SNAIL - Endurance Series (Archive)

  • Thread starter BradESPN
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My skill level does not allow me to be anything more than a speed bump among the current endurance drivers. If there are plans to have a second division with less skilled drivers consider me full time!

If having three digit numbers is allowed I would like to be #479. If not, #01 please. Thanks!
My skill level does not allow me to be anything more than a speed bump among the current endurance drivers. If there are plans to have a second division with less skilled drivers consider me full time!

If having three digit numbers is allowed I would like to be #479. If not, #01 please. Thanks!
The more drivers that commit, the better chance there is of creating 2 divisions. I am in the same boat as you, but it was the length of the race that basically kept me away. The core group of drivers in this series (@BradESPN, @Neutty, @TEX36, @MikeGrove, @Herimopp89) are very friendly and always willing to help guys like you and me. I encourage you to reconsider. It will only make you a better driver in the long run.
I can probably do the race #2s more often now. I'm sad to see the 90min race go though =/

I was a fan of this event too - but unfortunately I don't think we had enough interest to sustain a decent sized running on a weekly basis. I know some endurance leagues that run on a monthly basis have more turnout - so this change was in an effort to bring new drivers that may have been scared off by the 90 minutes.

There were a few people who've tried racing with us only to park the car after 30 minutes.

The thought behind introducing the two races was to possibly bring some drivers from Sunday for some extended practice in the 40 minute race, and if they enjoyed the racing they would possibly stick around for the second race.

The only downside is now with the shorter races, a bad error can ruin any chances of possibly recovering for a win - whereas with the longer stint 1-2 minor accidents and you could possibly still catch up.

That being said, a horrible accident means you don't have to race for 90 minutes bringing up the rear...

We're not committed to the change permanently, but we're experimenting - which allows us to figure out what the best setup will be for the night.

I'm excited for the changes too - especially the reverse grid for the second race.
Season 6 Official Drivers

I'm going to use this post to keep track of official drivers for Season 6. Here's what I have so far:

#4 - @Sean Renon
#5 - @MikeGrove
#12 - @Neutty
#24 - @BradESPN
#36 - @TEX36
#51 - @Nick Cannella
#55 - @Herimopp89
#95 - @soundtiger95
#?? - @Bubdub804

If you'd like to be a full-time participant in our series, please reply to this post and I'll update the list. I'm hoping we get enough drivers to warrant re-splitting into two divisions.

@Nick Cannella / @Bubdub804 - let me know what number you'd like, and I'd be happy to create a custom nameplate for you both. Updates to everyone else's nameplates will be coming this weekend.
Awesome. I would like #54. Thx
I was a fan of this event too - but unfortunately I don't think we had enough interest to sustain a decent sized running on a weekly basis. I know some endurance leagues that run on a monthly basis have more turnout - so this change was in an effort to bring new drivers that may have been scared off by the 90 minutes.

There were a few people who've tried racing with us only to park the car after 30 minutes.

The thought behind introducing the two races was to possibly bring some drivers from Sunday for some extended practice in the 40 minute race, and if they enjoyed the racing they would possibly stick around for the second race.

The only downside is now with the shorter races, a bad error can ruin any chances of possibly recovering for a win - whereas with the longer stint 1-2 minor accidents and you could possibly still catch up.

That being said, a horrible accident means you don't have to race for 90 minutes bringing up the rear...

We're not committed to the change permanently, but we're experimenting - which allows us to figure out what the best setup will be for the night.

I'm excited for the changes too - especially the reverse grid for the second race.

I totally get the reasoning behind the changes. 90 minutes is a long time to be behind the wheel/controller. It will definitely generate more interest for sure. Of course, I'm just a masochist.
I’ve been under the impression that snail endurance series was for Div1/2 only. Been hoping I’d make it into D2 at some point as the endurance format, both online and IRL, has always been appealing. Do I understand this is open to anyone? If yes, please count me in.
Season 6 Official Drivers

If you'd like to be a full-time participant in our series, please reply to this post and I'll update the list. I'm hoping we get enough drivers to warrant re-splitting into two divisions.

