmitch - Gracias!

Nick - Yeah, the text not being justified was something I looked into... I'll explain later. Specifically, it ties into the image bleeding into the other page, and the Italian flag motif extending to the page edge; all these features were in the hardcopy of Evo I had on my desk (it was an article on the evolution of the M3, actually, that was used as the primary source of inspiration). Evo's text tends to do the same thing, their images quite regularly bleed over a bit to the other pages, and the ///M colours had went past the usual boundaries on that article, so I decided to stick with it. These things might or might not change if I do go forward on my own layouts :P

AOS- - Thank you, thank you!

TVRFF - The lighting was a stroke of luck at Monza, hooray for variable weather that doesn't end up in rain, bizarrely!

Yev - Slipshots is not held responsible for damaged clothing during viewing! Actually, yes, I do a fair amount of photography in real life, mostly portraiture stuff, and not nearly enough automobile work. So I get my kicks through GT5.

JohnnyBravo - Thank you! I'll be sure to start updating more regularly to give people more reason to check!
Pour Interludes: McLaren MP4-12C @ Cape Ring South



(click on tabs for full-size)

Update Info: So it's only... a third of a year late, roughly, but finally, finally, I have this up. It's been so long actually, that Interludes has moved from being a Super Mod to a Staff Emeritus. This was supposed to be done up like the magazine articles, but I just don't have the time for that, so I whipped up a small something for presentation. For those who haven't checked out the GT1 update yet, go scroll up to the first post on this page, now! And if you have... enjoy the new Macca :)

Rossticles - Thanks; I needed something similar to a garage, and since we don't have the GT4 Photo Travel locations anymore, I'm glad I found somewhere else suitable :)

C_F - Heh, thank you sir, but I think I'll stick to this title for now ;). Also, I don't think Jordan would take kindly to me using the front page for personal reasons!

Sems - Funny you say that; I replayed it to get some info for this update and I forgot how insanely easy it was to plow through that game. Other than the enduros, it's entirely possible to wrap the thing up in a few hours!

725 - You have no idea. This probably took more time than my GT4 versions (B-License Memorial & Sunday Cup Memorial) because of the varied cars, photoshop work on the Miata, and the obvious presentation work. Glad to see it seems to have paid off, though :)

Grand Prix - You think you are?! ;) I had so much fun revisiting GT1, I think I'll continue the trend in a few weeks...

Sar593 - Well, let me be one of the first to welcome you back, and thank you for the very kind words 👍

Rev - Yep, the slicing was the most evil part. Note to future-self; looking at the clock every few minutes never works in your favour when you're slicing up a navigation image.

20832 - I make the original, single image in Photoshop, then start slicing it up into smaller ones. For that 67-picture monster, there's a dozen rows consisting of anywhere from 3 to 9 images each. I just lay them all in like bricks to a house; very close together with no space, and keep track of which need to actually link to the full-sizers. Voila!

Skython11 - That's Photoshop work to better emulate the R-Modification for the Eunos Roadster in the original game 👍

Everybody Else - Thank you for taking the time to check it out!
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It's always the same when I visit your gallery. I scroll through it and drool drool drool!
Then I want to leave a comment, but couldnt say/write anything, because I'm still drooling! :D

I really would like to see how you do stuff like this. Not just how you make pictures look so damn good, but especially how you make those nice links in those pics. Excellent work:tup:

You should change your Title from Photomod to Photogod dear Sir! ;)