**COMPLETED ** SNAIL Gr4-MPCC Season 1 Champions: GTR4MROD(GS)/ MrDonovan(TCR)

  • Thread starter llNovall
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Nova, I have family coming in tonight. I wont be able to make the race. :(

Get us a good reserve driver for our team points! Lol
Sounds good sir, thanks for the notice and have a great night with the family.:cheers:

With Moby's reported absence, an opening in the TCR Class is available to you for tonight's event at Kyoto. Good luck, and see you on the grid. Room opens 9pm est.👍
@llNovall I hate to do it on short notice but I was informed when I got to work this morning that I need to go over to the coast today and handle a couple of things. I don't know that I will be back in time to make the start so it's probably best that I give up my spot for this evening. If I do make it home in time I will post here and inquire about an opening at that time.
@llNovall I hate to do it on short notice but I was informed when I got to work this morning that I need to go over to the coast today and handle a couple of things. I don't know that I will be back in time to make the start so it's probably best that I give up my spot for this evening. If I do make it home in time I will post here and inquire about an opening at that time.
All good sir. Thanks for the notice and hope we catch you next event.:cheers:

@Harry Rowley ,
As the only other Reserve confirmed available from either class, you have a grid spot available for tonight to cover JLBowler's reported absence. GS Class will run 11 cars, with TCR at 5.

@JLBowler if you do happen to make it back, let me know or just jump in if there is an opening showing at 9:15pm est. I have one driver intending to race, but I was given a heads up that he was recieving a Covid vaccination today, and to have a driver on the ready if available in case he wasn't feeling well.
The good part is that I'm going to get some fresh clam chowder for lunch today. For those familiar with the California coast, I'll be in the area between Santa Cruz and Monterey today.
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The good part is that I'm going to get some fresh clam chowder for lunch today. For those familiar with the California coast, I'll be in the area between Santa Cruz and Monterey today.
Man, enjoy that. Sounds like a great day. Cold and windy here in MD.;)
I got my shot. Hope to feel okay through the evening. If same as my wife, I will have issues feeling bad 18 hours into it.
I have son’s basketball this evening but should be done and home by :15 after the hour. But I could very well could miss qually. Doesn’t make a difference because I’m only potentially sacrificing 1 or 2 grid spaces!
MPCC Spotter guide SVG Event 9.png

Event #9

at Kyoto Driving Park-Yamagiwa
Friday, March 5th, 2021
at 9pm est
Pre-Race Briefing

We're about 8 hours away from our Event #9 at Kyoto Driving Park-Yamagiwa. This track layout has a great record of intense close racing in other series, and I expect it to be much of the same for tonight. I'd like to remind all drivers to continue to observe rules regarding overlap, corner rights, and observing the racing lines of your opponents and your own. Lets have another clean competitive race night.

Track Boundary Clarifications:
The usual 2 wheels inside any white line/asphalt runoffs, or on the curbing.

Drivers are asked to please review or refresh themselves with the following tabs in the first post:

Tab 1.7 Start Procedure (especially GS drivers)
^^Disregard in split race rooms^^
Tab 4.2 Caution Process
**GS Drivers** Please be familiar with the start procedure for Multi-Class race start. Any questions, please ask.
For Reference:
Confirmation Reminder Post for Event #9

Driver BOP Regulation Chart

We have 2 absences reported for this event, both in the TCR Class which will be covered as follows:
1.) @Stryker13 will be racing in place of @Moby45 and will be teamed up with myself (Nova) for tonight's team effort.
2.) @Harry Rowley will be racing in place of @JLBowler and will be teamed up with @stelephant for the team effort. Since we had no other TCR Reserves available, the open grid spot will be filled by our 1st available Reserve, @Harry Rowley as an additional GS Class entry.
Tomorrow night's grid:
GS Class Primary
@llNovall / II-NOVA-II
@TEX36 / TEX36
@Rob Brown / no1needs2perish
@nmcp1 /nmcp1
@Bologna_Duc / Bologna_Duc
@Noob01_lmdead / rauljimenez76
@Roman_GT23 / Roman_GT23
@GTP_Guido / GTP_Guido
@IceWarden /Ice_Warden
@Harry Rowley / Harry_Rowley_10 (1st GS Reserve)

TCR Class Primary
@stelephant / stelephant
@Phlano099 / Phlano_099
@MrDonovan /MrDonovan
@Stryker13 /DrSpyderPig (1st TCR Reserve)

Available Reserves
(If any positions become available up to the start of Qualifying, you will be messaged.)
The Race Room and Party Chat will be open for entries and warm up around 8:50pm est. Please be in the room no later than 9:10pm est to have your entry verified.
15 minute Open Qualifying to start at 9:15pm est.

Good luck to everyone and see you all on the grid for the green flag:cheers:
Guess I better start practicing tonight :) And I got handicapped...right before we go to a high speed track. So you might want to raise the amount of time after the race ends if I am going to be able to finish :)
Guess I better start practicing tonight :) And I got handicapped...right before we go to a high speed track. So you might want to raise the amount of time after the race ends if I am going to be able to finish :)
Nah, not gonna belive that til its over. That Porsche holds speed in the corners, and there are many at Kyoto. Good luck tonight.:cheers:
Please be in the room no later than 9:10pm est to have your entry verified.
My son’s basketball game got moved back a half hour. Now in jeopardy of missing race 1 start. If you have a reserve for GS, please give them my spot. If I get home somehow with a spot open, I’ll get in.
My son’s basketball game got moved back a half hour. Now in jeopardy of missing race 1 start. If you have a reserve for GS, please give them my spot. If I get home somehow with a spot open, I’ll get in.
Thanks for the heads up. All Reserves confirmed available have been exhausted, so at this point the spot will be open for you or @JLBowler to fill if able. First one to make it in will secure the entry.. Hope one of you can make it.:cheers:
Room ID: 0475 4250 4683 2651 3732
0475 4250 4808 2553 9652

Party chat open as well.
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