SNAIL - Endurance Series (Archive)

  • Thread starter BradESPN
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On it!! I have an idea already.

What do you all think of a drafting race. Will we get enough people. Having Tex in the mix last night was a blast honestly. (I was cussing up a storm) haha but it was a shock to a few that he won. (CONGRATS BY THE WAY) maybe we can promote the race.

Thinking we have BOP on with a couple of cars for choice and the increased advantage for people who have fallen behind to where it’ll be anyone’s race.

DONT GET YOUR HOPES UP. I am spit ballin here but am looking for a little feedback.


(that's Canadian for I don't like the sound of that idea but I'm a little too polite to say so)
I have wondered how 2 cars, same Category, (how assigned is up to Management) with BoP would match up.
Could make a good test for future D-1,
D-2 races when numbers have increased.

As for last night’s race - I was the most surprised at being in P-1. The final 10 mins were tense, not wanting to make a cornering mistake.
Also wondered whatever possessed that guy to park out on the track - not moving for numerous laps.
Received the following from @Neutty this morning:
“I just found out today that I have a customer coming into the shop Tuesday and I may have to take them out to dinner. So I may not be able to race. Can you please take over the Endurance selection for me please. Thank you.

I’m giving it to you because you won the last race and I feel it should have gone to you anyway instead of reverting back to the top.”

In response, I Checked with @BradESPN for approval - also inquired about a Test Run next Tuesday utilizing the BoP within a Category of cars. Having obtained the go-ahead, I will work on the possibilities tonight.

Drivers will be free to choose any car within the Category. Hopefully all cars will be equally competitive. We will see how that works out.

If anyone has prior experience with that premise, please advise.
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I beleive what neutty is trying to say is if you pick a gr4 car that anybody would be able to pick any car from that group...
if you're choosing gr.3 here is a link to a very intricate BoP test done by one of the fastest racers in Britain.

It's a little dated, I'm not sure if he's done this testing since the latest physics change - but it at least gives you a baseline to start from.

However, I wouldn't worry so much about finding a track where all cars are even, people will have choice, so if somebody chooses a gr.3 car that sucks compared to other gr.3's - they really only have themselves to blame. For the most part - there will always be at least 3-4 cars (at minimum) that are competitive with each other on every track, even if one of them is "the best".

Announcement concerning race on Tuesday 2/26/19
Final race in Season 5

Balance Of Power Race

Track: Autodromo Nazionale Monza
Time: 08:00 Fine Weather

Car Category: Gr 3
Choose from any Gr 3 car in GTS

Tires: RS, RM, RH
Fuel: 3X Tires: 3X

Announcement concerning race on Tuesday 2/26/19
Final race in Season 5

Balance Of Power Race

Track: Autodromo Nazionale Monza
Time: 08:00 Fine Weather

Car Category: Gr 3
Choose from any Gr 3 car in GTS

Tires: RS, RM, RH
Fuel: 3X Tires: 3X
Thank you for doing this !!
I was pretty disappointed in my performance at Willow last week (I was driving like BradFoxSports out there), so I'll definitely have a practice room open when I get home from work. Hopefully that's sometime around 7:00 EST.
Hey @BradESPN do you see yourself coming back to Sunday nights?
Yes. I just need to get a shifter so I don’t have any excuses. With my current setup (Wheelstand Pro + Couch) a shifter doesn’t really work, but I’m moving this summer into a house with room for a full rig, shifter included.

In other words, I’ll see you on Sunday nights starting in August most likely.
Not sure I can get there this soon.
Will there be a 40-50 min test run later, as we used to do?
Practice room for 40-min test run
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