@Nick Cannella / @Bubdub804 - let me know what number you'd like, and I'd be happy to create a custom nameplate for you both. Updates to everyone else's nameplates will be coming this weekend.

@BradESPN I would like to join the endurance series for season 6 as #44. I’d be grateful if you can manage a nameplate for me as well. If this becomes a burden let me know. I’m not traveling this weekend any longer and could work it out (recall seeing it posted elsewhere).

Thank you much! Duc
@BradESPN I would like to join the endurance series for season 6 as #44. I’d be grateful if you can manage a nameplate for me as well. If this becomes a burden let me know. I’m not traveling this weekend any longer and could work it out (recall seeing it posted elsewhere).

Thank you much! Duc
You’re in, welcome aboard!
I’ve been under the impression that snail endurance series was for Div1/2 only. Been hoping I’d make it into D2 at some point as the endurance format, both online and IRL, has always been appealing. Do I understand this is open to anyone? If yes, please count me in.
What gave you that impression?
My skill level does not allow me to be anything more than a speed bump among the current endurance drivers. If there are plans to have a second division with less skilled drivers consider me full time!

If having three digit numbers is allowed I would like to be #479. If not, #01 please. Thanks!

With the recent sign ups, you'll now be the 12th driver, which means two divisions make sense again.

Note that on most (if not all) nights you'll still be sharing the track with D1. D2 will only be split off into its own lobby if we get a lot of drivers showing up ad hoc.

Good luck, and welcome aboard!
Are we going to have open choice again with BoP?

Personally I'm not a fan of the open choice - but that's mostly because I like driving the McLaren so much and that thing is horse**** compared to most other group 3/4 cars LOL.
Personally I'm not a fan of the open choice - but that's mostly because I like driving the McLaren so much and that thing is horse**** compared to most other group 3/4 cars LOL.

Yeah, I enjoyed blowing by people on straights last race haha.
The spec does level things out nicely compared to BoP. I don't know who does their balancing system, but it's off.

I tried race C in the Epson NSX and got my ass handed to me because everyone else picked the newer SuperGT cars.
The spec does level things out nicely compared to BoP. I don't know who does their balancing system, but it's off.

I tried race C in the Epson NSX and got my ass handed to me because everyone else picked the newer SuperGT cars.

Supposedly they have a small team of very fast drivers in Asia that give them data, and then they do what they want with this data.
Certain cars have been horrible for a long time, but they've been left untouched.

Ever since the "new" older group 2 cars have come out they've been bad compared to the newer models, like you cant even compete in them bad.

The problem is worse in the N categories with certain cars being N400 or N500 but being equally as fast if not faster than cars an entire category above them.

BoP for the most part does it's job - even in the latest Nations race (group 3 at RedBull) there were 4-5 cars that the very top split of drivers were picking - but then you get scenarios like the group 4 race at Suzuka a few weeks back (again a nations race) where 99% of top split drivers were in the Alfa Romeo.

Unfortunately, tuning ALL of the cars to be even would require a ton of work, and you'd never actually achieve "even" because certain cars would be better on certain tracks etc etc, I would say the BoP is better than it ever has been - but certain cars have always underperformed and will likely continue to underperform.

However if they ever buff the McLaren - watch out, that thing (other than a little understeer) is glued to the damn track.
I definitely agree it is better overall. I was sick of seeing BMWs being the fastest (to the point where it is not even fair). I always pick different cars because I like to make things difficult, but of course it does me no favors if I want to be competitive. It's why I've just given up on the whole "i must win" mentality and adopted the "F it, i'm gonna drive this has hard as possible ALL THE TIME". It makes for spectacular crashes.

The older gr2 cars just lack grip so bad

I have no idea what you're talking about! The NSX is so easy to drive!

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